Mass RvR err no dont think so!



After recent keep raids/relic attempts I am forced to say that Mass RvR still needs a lot of work.

When you get enough people together in one place the game slows like your swimming through treacle - its surreal - almost dreamlike.

The group becomes a composite mass - individuals are basically lost - any enemy you manage to get a lock on is dead - occasionally i might get a 3 second casting time spell off on one before he's dead but not very often.

The other problem which is even bigger is if you bring a big force against a large defending force you instigate a server crash like the one on Sunday.

This is making peak time attacks something of a nonsense which is a shame since they can be great fun :).

All the above is with all effects/names etc switched off on a broadband connection and a fast pc!


Sunday wasn't a server crash...

it was a router on the edge of Wannadoo (kinda like fort sauvage blowing up rather than camelot)

Edit: Disclaimer - I think it was anyway :) (read someones pingplotter that very much suggested that)


Oh well... have to wait till the new expansion which comes with a new and improved engine which we all hope changes the likes of mass RvR.

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