MCL & FA timer fixed in 1.55....



Just to make all of you guys alert all text has been copied from the link below, you can read more there:

"They changed these abilities to have a 10 second timer before using it, where nobody can hit you, and you can't hit anyone else, AND your group cant be in combat or casting spells atleast.."

Althou it has always been said in FA description that it cannot be used in combat,

"Self heal that heals a set amount of hit points per level gained in the ability. This value increases with the character's level. At level 50, heals approximately 300 hitpoints per level. Cannot be used in combat"

Cannot be used in combat mean you may not have been in combat 10 secs ago, which means FA wont really be a instant help anymore, think you get the ideé!

Keep in mind no RA respecc is planned...


yup it sux with fa2 then.
But no big prob with mcl i think, since mages are never directly "in battle"...i think at least :m00:


well thats mcl gna be no use in rvr how many times are ur grp in full engagement and u run out of mana and need the last few drops from mcl? its all i used to use it for fs. Just the fact it includes group combat too i mean keep it self jeezas lol


thats with group in combat too is just bullox (i hope) ad would be really stupid to do it like that. I don't think they will :p

/em sit down and relax with faith in my mcl :D

Carlos Bananos

As long as it isn't bugged like other 'non combat' songs/spells.
(Skald speed can drop if a member of group is in combat using AE, same with re-stealthing.)


I got the thing about group in combat from the VNBoard post where it said: They changed these abilities to have a 10 second timer before using it, where nobody can hit you, and you can't hit anyone else. PBAE from a group member also resets your timer.

"PBAE from a group member also resets your timer"....
Is that just pbae or other spells your might ask, or is it group combat?...

And about this not affecting casters with MCL it surley will, hence you gotta wait 10 secs after your last offensive spell. erm 10 secs out of combat is pretty much :) me thinks atleast, and if grp combat would reset the timer, it would suck even more.....

Respecc plz :)


Sigh, wtg more Healer nerfs :p

Like 1 power bar was close to enough. Raging Power here I come, oh wait, that means I have to buy another 6p level of this gimped ability. FSSSSSSSSSS.


Pffft...might be worth respeccing the points from MCL into additional Serenity levels. ¦-/

Or you could just yell "Okay guys, stop fighting. Everyone STOP! I need to use MCL. Stand still for 10 seconds, okay? OI! PUT DOWN THAT SWORD!" whenever you go OOP.



Great nerf theurgists, we really need it :(

I use MCL in combat CONSTANTLY!!! yes CONSTANTLY.

WTF is that for? 10 secs, as if casters (alb in particular) are not having a hard enuf time pumping nukes out with all the resists that will come with SC.

And FA? Keeps me alive after some pesky assassin jumped me, those 10 sec may kill me (DoT).
Quite neat to have after a tank assaulted you and got slammed - respec plz.

Ah well, time to roll a tank I guess.


One day Mythic will learn.

These abilities arent used for the original descriptions (or intended behaviour) but for how they actually work.

Bug fixes currently take so long to arrive that not giving a respec isnt good enough.


MCL uses here..

Main one - After buffing the whole bloody group with EB/Haste
#2 - After I've just been pally rezzed
#3 - Nuked the tits off something in PvE without watching my power bar.

How will the 10 sec thing change the way I use MCL?

Main one - No problem
#2 - I presume I have to wait 10 secs after rez before I can get back into the fray
#3 - Could pose a prob as I have to get people to not hit stuff for 10 secs.

All in all... If MCL on 10 secs after combat is the price to pay for FA being 10 secs after combat then I'll take it. Fookin' hate FA and IP.


Here is my bet:
MCL was working excactly as intended.
They found out it was overpowered and used the good old excuse of 'not working as intended' to NERF it.

I have 2 uses for MCL:
a) After a round of buffs, which is insanely expensive.
b) In combats with more than 20 ppl involved I run out of power by nuking every single time (if I dont get killed). More often than not, I survive in these battles and nuke a full pow bar + MCL + 1 BP item away.


I don't think this will be a big problem in the end. Fighters will get their RAs adjusted, hopefully also casters will.
I mean at the moment e.g. Raging Power is (almost...) useless, since people are using MCL in its place (like it really shouldn't be used). Maybe it would be e.g. just fine to keep the prequisite of MCL2 for Raging Power, but lower the cost of Raging Power to 5 Skill points. Something similar can be worked out for IP (maybe lower the cost of IP only to 10 points though...). IP really IS so powerful, especially for tanks with lots of hit points.


mcl and fa, ip and raging power, they're all the same thing, just for different classes.

fa shoudlnt be an in combat insta heal, too powerful, that's what ip is for.

MCL shoudnt be an in combat power insta heal, too powerful, it's for speeding up regen after, raging power is what to get if you want an in combat power heal, just like ip but for power.

HOWEVER, both of these are screwed if they are stupid enough to put it on group combat timer :(, why the hell they dont have it on a self timer i dont know, means that at keep takes if i'm grouped, the 3 points i spent on mcl are useless because SOMEONE will allways be resetting the timer even if they just get hit by a stray NPC bowman arrow :(, totally pathetic that they put it on group timer.

the ten second thing IS how fa and mcl shoudl work, incombat heals to the respective bars are ip and raging power, but neither mcl or fa should be on group combat timers, that's just bloody stupid :(

please stop whining about not being able to use fa or mcl in combat, when you checked them you saw, in big plain letters "NOT USABLE IN COMBAT", stop crying because soon they'll not be usable in combat like you enjoy using them, if you want the versions of them that you CAN use in combat, get ip/raging power, however, if pure tanks are having their ra's cheapened, then you can bloody well cheapen the caster specific ra's like raging power for pure casters to match please, pure tanks shouldnt get ip for almost nothing yet pure casters havign to spend an enormous amount of points just to get the power bar version...

Qte Eth

hehe ments dont have fa :)so no probems:)and tanks wont be total ungankable:)sounds fun
mcl -yeah use it in battle but can live wo it fa nerf sounds nice:)
too bad euro will never hit 1.55;)


You have a point Qte - problem is that once again Mythic has managed to give something to a class, then nerf it away, I for one is getting pretty sick of it.

OK, so its not intended for use IN combat, then put it on a 3-5 sec personal timer, this is just pure shite.

On a sidenote, I have 1 RA respec left, which can free up FA and MCL points ....
Then I can finally get siegebolt.


good, FA on chanters is overpowred anyway

FA, QC bt ,run out of range and let pet nuke/snare interrupt you.
no ranged class can win against that


ppl from us say fa is on 3 sec timer now, and you cannot use it while you are attacked

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