"Mature" Guilds?



Dare I ask this question?

Are there any guilds out there which only accept "mature" players. I have seen a great many guilds (which I shall not name) that seem to recruit people who either badmouth others, are unable to run without jumping in the air all the time, and in general behave like they are still in first grade.

So are there any guilds that have high moral standards for their members, do any restrict membership to people who are able to speak using correct english?

I wonder if such a guild (or guilds) exist - I'd like very much to be told that they do...


Yep, we do. :)

Basically we expect people to behave reasonably, no badmouthing/trashtalking, etc. Anyone ignoring these rules gets a warning - do it again and they're out.

I think a lot of guilds actually enforce this stuff tho - no guild wants to get a bad name, after all.

Bleri McThrust

Our guild seems to be rather mature.

Not really sure how I should describe the ages but they are mainly above 21 and below 100 :) :)


I think we are mature too, except for dalby :rolleyes:


We don't have an age-limit but we do have a "no gimp" policy...
(no this is not a ban on mercs or cabalists or whatever class feels they're gimped :) )

I.e. no running around leeching from people, shouting abuse, etc. etc.

Don't think there are many guilds out there that actively encourage that sorta behaviour... but I guess some may tolerate it more than others.

(NB. if you see a humberton guard member doing anything stupid, please send me a private message on here and I'll sort it out... course this requires actually ever seeing a member of the HG ... we're not exactly a huge guild :p )



I think RB usually prefers if members are over 20 years old.. Although age is not always a good measurement. ;)
And Odysseus is such a n00b.. *taunt* :)


I saw one once, in keltoi when I was lvl 25 I think :p

actually that made me wonder, if he is supposed to guard humberton, what is he doing in campacorentin forest?? chassing a runaway ghost dog? (or whatever the names of the transparent dogs are)


I tell ya, those doggies can run fast!

I wanted to be the Humberton Militia (but the other founders .. who have since vanished ... wanted Guard)

Still it's better than 'Brotherhood of Camelot'
'Brothers of Camelot' 'Guardians of Light' 'Invincible People that really rock' 'My god we're so great it hurts'
'Don't try to take any keeps from Albion, our level 6 bunch is gonna get you'

and other such high falootin' names that our band of 8 level 6/7 people (as we were) really shouldn't have been tryin to claim :)

(not to mention the fact that 'Guardians of Light' already existed at the time)

(disclaimer: some of the above were not actually suggested)

Time to moo. :m00:

[edit] Did I really use the term 'High falootin'?' oh boy.. the end is nigh [/edit]


whats worng with "Guardians of Light"??? its a commonly used guild name thourghout the gameworld

check www.guardians-of-light.com (no accosiation what so ever to the GoL on Excalibur)


me and the founding bunch agreed on <Royal Bavarians>, because it s our first attempt at not taking ourselves serious. (bavarian army mostly renowned for being trashed by the russians or prussians in turn)
anyways we try to uphold a strict no-kiddie-policy, although i see it somewhat breached at the moment.


Argh, i know i am a hib
But could resist to react on the sig of Finster
pink floyd!!!!



Mature guild - yup

Oops... wrong realm *grin*


Originally posted by Zenwan
Dare I ask this question?

I have seen a great many guilds (which I shall not name) that seem to recruit people who either badmouth others, are unable to run without jumping in the air all the time, and in general behave like they are still in first grade.

are u saying we should kick out our members who jump while running ;)


yes, pink floyd.

oh and i forgot to mention we Bavarians kicked out the swedes in 30 years war (any pattern here?).


hmm in all fairness the majority of ppl who play daoc are prob 18+
praetorians (my guild) is prob mostly ppl from 18-30 but just cos you run around jumpin about doesnt make you imature after all is it only a game if it was rl i could see youre point.
plus you try standing around waiting for yoshiki to get his ass to a grp cant really chat in guild chat cos sturm trys gettin you into cornwall station barn (allegedly)
i mean what do you have to do to be considered mature wear a cardigan and sleepers ?? the game is about fun having a laugh and a joke with friends i regularly flame ppl over the age of 30 not one has turned round and said stop acting to so imature, the foul language is no worse than what you would get in rl plus theres filters if u dont wanna listen to ppl swearing. this isnt a flame but i just dont see where youre comin from with this post

p.s. you wanna see imature behaviour go play counter strike makes this game look like wednesday bingo at the local church meet


RautaKäsi - a finnish quild on Excalibur/Albion

I would like to think that our guild falls within this category, that is what we strive for. Have fun playing, be nice, and respect other players.


Our guild is just a bunch of weirdos who are 21+ (Most anyway)



...the people who can't refrain from jumping around all the time messed my head up..

The other day we were out hunting ponies and some guy wanted to join our group. However, we were full at the moment though one member was going to leave soon so we asked this other fellow to wait a while if he was still interested.

Sure thing... he waited.. his waiting consisted of jumping around us.. for 5 straight minutes.. it was extremely annoying..

Though this was the most frustrating experience with jumpers, I still think it's annoying to see people jump around Camelot.. Running is just as fast, and jumping looks so ridicilous that it's not even funny.

There you have it.. my addition to the mature guild-thread..


maybe the jumpers used to play quake :)

if you jump all the time while playing quake you go really really fast

... also known as 'bunnyhopping'

at least a majority are mature enough.. there's no constant spam of, 'i p4wnz d47 BunneH' ... which can only be good :D


Originally posted by Bedwin
whats worng with "Guardians of Light"??? its a commonly used guild name thourghout the gameworld

check www.guardians-of-light.com (no accosiation what so ever to the GoL on Excalibur)

It's a bit frilly.. 'We guard the light from the darkness!' I prefer my RPGs a bit more gritty rather than high-fantasy... (tis just me though - each to their own)

That and 8 level 6 chars (as we were) ain't gonna be guarding the eternal light from the hounds of darkness no matter which way you look at it :)

the GoL guild however have a better chance being rather large and scary :) I think our torches are safe


Jumpers aren't always kids

Just to set the record straight about this whole jumping mallarky I'm afraid that I jump around certain bits of Camelot. Why? Well because for some reason, on my min spec machine, I can't walk up the slopes in Camelot (ditto Prydwen Bridge) this means I *have* to jump up them (well either that or not go into Camelot at all, which might be slightly silly).

So anyway, don't always look down on us jumpers some of us have to do it for a reason....


gotta say, if i'm running down the road and a grave is in the way, I tend to jump over it,

but people jumping and running round in circles while were trying to organise group tactics for the forthcoming hunt does my nut in


Originally posted by chipper
plus you try standing around waiting for yoshiki to get his ass to a grp cant really chat in guild chat cos sturm trys gettin you into cornwall station barn (allegedly)

It's all true chipper, Sturm said he was disapointed that you never accepted his offers to check out the lovely hay in that barn...


Interesting reading. I am a more mature female player, who tends to get a bit impatient with teenage excesses :p

I just joined Excal Alb realm last night after 3 months on Prydwen Mid.

Looking for a guild probably a bit later on. So thx for info.

Paladin 5th Season (Excalibur)

Malenka Tartebitt
Troll Shameness 46th Season (Prydwen)


"Mature" Guilds

Tactical Retreat is a relatively new guild to alb after moving from hib. We are a close knit group of 5 strong members atm, all that know each other in r/l and we are currently on the search for new additions.... All members are 18+ and i guess are classed as mature but we do give each other some stick every now and then as i guess all friends do ;)

But we are pretty strict on who we recruit. We look for loyal, friendly and ppl who just wanna have fun.


This might bring some flames up but are there any guilds that enforce proper roleplaying names or atleast try to keep people with [insert random pejorative term] names out?

Hopping through alb/excal in past times and hib/excal atm i need to constrain myself sometimes from giving people with the most ridiculous names a lecture consisting of several cursewords on how they profain the institute of roleplaying by picking these names.

ps : what does "pwn" mean? i see this term used all over the place


It's a mangling of own. Not quite sure where it originates.

same place as l33t and r00t and suchlike.

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