Midgard Olympics


Roo Stercogburn

Once again getting myself into trouble, but here goes...

Sunday August 18th, 3pm CET (2pm BST to the internationally challenged), Auditlen, the Midgard Olympics will take place.

All races will be grouped as multiples of 10x, so for the lvl20 race, anyone up to lvl20 can compete, for the lvl30 race anyone up to lvl30 and so on. You can compete in as many races as you are eligible for.

For each race, the winner is the first person to open a trade window with the race marshall at the finish line. In the case of relay races, they must show that they carry the baton.

When a race is determined as UNGROUPED, you must not at any point join a group to try and get buff benefits. Unmarked police cars (ie secret race marshalls) will be stationed around the longer courses and randomly invite to group to make sure you haven't cheated. Yes, we are that sneaky.

For each race type where there are more than 8 entrants, we will do heats and then have a final to determine the winner.

The finish line for each race will not be revealed until the day, nor the checkpoints for relay races that you have to pass.

For all except the iron man race, you are not allowed to use horse travel. You are allowed to get yourself killed if your bind point is closer to the finish line though ;)

5 types of events are planned:

1) Individual Skald Freestyla Race: Ungrouped skalds race from point A to point B, the first to open a trade window with the race marshall at the finish line wins. Be the first to cross the finish line at MACH 5.

2) Grouped mega race. Each race has up to 8 competitors in a single group. First person in that group from point A to point B wins. No buffs except speed buffs allowed. (Your group mates will be able to tell if you are cheating). It is grouped so everyone has the same speed buff applied to them. The no-buff rule applies to shields etc as well ;)

3) Class Races: Runie Race, Healer Race, and unbuffed slowbie races (slowbies being the char classes with no speed buffs available normally to them).
EDIT: I've been reminded that hunters should have their own race because of their sprint ability.

4) Relay Race. A 'baton' must be passed from player to player at a checkpoint where their team mates and race marshalls are waiting. The 'batons' will be a crafted items I'll make so nobody can cheat by trying to have the items in advance. Teams of 4 in each race.

5) The final event is the IRONMAN race. Anybody, any level, any type of char, and any buffs, enhancements and so forth are allowed. Be the first to get somewhere that normally guarantees death solo. This one WILL be difficult, will take a while, and absolutely will have a high body count. Bet on things like who dies first, who gets furthest and the number of peeps that actually make it through to the finish line. Apologies to other chars, but this one realistically is for lvl40+, though anyone can compete. This is The Big One. Cheer on your guild champion.

Specatators will be able to bet on the outcome of races and generally have a good laugh.

Remember only to buy Luri-Onna-Stick from licensed vendors and beware of ticket touts: there are no tickets.

We need volunteers for race marshalls, contact me in game. The Iron Man race in particular should be funny because I'm nothing if not a complete bastard (ask contestants in previous events I've run ;))

Due to unforseen circumstances the following events had to be taken off the agenda, apologies to all that have been training all winter for these:

Lurikeen Tossing
Firby Baiting
Saracen Bowling
Trollball (sorry Vinny, we ran out of Lurikeen heads mate)

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank our sponsors HammerBuff PLC, purveyors of fine weapon aids for over 50 years.


Roo Stercogburn


I've been asked about the betting and I've got a suggestion on a how peeps could handle it:

Just before each race we'll a /y with the list of names in a particular race. You will then be able to quickly make bets on the winner with your buddies that you have with you. Everyone handles their own, there will be nobody doing organised betting on the day. You could use a chat group to organise it amongst yourselves easily. That way you can figure out really fast who is in for betting and who isn't.

Suggest that everyone who you make bets with does it something like this because its fast and easy:

Suppose there are 5 of you making bets on an 8-entrant race. Perhaps 2 of you pick the same guy to win. Everyone chucks their money in a pot and the winner takes all. If 2 peeps chose same person, they split it between them. So you could have everyone sticking 1G in as basic bet, then winner gets 5G (or obviously 2.5 if split between 2 peeps).

There are probably lots of other ways of doing it but this seems easy and fast and it means you can handle it in groups of friends for fun. There's also nothing to stop the bets going a lot higher of course, so long as everyone betting together agrees.

Remember though its for fun, don't go mental with it ;)


Just posting to have it brought tot he front page realy :)

I'll be there Roo count on it ... unless evul gf drags me away for the puter.

Roo Stercogburn

We have had some generous donations for prizes for the various races. In particular I'd like to praise:

Rana of the Svartalfar
Kariig of the Bloodbinders
Various rather dumb looking arachites, Scavangers, Djupt Uslings etc in Spin, some of whom agreed they didn't need that Twilight stuff as much as us. The ones that didn't agree we took them anyway.
Ice Strider Frostweavers, who thought that it wasn't enough just to give generously but also provided Fun(TM).
Borgdur, Zaksoth, Stomper (in advance, he promised and we know where he lives).
Some Drakulvs who prefer to remain anonymous and give generously to groups of 8 with mezzers and tanks.

I'd also like to thank Big Sticks R Us for various caster items.

I know I've missed peeps that have given generously but we thank you all.


p.s. for the mentally challenged amongst you that means most of the prizes are high level items ;)

p.p.s Raising, your idea for the Ant Race was inspired but that's something for another time and perhaps The Dentists should run it? (In between saluting trees of course ;))


p.p.s Raising, your idea for the Ant Race was inspired but that's something for another time and perhaps The Dentists should run it?

Never, ever allow a Dentist to run ANYTHING. We have trouble running a bath, after all :)

Roo Stercogburn

And the winner is...

Well we turned up in at Auditlen and had some nice stupid fun. Gratz to everyone that showed up and special thanks to Tharkun and Borgdur who were the race marshalls on the day. Thanks also to Colt who showed up and waited on standby in case there was a problem. I think we must have had about 30 or so peeps there for the various race events.

Winners of the various races were:

Kettil - Skald Race
Madmolar - Hunter Race
Zebolt - Runie Race
Burg - Slowbie race heat 1
Afrodite - Slowbie race heat 2

Burg was the winner of the final between the 2 of them and netted a total of 100G (for 2 races) and some nice SB armour.

The relay race was won by Kettil's team which (I think) was Kettil, Sixofnine and Nefi.

The Iron Man Race was won by Nefi who died promptly after successfully opening the trade window with the race marshall at the finish line (the finish line was in Yar). Posthumously received 200G, a nice AF98 Helm and some various other prizes.

(Madmolar, you had logged when we were handing out the prizes, make sure you get your 50G and nice studded armour from Larossa who took them on your behalf ;))

I hear that the Enjarharna team managed to bring about 12 drakulvs across the finish line in the Iron Man race with them. I'll give the various drakulvs their prizes next time I'm in Malmo ;)

The Lurikeen Cooking Competition was won by Gromnir, though have to say all the recipes tasted very nice indeed and Blood's one in particualr looked like it was going to win. The next Egon Ronay guide for Midgard is sure to have these entries in them somewhere.

Thanks to all who took part, especially in the Iron Man race where you were more or less guaranteed to lose xp trying to cross the finish line, you all helped make it a great piece of wonderful nonsense :)

Thanks also to Moneybags who let me take about 500G from Fedaykin funds to basically give away on a whim :)

Apologies to healers - I forgot to do the healer race, but on the plus side it made the slowbie race larger and more chaotic.

Gratz to you all :clap: :clap: :clap:


Great work Roo :)

Was fun even for alone guildie like me :)


Damn i missed it again. Bet it was great.. got any screenies?

old.Ayam Ganbatte

Re: And the winner is...

Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
the finish line was in Yar
Ouch, as if a marathon isn't punishing enough, breaking the finish line sets you right in the lap of the most powerful drakulv there is!

Sounded like fun Roo, good plain family (fatalistic) fun!

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