Matrix and Terminator ruled as ripoffs


Kicking squealing Gucci little piggy
Dec 24, 2003
Good for her that she's getting her dues from the Matrix if she wrote it (If she did write that one and not the sequels it might go some way to explaining why they were generally cack :p) but the Terminator line I don't buy, it's already been established that the Terminator movies were (apparently, it was never proven in court though there was an out of court settlement about it) plagurised from another writers stories ie.

Science fiction author Harlan Ellison sued Cameron, claiming that the film was plagiarized from the two "The Outer Limits" (1963) episodes that Ellison wrote, namely "Soldier" and "Demon With a Glass Hand". The concept of "Skynet" could also have been borrowed from an Ellison short story called "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream". The suit was settled out of court and newer prints of the film acknowledge Ellison.
So tbh I think she might be telling porkies about the Terminator, the Matrix thing is a little less clear mind...

Above quote was from


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
An FBi investigation uncovered 30 minutes of footage cut from the first movie to avoid copyright infringement. Now they are paying her off, it would be nice to see those scenes.


Kicking squealing Gucci little piggy
Dec 24, 2003
Reading further into it, i'm becoming more and more convinced that she's a loon. Sure she may have written the scripts and would deserve her fair share of it but writings letter like this is just incredible...

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Yet again, we have been lied to and stolen from white owned multimillion dollar corporations like Warner Brothers and Fox in Hollywood who continue to steal and take credit for the work of creative Black minds!
Blimey, either she's part of the new black panthers or she is deranged about overtly giving credit to the colour of the person doing the writing and not their intelligence (before anyone jumps on me, that's a compliment to her smarts to write a movie such as the Matrix)

It carries on though...

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]And the Elite Blacks? Well they are waiting to get the nod from mainstream media before they act or do anything. Could they be afraid of losing what little bit of meat that have fallen off the master's table? Or is it they simply do not believe how great their own race is?

[/font][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I am ashamed of my own people's belief system. They used to have faith and they used to believe in God, but now they have become like the same fat ass arrogant White counterpart who only believe in the all might dollar![/font]
Gawd almighty, if she really did write this letter, she's making out as if ithe evil white man only steals from the great black race. It's Hollywood love, they'd steal anyones soul if it would make them a profit.

Suffice to say, if that letter's true, and she truly has no interest in the money coming out of this case, I'm sure she'll happily give it to reputable charities.

Sorry about the rant just things like this really piss me off.

Webby address for that letter (no idea if it's actually legit so this may have been a waste of time :p)


Fred's & Barry's co-founder
Dec 12, 2003
I dont find the anti-racist element of her rantings quite to surprising. Fox news (I know this is about Time-Warner really, but the point is still valid) was recently described as "angry right wing white middle class men ranting" by Gavin Esler of the BBC. He also stated that Fox news makes no attempt to report the news, it simply rants about everything with a view to forming and leading opinion. Right wing opinion of course. (I saw this on some BBC3 news related show late 1 night a week or 2 ago incidentally)

Anyway, perhaps she doesnt make her point in a way that we Brits would find reasonable and probably detracts from her message from our perspective, but the idea that the US media is owned by a very small white middle class minority with right wing views and that they actively control what news is reported and how its reported if it is reported isnt new.


Kicking squealing Gucci little piggy
Dec 24, 2003
Ye, I should have been a little calmer in my ranting :p

The Networks by and large probably are owned by middle class white folk. Heck, there's always controversy from some factions/sects/whatever, Extreme right wingists like to point out that a large part of the ownage of these companies is by the Jewish every now and again. It never ends :/

I still believe that she's taking the biscuit with the terminator analogy though, especially after listening to the radio broadcast. She seems fairly convinced that anything that relates to the Christ allegory was her idea, I really wouldn't be surprised if she went after Dark City next claiming that John Murdock was her creation or derived from something she wrote.

I don't know, this world's going all to pot, Hollywood plagurising...whatever next ;)

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