Mids Uber Tactics???



We hear a lot about Mids Uber Tactics. I just think they are twinks. And I even will bother to explain why.

3fg are going on a nice castle run, no biggy and we start nicely killing of the gaurds, etc. At some point mistireusly teleport 2fg of mid in the castle and 10 min later 3fg run from behind.

What happend here? Easy.

We where scouted or 1 mid was in the castle (okies, can happen, no biggie). Reports it on /gu so support is on the way (we expected the 3fg, prob even more....).

But instead they send reinforcements mids just switch to they're characters who are camped in the castle.

This is just twinkish, even worse its a form a low level behaivor close to cheating.

So do have mids Uber Tactics? No, they are just a bunsh of twinks, lacking etiquete. But hey, what can you expect of them? It are mids after all.

And we only see this twinkish behaivor from mids on all servers.

So gratz for the mids, you did win with your twinkish style of play. But do not say this is tactics.



Reminds me of the time we tried a relic raid to get our strength relic back. Our Sb's only spotted 1 alb inside the relic keep and we waited until that person logged. After which we charged the relic keep. Although no alb came into the relic due to have AOE spam of the gatekeeper, several fg's alb casters mysteriously appeared atop the battlements of the relic keep. So... go figure.. :)


Originally posted by Fagane
We where scouted or 1 mid was in the castle (okies, can happen, no biggie). Reports it on /gu so support is on the way (we expected the 3fg, prob even more....).

your guild not claimed a keep since last patch, I take it?

"A Viking Jarl has been killed at your outpost, there are 25 enemies in the area" is now broadcast automatically across /gu whenever a guard at your keep is killed.


Hey, thats cool, and no problem there, even if the reinforcements would wack us before we claim a keep, its still cool. Just the spontaneus relogin of characters in the keep is twinkish.


Yeah it's a shame, stop people from being able to log in the frontier is prob the only solution, but that would more than likely cause probs with your char being saved and if you go ld or something you spawn in your realm, not much use in general :)

Given this trend maybe it wasn't the smartest idea to make keep guards so much harder but there you go :(


My guild has tried to hold Beno several times now. Upgraded keep to lvl 10, and upgraded doors to lvl 6.
However, only way those cheap ass mids and hibs take it is with 3 rams per door, and about 6 fg.
No way we can get there in time, from the first message that someone has been killed, etc. We arrive just as they will take it.
Only way will be if we log our mains inside, and go play alts I guess.
Ah well, just the way it is.
Regards, Glottis


Let me get this straight, if I have my main logged in a keep whilst I go level an alt or do some crafting. You then attack that keep and expect me to not log my other character in to defend?


I don't understand the point of this thread either, really.... Everyone is probably doing the same thing: albs, mids, hibs. One benefit of leveling an alt to 50 really having it logged and ready at guild keep (or relic keep) to defend.

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