Milton Keynes



Anyone else live in the "best new city in the world" too? :)

I live in the Fishermead area.....I've spotted several infiltrators and assassins too (dodgy geezers).


People... Live... In.... Milton Keynes?

I was sure no-one did, until now...


I thought it was just one big island? It seems like it from what ive seen anyway. Too much road for too few buildings...

Theres a nice Go-Karting track tho :D


Worst city in the country. Glad I moved away some years ago ;)


Whats wrong with MK? The road system does work. Hardly and bottlenecks anywhere and you dont have to have knowledge of places and roads to find any address since it has a system of horizontal and vertical roads e.g. H6 Childs Way, V11 Brickhill Road.

We have Food and Theatre districts where you can find your supermarkets and cinemas respectively. Ample parking. Whats the problem?


There are only 2 places I have been to in the world that genuinely scared me. Belfast (at the height of the troubles) and Milton Keynes. Milton Keynes comes top, no doubt about it. A uniquely creepy place. I am still haunted by the roundabouts....


Where to begin? Lets see...
It's too uniform and well, weird. Has all the personality of a cornflakes box (i.e. massproduced and utterly like all other cornflakes boxes).
It never gets dark which is freaky (trust me, stand in the city centre at night, it's like twilight not actual darkness).
All the places to eat/drink are in the centre of town, there's nothing (except maybe a lone crap pub) nearer than than several miles for a lot of the population.

Yes the road system works, but that hardly makes up for it being so surreal and creepy.


Its artifficial, its Genetically Modified, we dont like it, booo.

COme to London, now there is a real living breathing city that is purely Organic, sure Organic does cost more, but it tastes better and we dont use any artifficial flavourings or preservatives :D


Hehee I think I realise what youre getting at Dannyn. There isnt much character to the city. Well maybe there is but its called "boring". I dont go out in MK much except to the cinema as a) pubs are shit, b) no rock night clubs and c) I'm always playing DAoC

I much prefer the coastal city of Plymouth where I grew up personally.

Still, what is a city except a place to live or work? Happiness is within ones own soul.


Genetically modified?! LOL more like "american designed".

Seriously. I've been to Raleigh, NC and its just like it. I swear to God. You need a car to go anywhere.

London is expensive, very interesting but the most likely target in the next world war.


Wimbledon FC are going to milton keynes, whats up widdat?!


Originally posted by chesnor
There are only 2 places I have been to in the world that genuinely scared me. Belfast (at the height of the troubles) and Milton Keynes. Milton Keynes comes top, no doubt about it. A uniquely creepy place. I am still haunted by the roundabouts....

I remember giving directions on teh way to ozzfest last year it was like.

5 roundabouts down left 5 roundabouts down right 2 roundabouts down left 3 roundabouts down..

And they had corporate names on some of them, scary....

Although the cinema was quite good when I got taken there a month or so ago, but sped out of there pretty quickly..

A city with no soul and a name thought up as a economist geeks idea of a joke.. scary...


On the Wimbledon FC move to MK, dunno mate I think its cos we got modern everything. We got the MK Bowl (Ozzfest, Iron Maiden-under different name, etc), a Snow Dome (quite expensive skiing and just two long slopes) and we got another stadium which is for hockey I think.

I live in a shared house with 3 zimbabweans (that Mugabe bloke is a psycho inneee mate?) and 1 thai girl (sucky sucky five dollar ehheehe). Personally if I didn't have a good job here and a sense of adventure I'd never have moved here.

I think the next place I will move to is Nottingham (5-1 female-male ratio).


Had to go there a few times last year on business. It is strange beyond recognition. Was very quick to get where we were going though, so as little time was spent soaking in the atmosphere...

As for London having no artificial ingredients? WHAT? Does it have any natural ingredients left?


If yer want good ole natural towns and cities, come fair Yorkshire, theres nowhere better, just stay away from Leeds, awful place, and even worse football team ;)


MK rules!!... kinda......

I live in Bradwell Common... nice area except for the people, houses and environment....

As for there being no rock clubs Lanceloc..what about Bar Central? It's great if you dont mind the sight of blood..... erm......

Seriously though, its an ok place to live... Its well set out (no confusing directions like 3rd left,then right, two more left etc.....) and theres lots to do if you have a little money, and if not.. you have DAoC at home... play that instead!!

We also have the National Hockey Stadium, two bowling alleys, two clubs with a £10 all you can drink policy one night a week, some excellent shops, two cinemas, many restaraunts pubs and bars, and a HQ for an organisation hell bent on World domination through the use of monkeys...... erm maybe you should all ignore that last part..... (soon my pretties, soon...........). We even have our own accent!! My brother has it, but I havent yet and ive been here since i was 3.... 23 good years (sighs whistfully).

Overall an ok place to live


I think the next place I will move to is Nottingham (5-1 female-male ratio).

Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha that's erm, not quite true. Believe me, it's not that apparent. Well, the places I go there seems to be many more men than women anyway. Dum de dum.

And on the subjuct of MK, it's really not that bad. I used to live near Bedford so went to MK quite a bit, it's easy to find your way around, never any congestion trouble. Although it is a bit 'samey' all the way through.

Remember: to sound as if you are from Bedford, just replace all your vowels with U (unless it's a double vowel, then leave it as it is), and all s's with Z's.

So, you have
"Huw ure you guttung untu tuwn?"
"U thunk u mught tuke thu Buz"
"Cun you gut a buttury fur my doorbull, ut's brukun"
"U'll gut a bull to pluy footie wuth too"
"Brung mu thu bull fur the buttury, U'll pay you buck."


Originally posted by Ardwan
If yer want good ole natural towns and cities, come fair Yorkshire, theres nowhere better, just stay away from Leeds, awful place, and even worse football team ;)

Absolutely right Ardwan. I'm a Yorkie girl being forced to live in exile in Kent and I work in North West London (which is a travel nightmare) and I suffer badly from Yorkshire homesickness.

I totally agree about Leeds as well. It might be reinventing itself as the London of the North but it's utter b**llcks. I had the great misfortune to live in a town just 10 miles north of, but under the control of Leeds City Council, and boy do they know how to muck things up!

Bring back the ridings and let us country folk get away from the big city chiefs and back to our nice rural way of life.

Plus, we've got the best beer and best pubs in England.


Originally posted by Cadiva

Plus, we've got the best beer and best pubs in England.

No arguments from me, and you know it! :D

Can't say that MK's all good, or all bad. Cinema's great, plenty of places to eat 'til you :puke: , but on the whole, it's a city without a personality. Concrete everywhere. Bad traffic at 8am next to the A5 (I drive through there every day).

Still, it could be worse - it could be Luton!

Lafala Arifel

Originally posted by Lanceloc
London is expensive, very interesting but the most likely target in the next world war.
*packs her bags...*

Well I've never been to MK, but as far as London goes my opinion has always been "great place to visit, awful place to live".
Lived in central(ish) London for 3 years now and I'm thinking it's about time to escape and move on to somewhere that has the short, spiky green stuff (I believe you non captial city dwellers refer to it as "grass") before the Londonisation effects set in more permanently:

1. Develop a bad cough (caused by smog/fumes)
2. Suffer from road rage and/or pedestrian rage
3. Fear of pigeons
4. Addiction to Starbucks coffee
5. It doesn't matter if it's 35C outside, you'll still be carrying your black umbrella around with you...
6. There's always room for one more on the tube, damnit! I must get to my destination 30 seconds earlier!

...etc :D


Originally posted by Lanceloc
London is expensive, very interesting but the most likely target in the next world war.

If there is a third world war, somehow I don't think it will matter if they hit London first as the rest of the country and, indeed, the world will follow soon after.
I'd rather go straight away than spend six months dying of radiation sickness ;)

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