Mellee Changes in 1.52 - Yanks Scream NERFAGE!




anyone like to explain why they're saying mellee is being nerfed?

because their uber godly hammers arent the r0x0ring hard best dmg type now and theyre all equal?

because they will now hit for less but parry/ block more (In RvR) therefore making their life longer?

because mes has been nerfed to hell and back? ;)

this is on the midgard viking forum, where we are all mellee chars, not casters who will have to work harder for their kills (Im not saying they dont work hard already...)

i really dont understand these people, but im guessing they are just that gang of people that always say 'I'm gonna quit right now!' about a zillion times but never do.

enlighten me.

Uncle Sick(tm)

I wubs you, TwOG! :) :wub:

TroG is TEH 'ARD!!1


off topic forums

me no read off topic much now :(

its all hard to read spammage about utter crap. you'd think they could at least write a post longer than 3 words and a smilie.

i am but a beaten king it seems. this new generation of elite-a-zoid ultra fast connection, 550 wpm, 3 word posters has screwed me over. i resign.

go spread the word my loyal slivery tongued henchman.

oh damn, i went off-topic. *shudders*

wait a f***ing minute, maybe this was why brinx created the off-topic forums! the crafty old fox-eater!

oh damn, i went off topic again. *shudders more*

must stay on subject!


"Also, in RvR only, we have doubled the amount that a particular armor's bonus reduces damage against a weapon type that it is protected against. This will reduce the overall damage that players take when hit by a weapon or bolt spell that their armor protects against. "

That is going to reduce the damage we do vs. all armor. But in no way alleviates the problem of stuns, mez, root, etc. It doesn't help with Mages doing FAR more damage then any melee outside of Spearos and Polearmsmen. All its going to do is let archers, assassins, mages, etc have more time to run away from us because we are going to be doing even less damage.

Read it. It doesn't double spell resists.. it just doubles the resist that an armor type has inate. As in Plate has inate resist to thrust. IT would double that.. but just because your armor has +10 cold or whatever on it, its not going to double that says it all.

Add to that that albion has 2 armor types that have damage penalties to slash ...

(Midgard is the melee realm muahahah, and pigs fly while translating vcr manuals)

edit : ps : lets not forget the fantastic new skill light tanks get, we've all been waiting for 360% evade. </sarcasm>

1.52F will give us somthing else that is utterly useless like unspeccable one handed staff


Well I bet most of them are yellin that since theyre mids, and 2h hammers are rather popular there. Now making all the 50 hammer people less effective, not 0wning every tank ingame in a duel. Well thats what I think anyways. Just balances out a bit. IMO they should balance the damage types and resistances in each realm.

One of the "melee fixes" tho, which enables em to "live longer". Thats just versus other tanks, not against casters. Against caster you dont block or parry, you just take hits untill you can get close.

I still cant see why people whine about being a tank and cant kill squat.

Lets study history a bit.
Lets say 10 000 footmen from Britannia enter the French territory and meet 5 000 footmen 2 500 archers and 2 000 horsemen and 500 catapults.

Youd now whos gonna win, the one who hold the 10 000 with 5 00 equal people and bash the men from distance with highdamage arrows and catapults that damage several people at a time, plus the horsemen with more damaging capability than footmen.
Tanks are and will always be cannon fodder, taking hits while the "support" classes, the real damagedealers dash out the killing blows.

They should give pure tanks 5% base resistance to all magical damagetypes at L30. That would change the "mage sees a tank, does few tricks first (stun debuff pet whatever) and nukes before tank gets close.

But when tanks get close theyre lethal. People whine cause theyre gimped they have no abilities to to ranged, as in decent damage without getting hurt. Rather stupid IMO. Ranged will always do more damage than CC, but thats why ranged types are weak.


The thing is the patch is still in testing, and there is certainly more to come before 1.52 goes live.

No point in getting all whiny and threatening to cancel as most of those hysterical fools are. I suspect they are whining mostly because they don't hit for 600dmg with their uber poles or spears anymore, and got wasted by a Lurikeen eldritch last week and are still embarrased about getting killed by a midget.


All I can see if a load of tank bitching because they do less damage that casters do, but thats why casters get cloth and not plate/chain (apart from clerics).

These people actually think this patch will effect the damage they do to casters?
Last time I checked cloth had 0% absorb and 0% resists agains any damage type, the only combat changes will be tank on tank combat, all those parry/sheild points will actually do something in rvr, which i think is a good thing.


I agree, whenever a class is weakened (even if they where over powered before) your going to get alot of complainers...

It's a very important patch, big under-the-hood changes that can really improve or gimp RvR, thats why it's in testing... and probably will be for a long time.

one of the main points was, ok mellee combat is going to last longer (in general) which would indeed give casters longer to nuke the hell outter the before mentioned fighter... Midgards not happy as we have the least pure casters in the game, plus crush damage is being reduced (bye bye midgard hammer). There argument is take out the casters first, which is easier said than done, when we're tied up ingaged whacking other fighter protecting them.

But I don't know how these things effect actual RvR, guess we'll have to leave it to the yanks to decide *be afraid*


trog - don't bullshit, "they are all equal"
Oh, and explain how CC+nuking being the certain death of any tank that sets foot in emain, is fixed by making it harder for tanks to kill other tanks?


But when tanks get close theyre lethal

funny. that's why i cant kill support classes and do less damage on casters (for some odd reason) then on tanks as the "melee realm"'s "hardest hitter" class.

allso notice that albion has plate and chain, both having a damage penalty vs. slashing damage (which 2/3 tank weapons in mid do)


Theyre whining about is thet 1.52 is the melee "fix", and still theres no sign of any "real" fix. And hammers was the ONLY weapon giving tank-mids anything close to being "good" in RvR.

And now they nerfed those too.:rolleyes:

I myself will be leaving for SW:G when it comes, and thats way before EU gets 1.52. Even if they fix the melee segment of RvR i still wont find it viable for a prolonged subscription.

To bad really I've met alot of nice ppl (and others) in DAoC, some of them i'll hopefully see in SW:G , some i hope i don't :D.


Originally posted by old.Krusha
And hammers was the ONLY weapon giving tank-mids anything close to being "good" in RvR.

And now they nerfed those too.:rolleyes:

I recall them saying the damage-types should be evened out so slash won't be worthless and crush not the best. Remember that there also will be a respecc enabled at 1.52...


Its not the dmg type that is the do all end all for hammers. its the styles that make Hammers so good.


Originally posted by klavrynd
Add to that that albion has 2 armor types that have damage penalties to slash ...

First of all Every single realm has 2 armour types vulnerable to slash, all get leather, all get a step up from leather (Studded, Reinfoeced, Alb variant).

Hammer was viable, as rightly mentioned before, for the styles more than anything, and what they did to hammer is fine (reducing its effectiveness to be on par with other damage types)

We get no thrust weaps as tanks in Midgard, so our tanks have no weapon that gives innate bonus vs Alb Chain or Hib equivalent. I would suggest allowing Warriors to spec in Spear.

Alb tanks get thrust weaps, as do Hib tanks, and 3/4 of our tank classes all wear chain.
Add to that Thrust resist is a bitch to obtain, we struggle to even remove the -15% penalty inherited from chain.

Our slash weaps (Sword and Axe) have penalties vs Plate and Chain (all Alb tank classes get Chain or better), and their styles are utter bollox. What happened to Mythics vow of "we wont nerf things to balance the game but instead make those lacking areas better with improvements"

The melee fix has not made us better equipped to handle life in Dark Age of Casters, and as someone has suggested, all tanks should get a 5% bonus to all magic resists at 30, and maybe more at 50 or a realm Ability that gives such a bonus. (maybe one exists I dnt know)

I dont think what the Yanks are whining abut is all justified, but in no way was this the melee patch, it is as afore mentioned, a quick fix, not a "real" solution. I dont mind if my damage is reduced, as long as I can stay alive longer, but to me that should inculde vs all classes, not just tanks.

Nemesis Warlock

Well i want any tank whining to make a ranger / mage alt...

go out in RvR run around for 15 mins looking for prey... then getting killed in 1 or 2 hits /release and back ... 5 times or more

want to see if u still whine or just keep quiet , delete that ranger / mage and play on your tank.

Or in other words : Everybody with curly hair wants straight (err soz perhaps wrong word) and vice versa.


Roo Stercogburn

Wet Paper Armour, that's wear its at!
Sorry, had a bad pun coming on, had to let it out.

Nearly everyone I know in Mid that is serious about tanking goes hammer if they want to be able to do best possible damage to enemies. I only have a warrior alt in mid 20s so can't say much about how great one weapon is over another in RvR but from an observer's point of view this doesn't seem quite right , since anyone who specs weapons other than hammer appears not to be getting the best and as a tank, this is critical.

Rebalancing does not equal nerfage. Shame for the Uber R0xx00rrssrrr000xxrrrss (or how ever you spell that stupid faux-word), I'm crying on their behalf. Lots. ;)

EDIT: all the changes are proposed and testing, not set in stone yet.


Originally posted by old.LandShark

Read that, and weep. :p
Not merely did they fail to do anything for melee vs caster problems, they have completely unbalanced all the melee or melee hybrids vs each other. Shambles.
You realise this is actually a nerf to blademasters? oh the hilarity of it all


Its in testing. If half those muppets on the VN boards logged onto Pendragon and /appealed sensibly to a CSR, detailing exactly what they think is wrong, it might get fixed. Instead they play for 5 mins, realise they dont do uber dmg anymore, then go spam the VN boards with whines.

Please don't let this be a whine thread. We can be assured that if Mythic make or break this game with 1.52, we wont feel the effects for a few months anyway :)


problem is Chesonor, they got a 90% likelyhood of breaking thr patch ie releasing it in its current form, or worse, and only 10% likelyhood of actually thinking nd makign some real fixes.

IMO they really have charged in like a bull in a china shop and made some ill concieved changes without thinking of the consequences.

probem is there are no more than 100 dedicated testerd on Pnedragon, no where near enough to make a good solid evaluation of the patch.

if half the IGN whiners tested and reported back to Mythic they may get a more reasonable patch.

Shame they wont, and regardless of WHEN we get it, we will STILL GET IT. I am willing to wager it stays in the rather fooked up foem that it is in now

Roo Stercogburn

Ok, setting myself up for a kicking here but...

often the only way to test something properly is to set up a test situation which is obviously wrong then refine it and pare it back until you get it right. From a test perspective, often more valid data comes back from something that is completely wrong than something that is almost right and difficult to see where the problem lies. I'm hoping this is what's happening because it is a known valid testing procedure. Start with the right idea but something that is probably wildly out in balance and work it back. In theory you get the balancing right over time.

In theory.


There's slight hope that some of the armor-related issues will be fixed, after all Mythic has stated that they are "looking into it". Of course, we all know what that means :)


Originally posted by klavrynd

funny. that's why i cant kill support classes and do less damage on casters (for some odd reason) then on tanks as the "melee realm"'s "hardest hitter" class.

allso notice that albion has plate and chain, both having a damage penalty vs. slashing damage (which 2/3 tank weapons in mid do)
Yeah you do less damage. Cause no resists, no - or +. And most tanks hit me for 400-500 now with 2h. That aint lethal? thats over 50% of my hits.


heh yer kr0n we love ur fuzzy wuzzy Fenrir pet, so we leave him and come for you :) 590 damage i think I did on u in ggdra in our last meeting, tho that was with 2 Str relics i think.

I got no probs with damage output atm, just want more survivability, which Mythic are working on with increased parry/Block (lets hope that means vs styles too, and even CS styles)

all i beg for is some innate tank benefit of Magic resists


And most tanks hit me for 400-500 now with 2h. That aint lethal? thats over 50% of my hits.

clickety click, you can't enter melee when mesmerized.

. If half those muppets on the VN boards logged onto Pendragon and /appealed sensibly to a CSR, detailing exactly what they think is wrong, it might get fixed. Instead they play for 5 mins, realise they dont do uber dmg anymore, then go spam the VN boards with whines.

poosh poosh. Mythic blatantly ignores TL's who do spend alot of time in testing.just look at the recent light-tank issues, which are probably the biggest whiners cross-realm. Of the entire report which pointed out serious issues with lots of possible solutions not one point has been adressed.

and :
"we didn't change anything" after which tons of logs are sent in, changing the response to "right, we forgot something in the patch notes" is another pain in the toosh


I dont care, nerf the bloody lot, just give me the pvp server.


Only time will tell how these patches will change gameplay. No use in bitching about it rightnow since we are still those poor little bastards that are stuck with 1.48

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