As mentioned a few times, this coming november to a Vale near you. The Midgard Winter Festival. The weekend of November 1st and "nd will see the Vale of Mularn transformed into a hive of activities, fun and games. With many fun events and games for people of allclasses and lvls to join and enjoy. Following is a list alrady confirmed events more may follow in the weeks to come.
The Great Midgard Treasure Hunt:
Teams of 4 people will race across Midgard following clues and answering riddles, in an effort to locate all the hidden treasures, and be the first team to return home and win the prize. Which for this is event is a set of Mastercrafted Chain, Leather, Cloth and Studded Armour for lvl 50's, the lower lvl events have armour relevant to their lvls. The basics of the event is follow the clue to the location of the next trasure, on your way work out the riddle, and when you arrive give the answer to the treasure keeper when you arrive, They in turn will give you a new clue and riddle to follow once you have answered all 7 riddles and have the treasures return home, first team home wins as does the last
Lvl Ranges: 10-20 entrance fee 2g per person
21-40 entrance fee 10g per person
41-50 entrance fee 25g per person
There may also be a special prize given for this event.
Scheduled Date: Saturday 1st November... times to follow.
Lucky Dip: their will be 40 tickect available for this small event, once all tickets are sold on the day, the draw will begin 1 prize per person and 1 ticket per account.. no naught buffbots. Everyone garaunteed a prize..Prizes Range for Frigid Glacier Skins, Tg Weapons, too a crafted bronze dagger Ticket prizes are 250g per ticket.
The Grand Midgardian Tournee: Time to discover who the best of the best really is. Split into to sections, Class and Champions Battle Royal this dueling competition like the treasure hunt lvl ranged, is designed in the following format: Entrants for the lvl ranges to be listed below, will do combatin a straight forward knockout tournement, no buffbots allowed or the use of alchemy potions and charges, the use of totems is allowed, ut all entrants will be requested to register how many they carry before their event begins. The use of Realm abilities will be allowed, though matches will not be delayed to allow someone to get IP back up for example. In the end there can be only one, once for each class and lvl range a champion is crowned, they will the proceed onto the Battle Royal where the Champions of their classes will enter into another knockout tournement, pitting them against the champions of the other classes. Till only two remain and they do battle for the Title of King of the Pit. A dueling pit for both melee and mages has been designed specially for this tournement.
Lvl Ranges: 10-20 2g per entrant
21-30 10g per entrant
31-40 20g per entrant
41-49 40g per entrant
lvl 50 60g oer entrant
Prizes for this events depend on lvl but all prizes are class orientated. Prizes for the lvl tournement is a set of tg armour per class, this set is Arms, leggings, boots, gloves and Crown.. everythign basically except the jerkin. A number of Prizes are in store for the winner, runner up and second runner up of the Battle Royal. To apply for entry email Durgidaoc@yahoo.co.uk with the name and lvl range/s of the characters you wish to enter with.
Date, Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd November.
Middie Bowl:
This Special Event brought to us thanks to Kemor Prydwen's GM, will pet teams of players against each other in an attempt to score more goals than the other. Teh objective is to chase the ball around the pitch and into your opponenets goal. The team with the most goals will advance to the next stage. A team comprises of 8 people, 1 full group. To enter your team, plus a few subs in case people don't show on the day, email durgidaoc@yahoo.co.uk with Team name and its team list. There is a test of this fun event taking place on Wednesday 22nd October should anyone wish to come along and watch. contact me in game regarding this.
Date Saturday 1st Nov. Time to come.
Mr and Miss Midgard Competition:
As last year this event consists of 3 stages, Fashion show, Public speaking, and Talent show. Competitors will be judges on there preformance in each section, and at the end a new Mr and Miss Midgard will be crowned. Thhe seperate sections are reasonably self explanitory, Fashion Show is a fun catwalk type show, where competitors prance about, using emotes to describe actions, whilst showing off the latest fashion of the realm. Public speaking is a short speech from each competitor on why they wold make a good mr or miss midgard. And the talent show, speaks for itself, last time we had acts ranging from a male strip show, to Blood's chorus girls.. use your imagination and this event can be fun. The event is open to people of every lvl, and is a 50g entrance fee. To apply email Durgidaoc@yahoo.co.uk with name of character you wish to enter and if its for Mr or Miss Midgard.. please only the right gender of each contest pls.
These are just the finalised events more may crop up. All proceeds from this weekend of fun and games will be divided as follows:
Guild Realm Door Fund 70% To be split equally between New Era and Fedaykin Alliances Representatives, once All the money's in I will contact a rep from each alliance to hand over their portion of the festival.
Nemesis 25%. As hosts Nemesis will be keeping 25% of the gate, i know its increased a little, but many members of the guild have bankrupted themselves to help make things available for the event. I will be taking nothing personally, and it has cost me over 50p so far in purchasing prizes for the events.
Aegir's Adventurers Guild Fund: I have a char in the newbie guild who logs in to check up on new people to the realm, 5% of the gate will go to Aegirs Adventuring guild to help give out small amounts of cash for new people to the realm to have a little bit of a head start.
Hope to see everyone there, more support it gets more fun it will be.
The Great Midgard Treasure Hunt:
Teams of 4 people will race across Midgard following clues and answering riddles, in an effort to locate all the hidden treasures, and be the first team to return home and win the prize. Which for this is event is a set of Mastercrafted Chain, Leather, Cloth and Studded Armour for lvl 50's, the lower lvl events have armour relevant to their lvls. The basics of the event is follow the clue to the location of the next trasure, on your way work out the riddle, and when you arrive give the answer to the treasure keeper when you arrive, They in turn will give you a new clue and riddle to follow once you have answered all 7 riddles and have the treasures return home, first team home wins as does the last
Lvl Ranges: 10-20 entrance fee 2g per person
21-40 entrance fee 10g per person
41-50 entrance fee 25g per person
There may also be a special prize given for this event.
Scheduled Date: Saturday 1st November... times to follow.
Lucky Dip: their will be 40 tickect available for this small event, once all tickets are sold on the day, the draw will begin 1 prize per person and 1 ticket per account.. no naught buffbots. Everyone garaunteed a prize..Prizes Range for Frigid Glacier Skins, Tg Weapons, too a crafted bronze dagger Ticket prizes are 250g per ticket.
The Grand Midgardian Tournee: Time to discover who the best of the best really is. Split into to sections, Class and Champions Battle Royal this dueling competition like the treasure hunt lvl ranged, is designed in the following format: Entrants for the lvl ranges to be listed below, will do combatin a straight forward knockout tournement, no buffbots allowed or the use of alchemy potions and charges, the use of totems is allowed, ut all entrants will be requested to register how many they carry before their event begins. The use of Realm abilities will be allowed, though matches will not be delayed to allow someone to get IP back up for example. In the end there can be only one, once for each class and lvl range a champion is crowned, they will the proceed onto the Battle Royal where the Champions of their classes will enter into another knockout tournement, pitting them against the champions of the other classes. Till only two remain and they do battle for the Title of King of the Pit. A dueling pit for both melee and mages has been designed specially for this tournement.
Lvl Ranges: 10-20 2g per entrant
21-30 10g per entrant
31-40 20g per entrant
41-49 40g per entrant
lvl 50 60g oer entrant
Prizes for this events depend on lvl but all prizes are class orientated. Prizes for the lvl tournement is a set of tg armour per class, this set is Arms, leggings, boots, gloves and Crown.. everythign basically except the jerkin. A number of Prizes are in store for the winner, runner up and second runner up of the Battle Royal. To apply for entry email Durgidaoc@yahoo.co.uk with the name and lvl range/s of the characters you wish to enter with.
Date, Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd November.
Middie Bowl:
This Special Event brought to us thanks to Kemor Prydwen's GM, will pet teams of players against each other in an attempt to score more goals than the other. Teh objective is to chase the ball around the pitch and into your opponenets goal. The team with the most goals will advance to the next stage. A team comprises of 8 people, 1 full group. To enter your team, plus a few subs in case people don't show on the day, email durgidaoc@yahoo.co.uk with Team name and its team list. There is a test of this fun event taking place on Wednesday 22nd October should anyone wish to come along and watch. contact me in game regarding this.
Date Saturday 1st Nov. Time to come.
Mr and Miss Midgard Competition:
As last year this event consists of 3 stages, Fashion show, Public speaking, and Talent show. Competitors will be judges on there preformance in each section, and at the end a new Mr and Miss Midgard will be crowned. Thhe seperate sections are reasonably self explanitory, Fashion Show is a fun catwalk type show, where competitors prance about, using emotes to describe actions, whilst showing off the latest fashion of the realm. Public speaking is a short speech from each competitor on why they wold make a good mr or miss midgard. And the talent show, speaks for itself, last time we had acts ranging from a male strip show, to Blood's chorus girls.. use your imagination and this event can be fun. The event is open to people of every lvl, and is a 50g entrance fee. To apply email Durgidaoc@yahoo.co.uk with name of character you wish to enter and if its for Mr or Miss Midgard.. please only the right gender of each contest pls.
These are just the finalised events more may crop up. All proceeds from this weekend of fun and games will be divided as follows:
Guild Realm Door Fund 70% To be split equally between New Era and Fedaykin Alliances Representatives, once All the money's in I will contact a rep from each alliance to hand over their portion of the festival.
Nemesis 25%. As hosts Nemesis will be keeping 25% of the gate, i know its increased a little, but many members of the guild have bankrupted themselves to help make things available for the event. I will be taking nothing personally, and it has cost me over 50p so far in purchasing prizes for the events.
Aegir's Adventurers Guild Fund: I have a char in the newbie guild who logs in to check up on new people to the realm, 5% of the gate will go to Aegirs Adventuring guild to help give out small amounts of cash for new people to the realm to have a little bit of a head start.
Hope to see everyone there, more support it gets more fun it will be.