
Just wondering....a lot of clans find it hard to field enough players for practices and sometimes even matches.
In BWCTFL there are MERCS that can fill in in place of normal clanplayers if missing.

Just wondering if there is something similar for normal DM teamplay etc? If so is there an IRC channel? And would it be useful?
I like the idea of playing as a MERC as I would learn more teamplay as well.

I just find the current state of UK teamplay Battle servers sucks big time and although I'm currently clanned, have plenty of time to practice against clans or play with them if they are short.

Any thoughts?


Yeah, I find it sometimes quite hard to field a whole team even for a practice; sometimes clans members are asleep at the time... eh rockhard?!?!?!?!

Member of the PyroManiax Clan - Join now:

[This message has been edited by graZe (edited 05 July 1999).]

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