Mass Arti Raid: Sunday 28th



Mass Arti Raid

Sunday 28th of May
2:30pm GMT
Meet Aerus Haven
BG On: BloodOmens

Ok, First things first.. I'd really like it if people don't run away after they get the encounters they want.. please show some realm spirit and help out the rest! I'm going to ninja one drop from either Leviathan or Kraken for hosting.. nothing else 1 item and the rest will be lotto'd at the end! This is free for all! everyone is welcome. All drops left over will be relotto'd and highest roll takes them all

Aerus & general area

1. Spear of Kings
2. Egg of Youth
3. Guard of Valor
4. Shield of Khaos
5. Jacinas Sash
6. Flamedancers Boots
7. Foppish Sleeves
Special. Leviathan


8. Bracer of Zo
9. Ceremonial Bracers
10. Atlantis Tablet
11. Staff of the God
Special. Kraken

Stygia & general area

12. Golden Spear
13. Crown of Zahur

Volcanus & general area

14. Scalars (We will force it to pop if its down:) so scalars will be 100% done)
15. Tartaros Gift
16. Erinys Charm
17. Shades of Mist
18. Malice
19. A Flask
20. Battler
21. Bruiser


Spamb0t said:
aww wheres eirene ;-)

Not every one in the raid will have eirenes pre steps :p so pointless doing it - its not BG encounter anyway i believe we did it in hib with a battlegroup and no one got credit


vavires said:
ML 4 +5 Sunday the 28th of May @ 15.30Cet.

Its still getting done now less thread highjacking to advertise ml's :p


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 30, 2004
xGenocidex said:
Its still getting done now less thread highjacking to advertise ml's :p

No no, not highjacking, more poitning out that ure raid interfers with mine, and that these things need to stop, ure not helping ppl by running an artie raid during a ml raid. Ure in game 24/7 u got time enough to host it on another day/timeslit. But still u have to run in at the same time as the ml raid.

Realmspirit ftw?



vavires said:
No no, not highjacking, more poitning out that ure raid interfers with mine, and that these things need to stop, ure not helping ppl by running an artie raid during a ml raid. Ure in game 24/7 u got time enough to host it on another day/timeslit. But still u have to run in at the same time as the ml raid.

Realmspirit ftw?


You know nothing of realm spirit then.. if people want to go on an ml raid they will go... if they wisht i turn up for an arti raid then good for them.. its their choice to help others in the arti raid and not bitch about it on a forum.. get over it


Loyal Freddie
Mar 11, 2005
vavires said:
ML 4 +5 Sunday the 28th of May @ 15.30Cet.

vavires said:
Originally Posted by vavires
ML 4 +5 Sunday the 28th of May @ 15.30Cet.

ML 4 +5 Sunday the 28th of May @ 15.30Cet.

xgenocidex said:
Originally Posted by vavires
ML 4 +5 Sunday the 28th of May @ 15.30Cet.

Its still getting done now less thread highjacking to advertise ml's

vavires said:
Originally Posted by xGenocidex
Its still getting done now less thread highjacking to advertise ml's

No no, not highjacking, more poitning out that ure raid interfers with mine, and that these things need to stop, ure not helping ppl by running an artie raid during a ml raid. Ure in game 24/7 u got time enough to host it on another day/timeslit. But still u have to run in at the same time as the ml raid.

Realmspirit ftw?


xgenocidex said:
Originally Posted by vavires
No no, not highjacking, more poitning out that ure raid interfers with mine, and that these things need to stop, ure not helping ppl by running an artie raid during a ml raid. Ure in game 24/7 u got time enough to host it on another day/timeslit. But still u have to run in at the same time as the ml raid.

Realmspirit ftw?


You know nothing of realm spirit then.. if people want to go on an ml raid they will go... if they wisht i turn up for an arti raid then good for them.. its their choice to help others in the arti raid and not bitch about it on a forum.. get over it

Memories of toddlers at school... Let's all ask our mammy what to do now:rolleyes:


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 30, 2004
xGenocidex said:
You know nothing of realm spirit then.. if people want to go on an ml raid they will go... if they wisht i turn up for an arti raid then good for them.. its their choice to help others in the arti raid and not bitch about it on a forum.. get over it

Both are wanted, only thing u do is make ppl decide instead of doing it on a free slot where ppl can go to both. Sounds logic


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
vavires said:
Realmspirit ftw?


xGenocidex said:
You know nothing of realm spirit then.. if people want to go on an ml raid they will go... if they wisht i turn up for an arti raid then good for them.. its their choice to help others in the arti raid and not bitch about it on a forum.. get over it

lol at realm spirit, i agree with geno's answer. :) And btw i'll try be there to hopefully. I will spread the word. :)


1. Spear of Kings
2. Egg of Youth
Added. Eternal Plant
3. Guard of Valor
4. Shield of Khaos
5. Jacinas Sash
6. Flamedancers Boots
7. Foppish Sleeves
Special. Leviathan


8. Bracer of Zo
9. Ceremonial Bracers
10. Atlantis Tablet
11. Staff of the God
Special. Kraken

Stygia & general area

12. Golden Spear
13. Crown of Zahur

Volcanus & general area

14. Scalars (We will force it to pop if its down so scalars will be 100% done)
15. Tartaros Gift
16. Erinys Charm
17. Shades of Mist
18. Malice
19. A Flask
20. Battler
21. Bruiser


1. Spear of Kings
2. Egg of Youth
Added. Eternal Plant
3. Guard of Valor
4. Shield of Khaos
5. Jacinas Sash
6. Flamedancers Boots
7. Foppish Sleeves
Special. Leviathan


Added. Phoebus Harp
8. Bracer of Zo
9. Ceremonial Bracers
10. Atlantis Tablet
11. Staff of the God
Special. Kraken

Stygia & general area

12. Golden Spear
13. Crown of Zahur

Volcanus & general area

14. Scalars (We will force it to pop if its down so scalars will be 100% done)
15. Tartaros Gift
16. Erinys Charm
17. Shades of Mist
18. Malice
19. A Flask
20. Battler
21. Bruiser

Think that about covers it :eek:


Quick note if you are wanting encounters on multiple characters! please move those characters to the zones the artis you need in to reduce wait time when people swap characters :)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 11, 2006
this my bros user im mibam and im lvl 45 spiritmaster suppression can i come plz reply as soon as or talk to me ingame by typing /send mibam-excalibur hi yes u can come. or /send mibam-excalibur hi sorry but ur too low. etc


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 11, 2006
Joing the arti raid

This is my bros user on freddys house but i would like to join my lvl 45 supp sm if that is not too low. i am on excalibur if u need to pm me. please let me no asap whether or not im high enough.

Many Thanks Mibam :worthy: :twak:


Loyal Freddie
Sep 20, 2005
vavires said:
ML 4 +5 Sunday the 28th of May @ 15.30Cet.

thats the reason i didnt get hardly any people for my ML raid you always run ML's nearly every week when people want to do somthing different, not that you need the ML"s u just make them to boost up your ML raids done list. More RVRIng less PVE imo?

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