MEGA GRATS kilsimba on RR7


Loyal Freddie
Jul 13, 2005
congrats to kilsimba on rr7 as one of the best melee rangers out there on hib :)


Part of the furniture
Mar 10, 2004
Hahahahaha.. Sorry, excuse my behaviour.. ok, maybe not.. hhahahahaahaha!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 15, 2004
haha,I am the 4th who says gratz in this thread out of 14 \o/


Loyal Freddie
May 17, 2005
i dont give a fuck what some of you think i can hold my own in a 1v1 i dont come on here every time i get jumped by 2 or more people and whine like a baby so just shut the fuck up and play the game i have bin solo a lot lately


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 26, 2004
Last time i saw you was with chelseafc and Porkbelly about a night or two ago :) i guess lately you really are solo

Keep on going:worthy:


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 3, 2004
killsimba said:
i dont give a fuck what some of you think i can hold my own in a 1v1 i dont come on here every time i get jumped by 2 or more people and whine like a baby so just shut the fuck up and play the game i have bin solo a lot lately

Uhm, lol? You've never been solo. Been added to my shitlist 10 + times tho (I add points everytime someone fucks with me) and you have 10/10 = uber shit.


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
Any post started by porksword needs to be taken with a touch of salt. Gratz on the ding Kils, but tbh I have only ever seen you add.


Fledgling Freddie
May 19, 2004
Porkbelly said:
congrats to kilsimba on rr7 as one of the best leecher out there on hib :)
edited it 4 ya xD

uhh and its nice to get more rps from ya now xD


Loyal Freddie
May 17, 2005
lol at going solo had about 20 fights today and 18 of them ppl add so what is the point going solo you all say if in a gp let 1v1 fight but no one will let a gp member die


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
killsimba said:
lol at going solo had about 20 fights today and 18 of them ppl add so what is the point going solo you all say if in a gp let 1v1 fight but no one will let a gp member die

haha you solo xD

and i don't blame people for adding, after all, you've acted like a **** since you started rvr'ing... just cause you're going solo after you've zerged to rr7 doesn't mean people will leave you alone now. ;D


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
killsimba said:
lol at going solo had about 20 fights today and 18 of them ppl add so what is the point going solo you all say if in a gp let 1v1 fight but no one will let a gp member die
omgz! i couldnt find anything to add on so i like tried to kill something and got adds :( :( :( fucking cnuts!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2004
18 out of 20? It can be bad sometimes but where the hell are you fighting?

Could possibly be that many people go out of their way to add on people they dislike, ie. you. I think you'll find that a lot of soloers or people who have solo characters will respect 1v1s so long as the other player has given them the same respect.


Can't get enough of FH
May 30, 2004
tbh the only time i seen u and u seemed ungrped was outside DC when u added with an rr2ranger when wierdly enough a pet from an rr3 chanter passing by me just attacked me...(all these just after u added on my friends that was each solo... Isunder and Shatterhand)
but since u r now an rr7 playing a class what is high on the stealther food chain (and dont tell me only once in 15 mins), i expect to find u solo sometimes.
I guess and hope those 1,7something mils r not all from adding/trio rangers and u can actually show us what an rr7 ranger can do solo :p.
Maybe will try and find u when i finish this last template i am working on and become rvr active again :p

PS:same stuff for u Pork as u dont seem better than that ... /hug despite the previous /rude ...
bah ..i Hate X-mas :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
not always Malile, some days are just really really really really bad addwise :(

But most days are good so.. I aint whining, that much :D

One thing I dont get though is..

Say that I solo.. I go out 4 runs, outta these 4 runs I get SLd or just jumped/chased/added on by 2 infils, I get killed all 4 times since 2 infs is too much to handle for my nooby ass if they got the slightest clue.

I go back again, as usual, I see a ranger in a fight with the infils, and I decide to get some payback done and the 2 infils die.

What am I?

Say that I go back yet again, still trying to solo, same 2 infs duo me down again and I die and go back.. next run I see them in a fight with a SB trying to solo aswell, I go in and both infils die.

Any difference?

I go back.. again... I see the 2 infils that I know by now spare nobody, they also add on solofights and ruin everything. They are in a fight with 2 hibs and I go in and add aswell since I actually really dont like these assholes at all anymore.

What am I now?

I'm just trying to understand what the common view on adding looks like. There is adding and there is ADDING, that I know, but, where does the line go? Is revenge allowed? Is evening (sp?) odds out allowed? Is plain blatant adding on assholes allowed?

I really do try to keep things fair on my NS when im out running but sometimes I feel that enough simply just is enough, take the 2 highRRmids Endac and Narzu (i think his name is that..). They have duoed me down quite a few times, they chase me if they see me and they simply dont give me a chanse in hell at all. What I feel is that:

1) If a hibgroup or albgroup passes, I would wanna pop them and get them killed for sure, no doubt, but I dont atm, it itches alot in the macro for javelins but.. I just feel its a very bad thing to do. Although, I have no doubt they would treat me that way. Would it be a bad thing if I did pop them and get them killed? Seeing how they treat me I mean.

2) If they are in a fight and numbers are equal, I would wanna add on them, but I dont, if they are outnumbered I would probably cry at them but feel they got what they deserved. Would it be fair to add anyway? Since they outnumber me 100% of the time I see them and they kill me.

Share your opinions guys :) And dont tell me to just zerg them back or duo myself etc, it wont happen. I dont play stealther to gank soloers without any chanse of a fair fight at all unless I dont like them, then I can consider to be bad but.. not always since Im unsure what is accepted in general and what is not.

oh and ontopic, grats kilsimba, I guess you got your reasons for your playstyle, like we all do.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 15, 2004
killsimba said:
i dont give a fuck what some of you think i can hold my own in a 1v1 i dont come on here every time i get jumped by 2 or more people and whine like a baby so just shut the fuck up and play the game i have bin solo a lot lately

well, I had 1 fair fight with you, had another fight, but an NS added and u used rr5, so couldn't kill u both ;<


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 27, 2004
killsimba said:
lol at going solo had about 20 fights today and 18 of them ppl add so what is the point going solo you all say if in a gp let 1v1 fight but no one will let a gp member die

You solo? roflmao one of the most funniest posts ive seen on here this year. And you cant hold your ground when your even solo. So no gratz to the biggest twat on the game.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 18, 2004
Gratz on rr7...

But tbh, i have never ever seen u solo :) but getting rr7 on 200rlm pts per kill is hard enough :)


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
grats, have had 2 nice solo fights with you, keep them coming and leave the zerging behind you :)

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