Master Level 4: Friday 28 Januari, Stygia: 20.00 cet


Can't get enough of FH
May 27, 2004
Master Level 4: Friday 28 Januari, Stygia: 20.00 cet

4.1, 4.3 and 4.4 required before raid.

Raid will do

4.2 Fortress of STorms
4.5 Jann
4.6 Oukesson
4.7 Iter Statues
4.8 Daehien
4.9 Gaurmaes
4.10 Matikhoras

We will meet at Stygia , 20.00 cet Friday 21 /1

Bg will be upp 19.00 at Shanessa

Bg mowing out at 20.05 as a BG if some came later then that time they have to found us on there own

Please try and make as balanced groups as you can, it will make the raid go much faster

Bg will be set upp at Shanessa my cleric

Do not spam the battlegroup in any way, if you have a suggestion please say it once in the battlegroup, if I don't respond please don't take it personally, the same goes for /sending me, I will not reply.


/effects self is encouraged on this raid to reduce the numbers of LDs.

LD's will be waited for where there is no chance they could catch up with the zerg solo, for a time Shanessa feels appropriate.

Loot Rules

I myself will be BG Treasurer. If my Inventory fills up I will find someone I can trust to hold more items. Shanessa and 2 char witch will chosen will be infiormed before the raid have 3 friends i know come

BG loot level will be set to 35.

After finishing 4.10, keys will be lottoed straight away with /random 1000.

We will lotto the rest of the drops in the 4.10 room.

There will be a seperate lotto for keys and other items. So you can win a Key item and a Shield or whatever.

Items included in lotto:



99-100% Items,

Legendary components

Master Level respec stones

- RoG drops Any points I missed please notify me somehow.

And I am not Precalim any of this raid if some asking about that i dont normaly do so at any raids i am holding


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 12, 2004
Love your raids Shannesa count me in with my pally - Graceandhonour

Crystalair :flame:
50 FOP Rejuv Cleric
co-GM Guards of Avalon


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Quarterstaff inc, and i know a good few others are, allready seen about 3 fg standing around stygia so shuld hopefully get enuf.

see ya there :clap:

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