Mentalist thing



Many times while playing I get asked the same question over an over by new people... this is "What do ments do pls?". I've lost count of how many times I've explained it but while on VN boards I found a short(ish) description of who we are... well as short as a mentalist can be explained I guess.

Written by Allauryn -

The Mana (or Mana/Mentalism) Mentalist-

The most underrated and misunderstood subclass of the Mentalist, possibly the entire game (aside from the Shaman maybe). Having masochistic, often times suicidal tendencies, but tempered with a desire to generally help his/her other realmmates. No class in the game can gain/keep aggro like a Mana/Mind Mentalist. You don't believe me, just ask one. Their ability to heal and do damage is a mobs worst nightmare and they make sure to take you out first, fast and hard. At median levels, they have almost as hard of a time finding a group in PvE as Nightshades or Rangers and many find themselves stuck at these levels for an eternity. BGs/RvR is a different matter. Everyone wants you then because no bard worth his salt is going to run around toting a flute piping out the power song. Many give up hope and switch professions. The rare few who do not become some of the most sought after beings that walk the lands of Hibernia.

You can easily farm RPs by dropping AEDoTs like a bad habit and fleeing the scene before things get out of hand. The have many of the same hang ups as druids do, spending a lot of their time staring at life/power meters and acting where needed. And the blink of an eye can mean the difference between life and death.

Eventually, most Mana Mentalists who stick out the tedium of levels 20-30 become jaded. Imagine spending your entire career being asked for "crack" and not be able to get into a group until the late 30s-early 40s? Enough to make anyone bitter (speaking from personal experience). Oddly enough, the Mana/Mentalism Mentalist can be a Hero's or Champion's best friend (next to a bard), yet since so many don't know how a Mentalist works or what he/she does. They get completely overlooked by everyone (until they need crack).

Like all non-tanks, stealthers are their biggest fear, yet unlike Light Mentalists, they cannot drop them quickly enough to survive a stealther attack, they will NEVER set foot into a BG or frontier without a group. The Mana Mentalist hatred of stealthers runs so deep a Mana Mentalist will follow a stealther to the depths of hell for a kill if he/she knows he can get it. Even if it means dying immediately afterwards.

Common phrases:

"What do you mean you need a real healer?"
"What do you mean you need a real nuker?"
"You people have the audacity to ask me to group with them (or for crack) in the BGs/RvR when I can't pay to get into a group of yours in PvE!"
"Get these things off me!"
"Need rez"

Yes this is what I had to put up with for a long long time before I got there :rolleyes:

Cornells description of a typical keep raid..

*sits on hill hitting f8 and sending pet to attack whenever someone yells "GUARDS!!!1!"*
*gets send from random bard/caster/champ/druid/warden "crack pls" - "mana crack pls" - "got crack?" - "mana pls" - "crack"*
*gets killed by shadowblade/infiltrator cos was sitting down on his own at the back on the hill*
*gets rezzed by random bard/druid/warden and before gets the chance to thank them gets asked for mana crack*

(I won't include the pet resists and kills me because that's never funny at all ever ever ever :p)



*gets send from random bard/caster/champ/druid/warden "crack pls" - "mana crack pls" - "got crack?" - "mana pls" - "crack"*

/em blushes

Soz Cornell ;) Your mana crack comes in handy though when I have to rezz you when your pet goes mental. :)


hihi, good post Corny.

So true, so very true. There are many addicts out there :)


btw thought I should reply to my own post just to point out that I'm a mana/light mentalist cos I like to charm and shoot things too :)
Got enought mentalism spec to confuse stuff for a minute or so and for my pweeny 34 second mez :m00:



Mentalists are class

Mentalists are in the top 5 most powerful alround classes in the game, and now the new patch has fixed the charm we will probably see more of them kicking about. I saw a mentalist charm a Daughter of Melb the other day, pure genious!

Nightmare NINJA

This post made my weekend ;0) Thanks Cornell ;0)

Im a lvl 42 Mana / Ment and this post describes my char perfectly ;0)

I was fortunate enough to be in an excellent guild through the lvls 20 - 40 with most people at the same lvl and a very well balanced group ;0) and this made the lvling experince much bettter and never once has it crossed my mind to stop the char and try another ( Although i have started a ranger for some fun when not many people on ;0) )

One of the most pleasing asspects of this char is when in RvR people often ask you for Crack and it means the social part of the game is opened up and not restricted to just your group or guild ;0). I love giving out mana regen since now its 4x so if anyone ever needs pls just shout for it ;0)

Any thanks once agian Cornell made my weekend and the game again feels worth while ;0)

I love Hibernia cause great people out there and I am looking forward to AoE ing some Middie and Alb scum with the Great Chars of our realm ;0)

Nightmare NINJA
Keepers Of The Sacred Nut

LvL 42 Mana / Ment Menatlist

Death To All You Mid and Alb Scum

Nightmare NINJA

Forgot to say Thanks for all the resses ;0)

Its really aprreciated ;0)


Couldn't agree more!

Being a light ment, my mana regen is only level 2 and whilst this seems very popular in RvR, I've been turned down for groups because of it.

What these people forget is that my nukes are as strong as any other casters DD. With my dex and int capped I nuke hard and fast, with little downtime. I can emergency heal. I can downtime heal with my health regen. I can emergency mez when needed. I can dot, and whilst the damage is variable its handy to throw one in there on the odd occasion. I can AoE nuke too, whilst not up to a mana chanter's pbaoe, it certainly isn't weak.
I love my ment, versatility just doesn't stress it enough!

Oh, and I can charm up to my level. The ment running around with a Daughter of Medb was probably me, they make great pets - especially when buffed up. I've taken 3 yellow albs down with a Daugher of Medb before, pet on one, one mezzed, the other stunned. Incredibly effective. Of course, I was rolled like anyone else when the reinforcements arrived!

We are a misunderstood class thats for sure, but a very worthwhile class to play and to group with (hint, hint ;).

Then again, its not just us, I still don't understand bards ....

Have fun on the field guys & gals, and remember, when you see a ment, wait 5 seconds before you ask for crack. Chances are they're switching to the right quickbar as you type ;)



Karienal, you must be the only one who has trouble understanding bards :) Here are some golden picks from my backlogs for last few weeks...

"Speed east"
"Needed speed :("
"Need end!"
"No, let me rezz!"
"Mezz them!"
"Bards move in and mezz them!"
(Sound of AE DD spell barrage going off)
"I thought you had them mezzed!"
"Dropped from speed"
"Still in Ligen, was AFK"
"Any bards near Ligen?"


Hehe, I'm not going to ask which of those I was responsible for!

A badly worded comment by me really. I don't understand how to play a bard, seems way too complex to me all the instrument changing etc

I suppose thats a decent comparison to how others view the mentalist on occasion.

Love ya Toird ;) Hope to see you jumping around like a mad feck on my screen sometime soon!

btw, need rez....


Hi all mentalists and other Hibs :)
I play a 34 seasons menta named Shiden
Good to make such posts as indeed ments seems a class pretty misunderstood by many peeps :)
But I guarantee you all that all mana burners will never want play without a ment at their side after having tasted the sweetness of mana crack :)
For the moment i set the objective at 48 Mana (i luv dots), 15 mentalism (for the 34 secs mez) rest in Light , 19 i think :)
And I can't w8 till the patch comes set up the DoTs range to 1500 as other spells, coz now it's pure discrimination of all mana ments! :D
As heard too this charm bug will be fixed too
Got a question now, about the charm thing:
can you charm higher mobs with ur low lvl charm? (i got light now basic 8) or you really need spec in light to get the further charms and be able to charm higher mobs?
For the mom I use it to charm annoying lucradans when i walk lonely through hibland :D
I'm pretty confused about it.
take care
Shiden, Chosen guild, lvl 34 Mentalist
Shikaku, Chosen guild, lvl 41 Ranger


can you charm higher mobs with ur low lvl charm? (i got light now basic 8) or you really need spec in light to get the further charms and be able to charm higher mobs?

I believe you can charm higher mobs than your own level but the risk of it resisting a pulse and the taking a swing at you is greatly increased... it really isn't fun to suddenly find yourself locked in melee with a glacial mauler or bloodletter with just a dress and your bt/af buffs to protect you. I wouldn't like a level 55 mob to be in its place much more either :)

As for speccing more in light well you can (and I have) charmed level 50 mobs with the lowest charm spell possible as this allows you to charm any humanoid.. the better the charm spell the different mobs you can charm.
I think all got explained on another thread not so long ago..
/em digs about in past forum posts

I hope this explains it a little anyway.

Let it be known that mentalists are the way forward :D

(exit signs.... they're on the way out!)

Lafala Arifel

The Mana Mentalist hatred of stealthers runs so deep a Mana Mentalist will follow a stealther to the depths of hell for a kill if he/she knows he can get it.
Hehehe! This is sooo true.

I hate *twitch* infiltrators.. ;)


haha, I can see where bards are coming from. Half the stuff I get is

"lift please"
"lost speed"
"lagged off speed"
"ps please"
"mana please"

etc. etc. :p

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