Why is it so slow? thats even if they do at all. after a failed attempt on anything do you all log off or something?
Soon after i released the second time in sauvage, cought by a damn patrol, it tells me Nottmoor has just fallen, when ever nott goes, albs and even hibs when they go on a keep taking spree (once a year) end up taking the whole 4 keeps in that square radius they are in (if you dont know what im on about, go here and look at the frontier maps). it happens everytime.
So i made my way up to Svasud, i done a /who uppland, got about 20 people, 1 or 2 lvl 40+ the rest 20-30 goin to bgs obviously... done a /who jamtland No Matches /who odin's No Matches, maybe they are suiciding in emain? not likely.
I arrive at Svasud, Hlids just been taken, /who jamtland and /who odins even /who uppland resulted in sod all people ( except for ya lvl 20s leveling outside uppland) i make my way glenlock.
On nearing glenlock fps starts too drop alittle, must be a 20-30 odd force inc, could be mids? .... I myself for even thinking that, right next to the gatekeeper i get mezzed and ganked by a load of albs, then i get a msg from Tor saying where etc. He's holding out at fensalir, i /who jamtland 3 matches!! wow, me Rulke and Tor sod all ppl elsewhere, but wait /who emain 45 matches...
ive seen once, maybe twice in the early stages of the game where and when we had assembled a force and drove the invaders away.
albs right away get one going and take(or attempt) whats rightfuly theres back.
mainly, my point is, do you emain whores care more about your rps than your own land/keeps?
if you dont, let me know id happily start in a realm that cares.
btw if you have nothing remotely constructive to say,
annoyed off hunter rant over for now.
[edit] swearing :sleeping: [/edit]
Soon after i released the second time in sauvage, cought by a damn patrol, it tells me Nottmoor has just fallen, when ever nott goes, albs and even hibs when they go on a keep taking spree (once a year) end up taking the whole 4 keeps in that square radius they are in (if you dont know what im on about, go here and look at the frontier maps). it happens everytime.
So i made my way up to Svasud, i done a /who uppland, got about 20 people, 1 or 2 lvl 40+ the rest 20-30 goin to bgs obviously... done a /who jamtland No Matches /who odin's No Matches, maybe they are suiciding in emain? not likely.
I arrive at Svasud, Hlids just been taken, /who jamtland and /who odins even /who uppland resulted in sod all people ( except for ya lvl 20s leveling outside uppland) i make my way glenlock.
On nearing glenlock fps starts too drop alittle, must be a 20-30 odd force inc, could be mids? .... I myself for even thinking that, right next to the gatekeeper i get mezzed and ganked by a load of albs, then i get a msg from Tor saying where etc. He's holding out at fensalir, i /who jamtland 3 matches!! wow, me Rulke and Tor sod all ppl elsewhere, but wait /who emain 45 matches...
ive seen once, maybe twice in the early stages of the game where and when we had assembled a force and drove the invaders away.
albs right away get one going and take(or attempt) whats rightfuly theres back.
mainly, my point is, do you emain whores care more about your rps than your own land/keeps?
if you dont, let me know id happily start in a realm that cares.
btw if you have nothing remotely constructive to say,
annoyed off hunter rant over for now.
[edit] swearing :sleeping: [/edit]