My SM is getting close to dinging 50, and it is time I decided which class I should roll for my main account (if I can make the big leap of deleting my Hib/Prydwen chars, that is). Having played casters and hybrids since beta, I am now looking to roll a tank for RvR (and which better place for this than the melee realm?). Just a few days ago, I was intent on making a H2H Savage (Troll for weaponskill!), but recent discussions on Savages getting nerfed badly in NF has made me a bit indecisive. More specifically, with the loss of Dualist's Reflexes and the Determination nerf, as well as the boost to Charge (not awarded to Savages), means Savages will be lacking in utility compared to Zerkers. On the other hand, in comparison with Zerkers, Savages have superior styles, better defense, and at least equal or (seemingly) better damage (albeit a bit more inconsistent).
So, what is your opinion of the best Mid tank for RvR in New Frontiers: warrior, zerker, or savage?
So, what is your opinion of the best Mid tank for RvR in New Frontiers: warrior, zerker, or savage?