Memories are golden (and covered in mid blood)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 14, 2004
Very nice post :cheers: , sums up why a lot of people have left the game.

Miss the early days of DAOC myself, when you had utterly wierd combinations of groups, cos people just grouped for the fun of it rather than "Oh no we're after a Sorc specced such and such and with exactly the right RAs and keyboard layout and were coming round to his house to make sure his curtains don't clash with his sofa blah blah blah and were just going to sit here and not move till we get it. . . "

You used to be able to vaguely compete in shoddy armour with crappish weapons that you just happened to get or were given. If someone had turned up with a buffbot, they'd be a lamo no life prat.

Now its just got way too much like work :puke:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Geez, that sure brings back memories after reading that chatlog again :)

I really miss those days but I guess life goes on, even in daoc :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
how dare you not mention me :(

Now come back boyo :) though tbh i cant see that happenin, enjoy rl m8y


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 29, 2004
And i saved the best till last........................... <drumroll>
SERB!! the most wondorous blockbot daoc has ever seen!
I am sorry mate, i did say i was shit with names and rather intoxicated.
cya round bud :worthy:


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2004
REALLY GOOD POST! :bazbeer: The "Funny stuff" top ten list was real good! :worthy: :worthy:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
There was good points there and the way this game is going I have to think hard why I still play myself but then I remember all people I meet every day ingame that others I wouldnt have a chance to talk with and also it helps that brother, his wife, my girlfriend and one of my best friends play also.

Was nice reading that chatlog. Still remember it like yesterday all of stuck to the small room and didnt find the name there but someone put up ram in there and I wondered what is that.

Always when person that I know by name and have talked to or that I have heard nothing but good leaves the game I feel little bad not spending some more time to chat with em or grouped with em more.

But anyway good luck Wilis and hope you enjoy the life. :)
Have fun doing what ever you do after Daoc.
Maybe we meet in a nother game some day but until that day comes I just /salute you for getting out of the game even if it might be for sometime. ;)

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