Merry Christmas



Its 9:45am as I write this, and once again my mind is drifting back to events of the last few weeks. For the first time since the nightmare of losing my best friend though, I have a faintest bit of hope that things wont always be feeling this way.

Maybe I'm mellowing out in my old age...maybe someone spiked my drink, or maybe that whole spirit of Christmas thing is corrupting me. Whatever it is, as I look back over the last year, I'm no longer thinking of the shit parts and how i'll be glad to get the year over with...I'm instead looking forward to the new year with hope that things will instead be better.

Christmas and the New Year is traditionally a time of joy and happy times and Turkecide, but for some it might seem bleak and a time of sadness or regret over the way things turn out. I spent last night lying awake on my bed unable to sleep as usual, and I found myself thinking not of what I have lost, but what I have right now in my life instead. I've wonderful friends who have been there for me when I've needed a hug and a voice and a shoulder. I've *mostly :p* got my health, and I've people I love in my life. These are all things to be thankful of, and its about time I recognised that. If this not a particuarly happy time for you, for whatever reason..please look around you, and find the things that are truly important to you that are still here. Put the whine threads into perspective for a time :)

Those who've known me this last few weeks know I've been down, depressive, a general pain in the arse to be around *though im still working on getting a slap ele :p* and an all round misery guts. You lot know who you are and so this thread is for you primarily.

To them, have a heartfelt thankyou and know that even if sometimes it doesnt seem it, it is appreciated. More than you can possibly imagine. :) Would be lost without you guys

To the rest of you..todays probably the first time I can say it with genuine sincerity...but have a wonderful Christmas, spend it with your families and friends and have a f*cking good time. May the New Year be kind to you.


Does this mean you're not going to be a miserable bugger tonight? :p

All joking aside, I know the last year has been extremely rough on you, but we all want the happy Shaeffer back. Here's to his return in the new year.


does this mean you´ll start answering ICQ msgs again? :p

merry christmas Shaeffer, and give your sis a hug from me <grin>


Sometimes it takes a serious event in our lives for us to recognise what the important things are, a similar thing happened to me 2 years ago when my friend who was 29 at the time was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Thankfully she's still with us but under a traumatic regime of chemotherapy. It is true that although it shouldn't have to be like this, these events make us stronger and nurture us into hopefully better people. (Although I do slip back if someone takes away my chocolate).

But, no shaeffer...I have no problem giving you a kick up the backside but I will never slap you...I save those for smurflord :D



I can only hope, next year is a good year for you, hope the new years spirit helps you up. ;)


Very well said Shaver, all I can do is offer my condolences to you and her family for the loss of a good friend and family member.

I sincerely hope that next year is a great one for you but in all honesty, and without sounding too selfish, I hope mine is better ;)

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and good tidings for the coming year.

:drink: Here's to 2004.


Happy christmas and a merry new year.
:wub: :hat:


merry christmas lee <3

if you want to chat about things then poke me on msn.

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