Mentalist Goblins



After reading BW for quite some while now, it has come to my attension that the mob called Tanglers and Gobo´s are not normal mobs. These mobs seem to induce some mental illness to our fellow albs, making us fight among ourselves. We have clear evidence from dusins of BW threads, that the illness, not only affects in-game, but also out-game.

I myself have one time seen a crazed wizard get so ill, that he "body pulled" a tangler group in order to inflict damage on his friends...
Hmm somehow, Im inflicted too, cos I can´t seem to get the following out of my head,"Woagh,woagh,woagh,woagh,waaaaah"

So, my advice is to avoid the place where the mentalist gobos roam.


Ohh, I just saw the thread about 150% HP to gobos....Maybe Mythic is trying to tell us something... Like,
" Lyonesse is crap xp spot, go to DF..Ohh you dont have enough keeps, well better get you realm-act together then" ?


or possibly 'there are other things to kill you know? the barrows... or DF... or dartmoor.... or the frontiers... heck even _something else in lyonesse_'


reaching 50 and not spend at least 10 levels of mindnumbing boredom at the Gobs? Heresy! GOA should ban you for spewing forth utter drivel like that!
what's next? find alternatives to trees?!?!?

(yes, this post was sarcastic, for those without a sense of humour or a plate infront of their head (or, heavens forbit, both)


Originally posted by old.Galieran
These mobs seem to induce some mental illness to our fellow albs, making us fight among ourselves.

Is a secret poison that they have :)


Originally posted by old.Galieran
After reading BW for quite some while now, it has come to my attension that the mob called Tanglers and Gobo´s are not normal mobs. These mobs seem to induce some mental illness to our fellow albs, making us fight among ourselves. We have clear evidence from dusins of BW threads, that the illness, not only affects in-game, but also out-game.

I myself have one time seen a crazed wizard get so ill, that he "body pulled" a tangler group in order to inflict damage on his friends...
Hmm somehow, Im inflicted too, cos I can´t seem to get the following out of my head,"Woagh,woagh,woagh,woagh,waaaaah"

So, my advice is to avoid the place where the mentalist gobos roam.

Aaaaaah looks like i am finaly turning you from the dark side Galie ;) nice to see you back here on the boards, ive missed your comments


no exping is fun if you do it for 10 levels. Gobbos are the fastest way, that's all...
Fun pretty much doesn't exist in this game, PvE. I mean, i personally enjoy item hunting (or at least item-finding :D ) but actual exping? It gets slow at level30 and it only gets worse. Fast is good and gobs are fast....

edit: please note this is not a 'this games suxroszr!¬' post



Those gobbos and trees, being as they are reliant on mez to xp properly, must be affecting most Albs. Seems like after 10 levels of watching Mezz work correctly in PvE most go to Emain and behave as if they have never seen a mez b4 let alone consider it a worthwhile tactic in a fight lol!

Point made in jest but how many a true word? ;)


As long as I can get a good group together killing strange, new and exiting stuff can be fun :)

Killing Danaoin Soldiers is still quite interesting (though I do need to cover up my xp bar... it's too depressing ;)) along with the odd bean-nighe wandering aggro and some greater telamon...

Will probably need to move somewhere else soon though... killing soldiers for 4 levels would be no better than killing tanglers for 4 :)

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