Minstrel for lease :)



Okey i need money ... and don't laugth... :(

been thinking of doing trees for money :D 20 gold each member per hour ;)

can also be your run slave for a nice price :)

/msg Combat or Cleric in game if u need a minstrel for trees or something ... and i will se what i can do :)

ps. i won't do it for tree by no chance cos i hate trees only doing it for money :):clap:


haha common man just hang in there , fight for the cash :) kill some gobs hehe they will give u enough money i mean thats what most of us had to do :p, so it depends if there is sommin urgent u need to buy...but u said 20 godl per person an hour..erm no offense or anythign but thats way too much ;/ .....do you have any special offers by any chance ? :p


i need money for crafting .. and its pretty hard for me to get a tangler group can i can't kill gobos


well ure lvl 50, tangler groups should be easy for u to find if ure a mins , just spend ages there colecting cash,, have u got a guild? if u have ask the to get together a cash making session or sommin at gobbos.

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