Microsoft IntelliPoint 5.0


Panda On Smack

Just formatted my pc and ive put the latest drivers on for bits and bobs including the above but to my dismay microsoft have taken out the 'keystroke' option to assign to a mouse click.

I have an Intellimouse explorer and the buttons on the side come in very handy, ive got F5 assigned to one of them to refresh my web pages during work.

Now it seems i cant do that? Any ideas?



uninstall version 5.0 and reinstall 4.2 Unless you have of the new mice with the tilt wheel.

also if you play a lot of games stick with 4.2, it defaults middle mouse button to next program (Alt+tab) so games playing is now defunct in regards the mouse.

i bought one of those new wireless optical mice (v2.0) and its a nice enough mouse, its only let down is the software and the scroll wheel that doesnt have the "click"

anyhow, i thought you could bind a key to "refresh" on 4.2?

Panda On Smack

You can in 4.2 but I just wondered why it had been taken out

i will uninstall etc and put the old ones back on

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