might be a dumb question but...



As announced yesterday, it has been decided to change the passwords of all our customers as a precaution. The first phase began yesterday and changed your GAME passwords. In the coming days, we will do the same procedure for the SUBCRIPTION passwords. Once this is done, we will restart our subscription pages.

We are very aware of all the problems that will arise due to these procedures, especially for the ones of you who did not keep their information up to date (email, etc). All the problems will be treated on a case by case basis as soon as we re-open our Customer Support tool RightNow.

how can you log into rightnow if they changed your pass and you dont have it?


You can't. Neither can you log into the subs page to cancel your account which is what I'm doing when it comes back up ;) I was thinking of canceling it anyway and this definatly swayed my opinion, Mythic have just posted a grab bag stating they've never been hacked so I don't see why GOA should be any different. Plus I've just started playing Anarchy Online now most of the bugs are gone and the expansion looms and the amount of content is staggering compared to DAOC so I'm in no hurry to return and if I do it will be on the US servers, so long all ;)


if you're in the position were you cannot log into rightnow 'cos they've changed your sub pass and you didn't update your email on your account page (shame on you!) then you can email subscription@goa.com Of course, that's linked to RightNow! so won't be working until everything is back up...


So this means that all the ppl that wasn't able to pay the subs
earlyer have to waith a few days more then.. this is just perfect
Thanx GOA, your the best .. NOT


thought the email would be the case, and i suppose its all they can do. was just a little confused by the info is all

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