Mercfiltrator or 5-spec oppinions plz :)



Lo, rerolled on alb a day or so ago and will go through the eternal pain of levling a infil.

Wanna hear some oppinions on Mercfiltrator spec vs. the classical spec. Have played both 5-spec and shadowzerker sb's on midgard and kinda liked sz more.

The main question is if the damage you get from going 50 thrust/50 DW is worth loosing PA over or is the diff in damage small?

Well just want some oppinions on how viable the mercfil spec really is, if the dmg output in straight melee is high enough compared to 5-spec straight melee.

Mainly be hunting other stealthers so there will be less PA'ing going on i guess and it will come down to straight melee fights more i think. So bring on some comments plz :)

Going to have a nice buff cleric btw.


My opinion is that after losing IP and reducing evade rate, I would rather not spec just for melee, so would spec for at least decent CS.

But as I've always had 44CS my opinion probably isn't as valid as some people who've had 50DW.

(belth just respecced from 50DW to 50CS though)


Dual Wield isn't really all that good as a so-called 'advanced' spec line, particulalrly for infiltrators:

1. It doesn't increase your damage output like other advanced spec-lines do.

2. The stun style (lvl 44) chains off a parry, which infiltrators don't have.

3. The snare effects don't work if you dual wield, as they are broken by the off-hand hit.

Basically the style line is in serious need of some reworking, and until that happens I'd advise that if you have access to an alternative advanced spec line you should use that instead.


DW doesn't give you what LA gives you. SZ > Slash merciltrator, it's only dragonfang that makes it seem comparable. Basically critfil with DF or mercfil with DF are equally good vs enemy assassins, but the critfiltrator will do better against other classes.
Am I right, infs? Hell, I'm just speculating :p


i would make a shadowzerker if i wanted to do this kind of template

besides i kind of think PAs etc is the whole point of infils.. just getting a buffbot and strolling around meleeing the f00k out of everything sounds prety boring to me

the whole sneaking and using your PA appeals much more



Osrim is a mercfiltrator, now playing a zerker on pryd afaik tho, u might catch him in game from time to time while hes on malmo "list". He likes it and hes one of top infs on Excal/feared by enemies etc so there must be something to it.

No DW doesnt give the kind of bonus dmg that LA gives or even close, neither is the "haste" effect present in the same way. Speaking as a 50 merc i wont be taking my inf to 50 dw if thats any indicator ;)

having the option of 2 forms of stun, one of which follows a "bubble" breaker style, is just too good to pass up imo, as well as the devastating hi dmg opening moves, which really will make or break assasin vs assasin fights in the future now they have no IP. hamstring/leaper is a lovely chain to spam after a dragonfang too im betting.

hispec DW sure, more chance to land both poisons early in the fight and more dmg overall. 50 i dunno... not for me :)


Well, the 'devastating high damage openers' if landed probably WILL determine the winner of assassin v assassin fights, but assuming that neither assassin lands perf and thus CD, it's going to be the guy that gets his stun off that wins. And NS/Infs are both in a better boat than SBs when it comes to stun, i.e. first style off evade rather than second.


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Well, the 'devastating high damage openers' if landed probably WILL determine the winner of assassin v assassin fights, but assuming that neither assassin lands perf and thus CD, it's going to be the guy that gets his stun off that wins. And NS/Infs are both in a better boat than SBs when it comes to stun, i.e. first style off evade rather than second.

The one who has purge up has a better chance, but other than that, yes it's the one that lands stun.

And 95% of the time, there are no PAs in assassin v assassin fights. (Okay, ignoring the ones vs assassins running unstealthed or those with low stealth - those are EASY to land a PA on).


Originally posted by Pin
But as I've always had 44CS my opinion probably isn't as valid as some people who've had 50DW.

(belth just respecced from 50DW to 50CS though)

Had 44 CS pre-respecs, wanted something close, but still a bit different.

Ripper's not so bad. In PvE. Dunno about RvR, I'm still not sure about my qbars :(

50DW is crap against casters compared to CS-spec, but that's what CS is for really.


Originally posted by Pin

And 95% of the time, there are no PAs in assassin v assassin fights. (Okay, ignoring the ones vs assassins running unstealthed or those with low stealth - those are EASY to land a PA on).

95% of the time? u is the suck pin ;>



Current spec
34cs for hammering casters PA/CD
50 Thrust DF
35 DW (+17 makes a nice 52 and with duelist reflexes 2 offhand hits most of the time)
33 envenom
35 stealth

Kinda based this spec on RR7 and SC when i made it to 50 poison and nice Perf damage (717 cap with 3.5spd 99qualguarded rapier) What initialy made me choose this spec above the mercfiltrator was the pa and cd needed to take down classes with insta mezz/stuns. The reason for me not going 44 or 39 cs at the time was that i had to lower my dw. A pa for lets say 690ish + offhand hit of 100 ish is still better then a PA of lets say 750ish + you bennefit from the offhand hits in the melee rounds of the fight too.

Gonna respec to a 44cs soon i think bec now more and more ppl seem to have discovered the value of purge the CS evade chain becomes more vallid then dragonfang.
Dragonfang purged ... no more high damage hits part from hamstring leaper with 44cs you can add a 3rd move to that chain.
2nd reason, we lost IP and i got vanish instead. with 34cs you get vanish IP CD as of 39 you get IP CD SS
So basicly im going for a higher CS to get a 3rd free high damage move in both the CS evade chain as in the PA chain.
Can't comment much on the 50dw spec part from that the 50style gives about the same or slightly higher damage then garrote or Dragonfang.


yeah i am thinking of going for vanish too.. i hope dodger 2 and buffs are enough for some evades in battle for now



Ye, I still read forums.

Havent been playing Osrim now for quite time. Kinda miss my leather gimp and stealth. :) I should farm money & do SI quests cause gear is not rdy.

As I mentioned, not been playing infil since last patch at rvr.
Some things have happened there too, mids got str relics now so think fights are tougher now.

About DW spec, think it has lost some edge since it was based pure damage with defensive penalties (dualshadows, dragonfang) with IP. But at some point I will get my gear rdy there and test it at rvr. Also using slow 3.5/3.7 spd weapon at main hand and fast 2.2-2.8 offhander gives more edge from high dw spec.

With 21 cs, casters became much more easier than 2 cs which I tested during respec bug. You can PA about 600+ with gladius when items & rr's raise cs to 37-38. BS 2 is very good too to take em down. With high CS spec casters are easier though.

This was template I came to (current too):
50dw,50 thrust,21 cs,30 env,30 stealth. It's based on high rr, rr7 actually recommended. Cause wanna use 47 enervating poison and 47 stealth I feel to be okay.

These are my experiences after about 1m rps with that spec.

Original spec was very diffrent, 50 cs, 39 thrust, 37 env, 36 stealth,18 dw. Nice pa's and evade chain damage. Lack of dragonfang sucked quite badly.


I'm currently 50 Thrust, 36 DW, 35 env, 35 stealth, 34 CS and very happy. Although I prefer playing my druid nowadays, the whole solo stealthing or not offering much to a group kinda blows.



"whole solo stealthing or not offering much to a group kinda blows - Nicolas"

No wonder Nic...being at prydwen random mid group without any seer(no buffs or heals) or pbt most of the time...When see NP fg coming can almost start typing /rele.

RvR at mid prydwen:

Grps splitting easily and assasins eats members, lack of balanced groups, when NP at same area...time to change place, usually around 7 ppl at emain when at xcal 70. Some things to mention what I have seen/felt.

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