Mezz vs. Stun


Molten Lava

Lots of people whining about Mezz last few months, so in the next few patces it gets nerfed...ok fine with me....Stun nerf? Imho stun is ten times more powerful than mezz.....for example:

Situation 1:
FG1 against FG2 - both groups have AoE mezz....
Version 1: One group gets mezzed and targets are picked off one-by-one one group dead or the other group happy. Version 2: One group gets mezzed, but some of them have purge. They use it and kill the other group (or at least got a chance to fight)
Version 3: One group gets mezzed, second group start hitting the mezzer, but as soon as he is hit, he manages to get a aoe-mezz off, second group is mezzed....first group gets umezzed some seconds ealier and we have a fight again....
Both groups have chance of survival here

Situation 2:
FG1 against FG2 - on group has enough people to stun or has AoE-stun (does it exist???)
FG1 gets stunned for 6-9 chance on quickcast, all die....(ok maybe you could do the Purge story here again but anyhow the group with the stun-power will win 99% of the battles)

Situation 3:
Version 1: Me last night in emain (lvl 45 sorc, 600HP's, yes Im weak :( ) Get stunned 2 or 3 hits/DD I'm dead.....release.....
Version 2: Me last night in emain get mezzed...some stupid hib hits me with some AoE spell for 200 damage...I get unmezzed and QC 72 second mezz....10-15 hibs die (and me off course too :) ) (was a big battle btw...40 albs against 60 hibs I think)

Just wanna say...time to start whining about Stun (especially AoE stun if it exists) so we have something to whine about...

/pets his pokémon


Healers from midgard have AE stun.

I'm a hib caster with 9s stun and it is very powerful, yes, but a 9-11 second stun is not enough to kill a group.


Originally posted by Molten Lava
Just wanna say...time to start whining about Stun (especially AoE stun if it exists) so we have something to whine about...

Time to start?!
Do a search for +stun +ffs!!111 and see the 24 pages of hits you will get...
Wake up and smell the coffee :D

Molten Lava


Why isn't it nerfed then yet? Do people at Mythic think:

<bob>....erhmm we have 72 second mezz or 11 second stun which shall we nerf....?
<jack>....72 seconds wow that sounds long....lets nerf that one


Stun is slightly nerfed in the next few patches:
resists affect stun, determination affects stun...

not sure the aoe timer dropoff does though... and there's no 'heal stun' spells (not that it'd matter - 3s casting to remove a 5s stun??)

stun is nasty - but wont wipe out a group completely... the stun/nukenukenuke combo is pretty evil too :( but it is only a single person you're killing.

Get lots of heat resists and a tank will still take out that caster - unfortunately if you get in range of a hibbie caster as a non-hib caster you're going to die a very quick and painful death :(

Molten Lava


But if you have a normal fight (no zerging etc), say 1FG of Albs, all lvl 50 and 1 FG of Mids, all lvl 50....and the mid healer gets his AoE stun of, the Alb group will be weakend so much after the 9, 10 or 11 seconds (maybe 2 or 3 dead and rest wounded) that the only chance they have is RUNNNNNNNNNN!!!1!1!11!

old.Trine Aquavit

Stun is nerfed in the same way as mez except for the cure mez spells. E.g.

Purge/Group Purge works on stun
Determination effects stun
Stun has its own 1 minute timer (after you've been stunned you can't be re-stunned for 1 minute)

Stun is very effective but it generally only works with good coordination - the timing has to be right so that the damage is inflicted while the stun is in effect. If not it is a 'grant immunity' spell.

Healers do get AE stun (and AE insta stun*), but can't do any damage on their own so need to coordinate very well with others in order to use it effectively. For this reason it's not used as much as we'd like :)

*I can hear the cries of 'nerf Healers' already. But please bear in mind that without crowd control Healers have nothing to do in RvR but be buff/rez bots (healing in RvR is a joke).


Originally posted by old.Trine Aquavit

*I can hear the cries of 'nerf Healers' already. But please bear in mind that without crowd control Healers have nothing to do in RvR but be buff/rez bots (healing in RvR is a joke).

Sounds like clerics arnt on their own then :(


Originally posted by madferrit

Sounds like clerics arnt on their own then :(

actually, it's slightly worse.
where Clerics get their smite as an offensive line
the healer gets an "uber" CC line. so is even more limited in offense.

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