lo everyone
Am currently thinking of studying for a Microsoft MCSE systems engineer NT4 track to be followed up by win2000 track.
Was wondering if ne1 could offer me any advice/info on what career options are available here in the UK with the above and what kind of salary can you command accordingly?
I am currently working in engineering and get £14,500 gross for working nights and get 14 days holiday
Would i see much of an improvement on this if i was to go ahead and study for MSCE and then hopefully get a job utilizing it?
Any advice/tips would be as usual much appreciated
Jeez - engineering sucks big time
so cant believe it would be any worse in IT :/
P.S. Before ya all give it LOLOLOL, ROFL, i know, Microsoft sux
[This message has been edited by rockhard72 (edited 15 January 2000).]

Am currently thinking of studying for a Microsoft MCSE systems engineer NT4 track to be followed up by win2000 track.
Was wondering if ne1 could offer me any advice/info on what career options are available here in the UK with the above and what kind of salary can you command accordingly?
I am currently working in engineering and get £14,500 gross for working nights and get 14 days holiday

Would i see much of an improvement on this if i was to go ahead and study for MSCE and then hopefully get a job utilizing it?
Any advice/tips would be as usual much appreciated

Jeez - engineering sucks big time


P.S. Before ya all give it LOLOLOL, ROFL, i know, Microsoft sux

[This message has been edited by rockhard72 (edited 15 January 2000).]