Merlin's Staff Raid: Request for Information



As you all probably know, Merlin's Staff is safe and sound back in Castle Myrrdin after an epic relic raid last night. Of course, as self-appointed realm chronicler, this is where I step in and weave a tale of the events leading up to this amazing victory. I did participate in the raid itself and am collecting my notes on the subject. However, of course I can't be at all places at once, so in order to get the sweeping, epic account of the raid that I am looking for, I need help from the rest of you to fill in the holes.

More specifically, I'm looking for the following information:

- Which guilds were officially part of the raid? Obviously GoL, DVE, FC, SS, BF, DK, LoD, HB, KotL, DF, and GD, but who am I missing?
- Which guilds went on which doors? All I remember is that SS was on third. :)
- SS was with main force, but were there any smaller armies with any specific tasks?
- Who (guilds) went on the keep taking (Bolg and da Behn?). BF and LoD (they claimed)?
- GoL was relic carrying group (right?), but what were the names of the relic carrier and others in group?
- Any stealthers scouting and providing intelligence prior, during, or after the event? - Anyone who think they deserve special mention (hehe, opening a can of worms here)? Atm, I'm thinking Kcinimodus, Wildfire, relic carrier, any important stealthers, guard puller (cough), anyone with an important role in our own frontier.
- Who (guilds) were protecting Excalibur and helped retake keeps in our own frontier?
- Any (non-classified) intricacies of the battle plan that a normal grunt was not aware of?

Thanks! :)


... we seem to have been overlooked ...

CoA keeping the area around dagda safe and well together with KotL and DE and helped out later in retake of eras and beno.


The Brethren were one of the Guilds defending the right hand side door and trying to hold Dagda after Merlins Staff was re-appropriated.



All right, thanks. Like I said, I am NOT perfect and can't be everywhere at once. If you're not in the list above, this does not mean that I am ignoring you, it's just an incomplete list that I need help completing. :)


Saddens me to say this, but nice work peeps




Not quite sure how both of the Ferus groups got overlooked, but hey he's getting old and as he said, there is quite a lot to keep track of.......

So m8, two groups from FL taking part in the main force (guard killing mostly).




Don't forget the Ni's :)

We had a full group, who together with another group or two, kept the AMG free of Hibbies, and some Middies.

This involved two /releases and having to re-group to keep it clear.

So although we not have been on the Relic raid itself, we thought that we contributed by keeping the road clear :)

We also escorted the relic back to its keep, but didn't encounter any hostiles (almost died when we fell down the bloody cliff at Snow keep though! LOL).

Just a small part, but lots of small parts make one big one :)




Grats to all who helped taking the relic back :p

Too bad i can't stay online at the time most of the fun begins, heared about the relic attempt around 5pm when i logged on.

But it seemed people in Lyonesse were already screaming..."WE GONNA GET A RELIC TONIGHT"...even before most guilds knew about it...that's a sad thing...when you know hib/mids play in albion too (other way around too of course)

So when i heared they were screaming it around in Lyo, i really tought it would been a attempt that would fail like always when mid/hibs know what we plan on doing.

This week we organised an alliance keepraid in Odins too, and by surprise 3 FG's of mids are camping alb wall (at least 6 hunters...all well placed on the wall). Could be pure luck, but well...euhm...we all know it wasn't.

The "spies" in this game ruin a good game, but i guess the cash GOA gets from people with 2-3 accounts is more important then the "fun" in the game

bah getting offtopic :p

again grats to all who participated....hope to be there next time :p


Originally posted by old.tazzbe
This week we organised an alliance keepraid in Odins too, and by surprise 3 FG's of mids are camping alb wall (at least 6 hunters...all well placed on the wall). Could be pure luck, but well...euhm...we all know it wasn't.

Wonder if your spies are related to the level 1 viking we had hanging around amg in emain? And you got the nerve to point fingers at us, lol :p

BTW, as someone already posted a thread on here naming the times you lot want to practice in Odins, seems logical that we are gonna be waiting!


And if you read my post again you can see that i'm not saying mids/hibs are only ones with the post before you start laughing etc....

and i know when there are albs outside atp in odins mids will spot us...but i can assure you the main force we had at that time wasn't outside and couldn't be spotted

infils gave us the info of 1 small group of mids (4-5 not more) at the wall while we were waiting for transports of last groups in odins...when we got there you got 3-4 FG already...

You can say what you want but for 5 albs that pop in odins at our aint gonna organise a force of 40 you?

Jarahl Valinor


You forgot The Royal Guard as well... We supplied little over 1fg helping in the right side of the relic keep, and set up a ram at the 3rd door... :)



Sorry about my mistakes, but that's why I am posting here. Don't forget that I was NOT part of the people planning the raid, so I have no inside knowledge other than what I know from being part of the main force.


Yeah, it was fun.
Shame some people from our guild got into trouble with their connection and computer system...
Only way my pretty up to date computer could cope with the amount was zoomed in from the top :p
Regards, Glottis



Firstly Graveworm picked up the staff, but I watched him, it was lag that pushed him into the staff. He swiftly handed it over to Gunner. Now altho GoL was the designated guild to carry the relic, we already were in a Emain ganking non purely GoL group, and we figured it was best to stay as it was. So the Relic carrying group was made up of:

Gunner : Who carried the relic and also bravely led the Relic fleeing group to amg via a rather odd Crim route. Even tho we heard AMG was camped by Mids/Hibs, Gunner led us str8 to AMG.
Zoyster <----- Mr Gunho
Outlaw (ME :D) <---- Mr 8 sec BT these days :D
Paramas <---- Mr Roxor
Edelia <--- Miss Gunho
Papersayo <--- practically 50 Rejuv :D
A scout ( who's name suddenly escapes me [sorry], Non-GoL)

We were also accompanied by a 6 man GoL group, Regtur, Gverig, Paul, lol again the other 3 names escape me, I was too focussed on getting it back)

The raid was gr8 fun especially running thru AMG that was manned by 20ish Albs when we got there, we were screaming "WE HAVE THE RELIC"

Cool Raid, thanks alot Wildfire :clap:

PS: Wizards ROX
PPS: We left Dagda as soon as we had the relic to be confronted by mebe 1 FG hibs at the bottom of Dagda, Gunner just swerved left and ran towards Briefine, now I am sure Zoyster yelled "GANK EM", lucky for j000 we ignored him and evaded instead :D.

w000000000000000t :clap:


Myself was at the relic keep ressing anyone i could with my cleric, and also organising our own alliance troops who had gathered at the atk in emain. Waited for the shout from edelia, then spammed /as for them to charge and clear amg so the relic could pass safely through. All went perfectly and /salute to the council of the thorn (lol) alliance for the swift action at amg, especially Hobbes who acted instantly on my call to charge them to amg.


<- Went through AMG when Hibs were there as sole survivor and had numerous encounters with mids. Survived them all, nice fight zarek although you didn't do any damage. Then when Albs wanted to retake AMG again I rushed through all the hibs and mezzed the Hibs who were standing in a big group and went through the gates and you know what? I made it :) ROFL never had soooo much fun. Me, a cleric, escapes the big hibbie zerg and then later on runs past them without being killed :)


I think Mallus should be named as he atleast 2 times went inside Dagda before the relic force left APK and said it wasnt any defenders there or at Cain :clap: :clap:

appollo creed

Re: and..

Originally posted by Jarahl Valinor
You forgot The Royal Guard as well... We supplied little over 1fg helping in the right side of the relic keep, and set up a ram at the 3rd door... :)

Actually we had 2fg's (we borrowed Javai & Vladimir Pendragon from KoP and also Moeilijk from PL)

We was on crowd control on the right side for uber pop's and inc Hib's, as Jarahl said we had a ram on 3rd door and also helped with crowd control in the courtyard.


My list of guilds that were present was (although few managed more than 1fg): First Cohort, Herfolge Boldklub, Guardians of Light, Equilibrium, Dragon Knights, Shadowlords Society, Defectu Virium Elite, Phoenix Guard (didnt turn up?), Legion of Darkness, Black Falcons, Ferus Legionis, The Brethren, The Royal Guard, Guardia Dolorosa, Keepers of the Light, The Dragon-Fighters, Crusaders of Albion, and the small group of Knights who say Ni who I dragged out for the evening because I owed it to them :p

Once the third door was down DK and SS left immedietly for AMG to clear it, also players in emain were called in to hold it until the group passed through. While we were waiting for the relic to make its way to snowdonia (dammit it takes a fkin long time, we would have had the other two relics comfortably if they were str relics) the hibs turned up with a VERY large force and caught us spread out, unorganised and with dispersed numbers. I therefore had a very personal encounter with a celt holding a spiky blue club, and we all used our standard-issue albion /release macros :p

No-one was really planning on a second raid attempt, but a large force of albs had formed at AMG just in case, and when we saw that the middies were having a go too, we decided to go and have a look. Unfortunately there were plenty of hibs outside. The combination of them and an uber-guard spawn that was too large for our force crushed our second shambling attempt rather quickly. Thanks to Centuri though for getting people together and organised in emain the second time round, and kcinimodus again for driving :)

Credit also to Mallus for some nice stealthy type stuff beforehand, news that there were no hibs at dagda and cain was what gave us the green light for the evening.


Well done Wildfire and nice driving Kcinimodus, Was much fun and nice to see the power relic home. Hehe it sorta puts all those "alb are crap can't work togeather" posts out a bit.


gratz :)



All credit to the very mixed group of Albs who fought to hold AMG clear as the doors came down. The gate changed hands 3 times with both the Mids and Hibs taking control of this vital chokepoint.
Several of the albs were in the 20-30s, determined to help anyway they could once they realized a relic raid was on.

With the relic party incoming about 25 albs - most freshly ported - charged the gate and broke the Hibs. None of them ran and they all fought to the last - brave try... Less than a minute later the relic party thundered though and we cheered them home. The relic had barely made the TK when the Mids flooded AMG again.

:clap: A great night for Albion and a Salute to all who played their part both in emain and our frontier. The action was fast and furious and it was a damn close fight once the Mids and Hibs woke up.....Its nights like these that make the game for me. :)

Hobbes - 46 Armsman.
<Covenant of Zak>


Np for the driving :). I was surprised a little, didn't agro alot of mobs on the way or went to the wrong relic, despite I was 32 hours awake at that point :sleeping: and had too much chats going on (the usual) :p.

Gah 4 hours sleep after such a busy day makes you feel shitty :rolleyes:


Gratz on relic;)

First time in emain in a month and i run into your relic force;) chop chop back to hugin in no time;)

Taintet lvl 50 runie



Originally posted by old.Wildfire
and the small group of Knights who say Ni who I dragged out for the evening because I owed it to them :p

Thanks again for the invite, Wildfire.... It's nice to know you still remember your roots with the Knights who say Ni!

We would have been at the Relic Keep, but our Cleric missed the port (and no, it wasn't Cele getting lost again). :rolleyes:

We ended up running into Mids at AMG when we finally made it out of the TK, and ended up hanging around there to kill both Mids and the few Hibs that started to drift in as the Relic was brought closer.

Would have been nice to have been at the Relic Keep, but I'm not too worried since I made a good few RP's - taking my total to over 200k and leaving me only 10k short of RR4 at the end of the night. :clap:

Speaking of RP's.... you still have to get me in a group and prove that you can earn me the 20k RP's / hour that you said was possible in a keep defence! :D

Congrats on a well organised raid, and I'll see you around ;)


Grats all

Grats to all that were involved. To bad i missed it :(

Kurik - lvl 50 Theurgist
Meena - lvl 35 Scout
Tleilax - lvl 24 Merc - owning Thidranki atm


- Who (guilds) were protecting Excalibur and helped retake keeps in our own frontier?

CplCarrot was taking Surs woth 20 peeps when relic was inc to snow fort

Muh Cabby and 7 other Illuminatis was at tower at excal, killing mids, Kirennia, Kiarra and their guildies were there, hearded hibs at excal, went there, then some of them stayd at excal, illum went back to tower, raped mids, contacted Cpl, went to surs, went to snow fort, met Gunner, escort relic, some killed hibs..

When relic home, Illum moved hursbury, SS joined, Kirennia's guild joined, and then took that, then moved to other keeps with various peeps..

should be covered that question


I was the one from GoL who built the ram on first door along with some other folk :)

2 GoL grps, Relic carrier and Ram squad

i was in ram :p

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