Metallica Rulez !!!!



No asbestos suit required. I am quite reasonable when it comes to Metallica, not one of these people who claim that they have gone soft and therefore suck. You see, I dont mind the fact that their music has lightened up. You cant expect 40 year old people who are now married with kids and so on to have the same aggression as they did when they were 19, or to keep producing Master of Puppets every time. I have seen this happen with so many bands, from U2 to Rush, to Depeche Mode and...I could go on and on. Anyone who expects a band to keep producing the same stuff year in and year out, is a fool.

What really gets on my wick about Metallica now is their attitude. I am one of those people whose early exposure to them was at gigs, and bootlegs. I still have an issue of Kerrang at home where they state they encourage people to tape their concerts. As a result I am extremely fucked off with them over this Napster thing. IMHO, Mp3 is the best thing that has happened to music in ages. I have personally purchased several albums purely on the strength of mp3's d/l'd from the net, albums I would never have purchased otherwise. Any band who is producing good music has nothing to fear from mp3. Maybe this is what they are worried about eh?

And finally, this bloody orchestra thing - wtf were they thinking?? I think this is a sign of Lars Ulrichs head finally exploding through the stratosphere. If I want classical I will listen to Rachmaninov or Beethoven, but this thing just doesnt fucking work, and I think that only someone with the ego of Lars could try such a thing.

[oh and they butchered Whisky in the Jar as well, cunts]

I could go on and on but will stop here to give someone else a chance.



Havent they only banned their released stuff from Napster?
From what I have read they dont mind people trading live bootlegs and stuff, however they dont like people messing with their official stuff. Although how they can differentiate between the two without actually downloading from every location is beyond me.


I haven't really followed the whole napster thing, but am aware of their stance on the matter... to me that still doesn't take away the fact that they do make great music go away, it won't stop me listening to then, and in my opinion they are the greatest (maybe second if you take Pink Floyd into consideration) band in the world.

As for the Lars attitude thing with the orchestra... i couldn't agree more... that little man has an ego the size of Jupiter.

Their music has changed alot in the past 18 or so years, as you say, that's to be expected... James's balls have dropped (no more squeaky singing) and Kirk has chilled out with his 5 minute lead solo's... but it is still good music (once again, my opinion) and I feel that the Load album is the peak of their musical careers... for the sceptics, a question : How many times have you listened to Load ?? Once ? Twice ? I didn't really like it at first (as with the black album) but after listening to it quite a bit, you actually realise what a musical masterpiece it really is.

Sure, mp3's are cool, but bottom line is :



oooh I just cant let that go. Load a musical masterpiece?? You have to be kidding (IMO). Load was the beginning of the end for Metallica (although some people would argue that started with the Black Album, even others with a fateful day in Denmark). MOP was the peak of their careers (IMO). They will never reproduce anything of that quality again.

As regards what they did and didnt ban form Napster, I think this is irrelevant. To actually produce names of 300,000 fans who had downloaded shit and make the threats they did was unforgiveable. What, is Lars Ulrich, or a bunch of paid cronies cruising chat rooms with aliases trying to nab every person that d/l's a Metallica song?? Jesus, maybe if they did spend more time on their music they could recover some of their heyday


Mr B

Bands change. People change too.

I now lack the strength/energy to go to a Death Metal gig and spend 2 hours in a mosh pit. I also think I have just "grown older" with Metallica...

Some of their new stuff is sh!te, some of their old stuff is sh!te...

The production on "...and Justice for all" makes me want to cry...the vocals on Kill 'em all, likewise. "Disposable heroes" seemed to be an excuse to use several unrelated guitar-riffs that they had going spare at the time...

S&M is actually VERY well done (if not to everyone's tastes) - and the 2 new tracks ("-human" and "no leaf clover") are worth getting the CD for on their own...

I didn't like Garage Inc...and thought that was the biggest waste of money going - I bought it purely for all the singles and "b-sides" that were on there - particularly the older ones (Am I evil?, etc...)

I don't want to get involved of the pros and cons of .mp3 - for some people it will make them go out and buy the CD, others it will's just a pity the music industry didn't wise up earlier and start releasing their own - high quality "taster" .mp3's (perhaps 2 mins worth of the song, or with some commentary over the top - or whatever) - I don't use and have never really "got on" with .mp3's - the quality of the majority of the ones I have heard are pretty appauling (yes I am an anal techno-muso nerd...) - as for new music - I go clubbing in London regularly (Electric Ballroom, and Slimelight) and tend to get all my new music from chatting to (/up if female) the DJ and then going and buying the relevant CD's...

...anyway, Metallica have written some pretty decent stuff over the past 17 or so years...their attitude towards .mp3's is unusual, but not unexpected - As I said, I don't use them, never have, never will - so it doesn't affect me personally - my only regret is that I didn't go and see as many live gigs as I would have liked to when they first started touring the UK in the late 80's...


[Edited by Mr B on 10-01-01 at 13:20]


Did metallica write Am I Evil?
I heard em play it when I went to see them, but thought it was a cover because I had a tape at the time with it on that said it was by Diamondhead.


No, It was a cover of Diamondheads song.



Originally posted by Quorthon
To actually produce names of 300,000 fans who had downloaded shit and make the threats they did was unforgiveable. What, is Lars Ulrich, or a bunch of paid cronies cruising chat rooms with aliases trying to nab every person that d/l's a Metallica song?? Jesus, maybe if they did spend more time on their music they could recover some of their heyday


Wow m8 !!! I seriously never knew that they went (sunk) to such lenghts (depths) to try to stop this piracy / mp3 thing... that's heavy !!!

I still love their music though ;)

As for you comments on them killing wiskey in the jar... fair enough, although most of the songs they have covered in the past, they've improved on the original (eg stone cold crazy, loverman, am i evil, blitzkrieg etc etc...)


As for the Lars attitude thing with the orchestra... i couldn't agree more... that little man has an ego the size of Jupiter.

LOL..funny how rock stars seem to suddenly regard themselves as 'composers' and start fiddling around with orchestras (Spinal Tap anyone?). Even Deep Purple did it (though I forgive them anything for their excellent 'Made in Japan' album).

[Edited by SoWat on 10-01-01 at 15:00]


Originally posted by SoWat
As for the Lars attitude thing with the orchestra... i couldn't agree more... that little man has an ego the size of Jupiter.

LOL..funny how rock stars seem to suddenly regard themselves as 'composers' and start fiddling around with orchestras (Spinal Tap anyone?). Even Deep Purple did it (though I forgive them anything for their excellent 'Made in Japan' album).

[Edited by SoWat on 10-01-01 at 15:00]

Jesus Christ yeah, if I hear Lars Ulrich spouting on about people "stealing our art", one more time, Im gonna go out and do a ritual burning of all my old metallica albums. Art, ffs. I think the guy seriously does believe himself to be on a par with Beethoven.

made in Japan rocks btw :D



I'm in the mood for limericks... here we go again :

There once was a man called Lars
Whos ego was bigger than mars
When he made him a song
Which didn't take long
He said "Look, I'm a master of Arts !!!"



LOL, the flash cartoon is great!

Mind you, being gang-raped by a posse of convicts sounds less painful than listening to a Metallica album,

oops! Wrong thread :D


Metallica. hmmmmm. How can I politely say that they are shit?

No but seriously, I have the black album, Load and Reload. Thought they were far superior to the old stuff. Thrashing guitars and Animal noises never really did do it for me.


I don't like 'em... I won't say they're shit tho :D


S&M is a great album, but all the credit must go to the conductor (i forget his name now and I'm @ uni so I can't have a look). It was him who composed the whole lot - metallica just played their songs as normal.

As for the napster stuff i can see both sides of the argument, but i think the threat of loss of earnings is more of a concern to smaller bands: metallica are making millions and are one of the highest earning bands in the world: I really don't think that some mp3s are threatening them.

Metallica good
Napster good

IMO anyway :)

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