Me, myself and I


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
I just renewed my account which has been closed for about 2 month(pretty much since the begining of ToA last week. It was quite nice til yesterday, when our guild group was hunting for some artifacts that we needed.
We were in Typon's Reach and heard the broard message that the mob that drops the artifact Maddening Scalars, being quite close to it and one in our group needed the encounter we thought what the hell lets kill it.
We got there and started to setup some fields and one relogged(the one who needed the encounter). Then from nowhere 3 people from Bad Omen and Fotm FOO's just ran past us and started hitting the mob.
It was quite obvious that we were gonna kill the mob when a fg stands in one powerfield and all facing the mob there can't be a misunderstanding, right?
We got a bit frustrated and also starting to bash the mob. When th mob died they claimed that we were breaking the rules set by GoA/Mythic in their CoC. And its true we did, in the CoC it says that the one first hitting the mob is the one entitled to it.
Then later on we moved to another artifact, Crown of Zahur. It was popped but a guy from Grimnur's Guards where there too, we asked him if he where here to try killing it or waiting for reinforcements.
He said that he was still trying to assamble a group. We asked him if he just wanted the artifact or one or the other nice things he drops. He said he just wanted the artifact, and we just wanted the other stuff so we agreed to help each other and kill him.
But wait a minute, right then another group came from nowhere and without a care of who was there first they just pulled the mob. And i got to think, is this how everyone does it nowadays, first one hitting the mob gets it?
Have all human decenty left this game and/or realm?
This is supposed to be a team game one realm against the others, a idea that was lost long time ago...

Jareth Spellfire

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
From what i know the unofficial rules are : the one who is camping the mob gets the artifact, then again people apply rules to whatever they feel is right and people who dont have a group up in 2 seconds after a mob pops will always pull the short straw which in my opinion sucks badly.

COMMON SENSE is the word here. If people are camping mobs and have people incoming then other's should leave that mob alone. If there are no people inc after 10 minutes other's can kill it.

Just be reasonable people instead of being greedy, give your realmMATES a chance to get some artifacts, perhaps they cannot get a group together that easily or have more trouble getting artifacts as you.

By the way mate, it's not nice to name guildnames in public forums, if you have a problem with them approach them ingame instead of putting it on here where everybody will think "Ow it's xxxx guild again, what a bunch of fuckers etc..." It's a way of saying that guild isnt a good/nice/friendly guild, which is afterall just an opinion, not a fact, mmmkay? :)

"Common sense in gaming is the key"


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
Jareth Spellfire said:
By the way mate, it's not nice to name guildnames in public forums, if you have a problem with them approach them ingame instead of putting it on here where everybody will think "Ow it's xxxx guild again, what a bunch of fuckers etc..." It's a way of saying that guild isnt a good/nice/friendly guild, which is afterall just an opinion, not a fact, mmmkay? :)

That wasn't my intension i just wanted a discussion going if people want to have it like this.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
LMAO Bad Omen again :D

/givf stupid posts defending the guild etc.... It was only certain people not the guild etc etc etc...



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
What I've learned from playing MMO's (mainly Daoc) is that people are VERY selfish. I'm not saying that everyone is, but the mayority of the population are just that.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 27, 2004
Munson said:
What I've learned from playing MMO's (mainly Daoc) is that people are VERY selfish. I'm not saying that everyone is, but the mayority of the population are just that.

It comes from being begged off for years :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
The saddest thing about this story is that had these people just asked if they could join in on the kill they could have had the artefact since we were only looking for the encounter for a guildie. As it turned out, we didn't get the encounter (the guildie didn't get there in time) and they didnt get the artefact. Nothing accomplished and a lot of harsh language exchanged.

ToA takes away a lot of the fun in playing as it is with all the chores of doing master levels and artefacts, we don't need people making it worse by rotten behaviour like that. Why can't people try and be as civil ingame as you (hopefully) would in real life? Luckily these people are still in minority as far as I can tell.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 19, 2004
Munson said:
What I've learned from playing MMO's (mainly Daoc) is that people are VERY selfish. I'm not saying that everyone is, but the mayority of the population are just that.

I can tell you've never played Ultima Online :) Imo, that mmorpg has the most selfish players, without doubt.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
jochen said:
He said that he was still trying to assamble a group. We asked him if he just wanted the artifact or one or the other nice things he drops. He said he just wanted the artifact, and we just wanted the other stuff so we agreed to help each other and kill him.
But wait a minute, right then another group came from nowhere and without a care of who was there first they just pulled the mob. And i got to think, is this how everyone does it nowadays, first one hitting the mob gets it?
Have all human decenty left this game and/or realm?
This is supposed to be a team game one realm against the others, a idea that was lost long time ago...

I was in the group that "stole" your mob and would like to add some things. When we arrived at the camp one of our group members lagged in to the mob (thanks GOA for the nice lag in TOA), so we did not intend to "steal" the mob. Moriad who was our GL talked with Toomb (the person from Grimnur´s Guard) and as far as I understand Moriad explained that we lagged pulled the mob and it was not intentional. We also offered that if the Crown would drop he would get it. When the mob died it only droped ROG items.

Do you mean that none of the these explanations where given in to you? I am sorry that we unitentionally pulled the mob but it was not our fault.


ghaos smaug

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 17, 2004
Well not directly linked to this case, but not lesser evil!
For those familiar with moderna groups, you know there are 4 spot at crystals to pull from as a group, some time ago we had a similar run in with a guild group cross pulling over the 4 camp without regard ness for groups that camped the other 3 spots!!
When politely asked not to do so, the guy told me its not in the c&c that its not allowed to pull like that, mobs don’t belong to players.
I told him we was not making friends for him or his guild doing what he was doing, he didn’t care the xp was more important than making/keeping friends to them!!! End quote :puke:
In this case there is no use telling his GM, since thy were there as guild group, and he would even be stupid enough to be the GM himself.
After several time’s trying to reason with him and several time’s of warnings we would not stand for it, we (8 ppl from different guilds) decided to stand our ground and defend it
By pulling in our camp area he kept running true our ae spells and was yelling to ppl in my group he would report them to goa and make sure thy would be banned for “stealing” HIS mobs. :eek2:

If that’s not irony I don’t know what is
Ps; same night I sent a letter to right now and explained the situation, and asked how to handle something like this next time.
Thy replayed me by asking me the time and place the events accrued so thy would investigate and take proper action
From my good hart I left it at that :fluffle:
//Ghaos Smaug


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Ye, all teh rvr guild s00k and shud die irl osv., tehy r s0 navvty.

"That wasn't my intension i just wanted a discussion going if people want to have it like this."

That quote owns btw ;)

Wasnt my intention....really...mentioning 2 guilds, then leaving the guild out from the other encounter.

Same old, new thread starter :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
jochen said:
Then later on we moved to another artifact, Crown of Zahur. It was popped but a guy from Grimnur's Guards where there too, we asked him if he where here to try killing it or waiting for reinforcements.
He said that he was still trying to assamble a group. We asked him if he just wanted the artifact or one or the other nice things he drops. He said he just wanted the artifact, and we just wanted the other stuff so we agreed to help each other and kill him.
But wait a minute, right then another group came from nowhere and without a care of who was there first they just pulled the mob. And i got to think, is this how everyone does it nowadays, first one hitting the mob gets it?
Have all human decenty left this game and/or realm?
This is supposed to be a team game one realm against the others, a idea that was lost long time ago...

I suppose you're referring to the incident with my group. As Otho already said I hadn't given the order to pull Zahur, but he got lagpulled as the lag was pretty intense at that time. In fact I was just about to PM your people before it happened (it took some time to notice you) and see what we can come up with, as I always do, but he got pulled and staying alive was hard enough to handle with the lag we were having. As Otho also mentioned, I talked to Toomb during the fight and offered his people to join my bg for credit, which Toomb did. From talking with him I gathered that Toomb was missing credit, and some people in your group were after the crown and ring from Zahur. I was after Zahur's necklace and crown, but I agreed to give the ring and crown for your group in case they dropped, and everyone seemed content with this. In the end nothing dropped but ROGs and a legendary weapon component, which I gave to the people helping me. Too bad Toomb decided not to tell the rest of you about this, but that's how it went and I can't really see any reason for anyone to complain. Nice rant you had there anyway althought a bit exaggerated, gank groups' attitudes are well known and the rest of the realm is just a about the same as ever.



FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
i thought it was BO he was whining about, neither otho or moriad in BO? :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Ormorof said:
i thought it was BO he was whining about, neither otho or moriad in BO? :p

There where 2 incidents mentioned by the original poster. One where he names BO. The other one was about the group at Crown of Zahur, which I was involved in. I guess I am not in a guild famous enough to be mentioned by name ;-(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
There is also the good people.

In the weekend, I was killing the protectors of light to help some shadowblade get the belt (and credit). We had done the belt of the moon earlier for my runemaster, so we had been there awhile without seeing anyone.

When we had cleared one side of the island, we noticed the belt had gone unprotected (the last protector was killed!).

So, we moved to the other side of the island to find a couple of people standing there. They had gone up from the stygia side of the island, and thus not noticed us, but ended up with the last protector and thus the key.

Ofcourse that made us a bit disgruntled as they essentially 'stole' our encounter. However, after a little talk it turned out they indeed just made a mistake. So, we teamed up so the shadowblade could get credit for the encounter and it even turned out they gave him the belt too. Now, nice respectful people - a shame I can't remember the guild they were in (although I remember the individual names,but won't name them here).

So, there is also the good stories. I think we need to hear those too! :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
Glyph said:
Same old, new thread starter :)
Same old guild causing trouble as always, makes you wonder where the problem really lies. No smoke without fire. Perhaps if you tried doing a background check on the people you recruit you would see less threads like these. It puzzles me why you instinctively stand up to defend anything being done in the name of your guild instead of investigating, just a little bit, what actually happened. I understand this is no popularity contest, but in the end everyone benefits from helping out your fellow realm mate rather than walking all over him.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Almost every guild have caused some kind of grief in TOA, on purpose or not, but you dont see a thread started every god damn time.

But everytime a guild with a certain reputation, good or bad, seen from different views, its posted here. And we're just the lucky ones always.

I didnt defend my guild really, merely spoke about the subject in general.

Dont tell my you dont have any griefers at all in Bulle, or havent encountered a single problem...because that sir, i wont believe.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
Glyph said:
Almost every guild have caused some kind of grief in TOA, on purpose or not, but you dont see a thread started every god damn time.

But everytime a guild with a certain reputation, good or bad, seen from different views, its posted here. And we're just the lucky ones always.
And why do you think this is the case? Because people envy you? Because their application to your guild was rejected? Or perhaps there's some evil conspiracy working to smear your rep for some mysterious reason? Or perhaps there really has been more trouble coming from members of your guild than other guilds? You choose what to believe, I already know what I believe.
Glyph said:
Dont tell my you dont have any griefers at all in Bulle, or havent encountered a single problem...because that sir, i wont believe.
All large guilds will encounter such problems sooner or later, the difference lies in how they deal with them. I'm not an officer of my guild but I can tell you this much, should any of our members turn out to be a troublemaker/griefer I would actively work for his removal from our guild. I expect the people I share my guild colors with to uphold certain standards of conduct, or face disciplinary measures.

I know the majority of people in your guild are nice, decent people (skilled in both pve and rvr), it's the few exceptions from this that drags your reputation in the mud. It only takes one apple to spoil the bunch.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
So, there is also the good stories. I think we need to hear those too!

unfortunatly its easier to remember people being nasty to you than people being friendly to you because you kinda expect people to be friendly and when people are nasty it gives you a shock :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Ormorof said:
unfortunatly its easier to remember people being nasty to you than people being friendly to you because you kinda expect people to be friendly and when people are nasty it gives you a shock :p
Very true. Thats why we need to hear the good stories too. Just to remember that everyone not is an idiot. :)

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