Mega Probs with xP Pro



Ive been using WinXP Pro for about a year now, and slowly over time its been deteriating to the point where imo its FUBAR, after 6hours of tinkering ive managed to get it working again, with no sound drivers , no graphics drivers etc- its not running in safe mode either , its just the normal windows start up, im downloading the new nvidia drivers hopefully to get back some colors/res . i was wondering if its possible to revert back to windows 98? also i have a 20gig harddive and 90% of the time it says its full, but we`ve knda lost 15gig of data somewhere , gone without a trace.
Please help :(


Tell me you didn't just write this thread then, 39 minutes later, bump it, even though there weren't any new posts :(

With regards your problem, yes, you can revert back to Windows 98 but you'll probably have to do the following:

  1. Backup all your personal files so they're no longer on your hard drive.
  2. Restart, booting from a bootdisk.
  3. Format your hard-drive.
  4. Reinstall Windows 98 from the CD.

As far as I am aware, there is no easier of way accomplishing such a reversion (please post alternative ways if you know of any, guys :)). Also, this method requires you to have a full copy of Windows 98 available.

Quite why you're having problems, I'm not sure. Are you positive your system meets the necessary requirements (and not just meets them, but surpasses them by some margin)? As for your missing data, again, without more information, I'm not too sure why you're suffering such problems.

Anyway, sorry I can't be of more assistance, I know the above isn't very helpful :(

Kind Regards


i did bump cos i kinda needed a fast reply :p signs of a desperate person , in need of a working comp.


If you are going to format you might as well reinstall XP

If you upgraded to XP from 98 then the files should still be on your pc, unless of course you didnt save them for later retrieval.

If you have Updated think about doing a clean install, XP doesnt really like 98 as a working base.

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