meet stygia prydwen - rules and arti order list will be posted soon as i'm busy presently remember to move your alts to the arti you want you will not be waited for - do all pre reqs before it starts we wont do it for you - any attitude in bg instantly removed! - it does clash with a few things but sunday is the only day i have free so its then or never -
!NOTE: Not the order they will be done in. !NOTE!
1. Spear of Kings
2. Arms of the Winds
3. Tablet of Atlantis (if up)
4. Bane of Battler (if up)
5. Bracer of Zo'arkat
6. Tale of Bruiser
7. Crown of Zahur
8. Egg of Youth
9. Flamedancer's Boots (Will be done properly this time not rushed)
10. Foppish Sleeves (Need a few people to kill Gorgon including skald with sos1)
11. Guard of Valor (if up on excal or pryd)
12. Jacina's Sash
13. Malice's Axe
14. Golden Spear
15. Phoebus' Harp
16. Shades of Mist (if up on excal or pryd)
17. Shield of Khaos
18. Staff of the God (unlike last time the staff carrier had to log so we didn't goto lemon tree this time we will)
!NOTE: Not the order they will be done in. !NOTE!
1. Spear of Kings
2. Arms of the Winds
3. Tablet of Atlantis (if up)
4. Bane of Battler (if up)
5. Bracer of Zo'arkat
6. Tale of Bruiser
7. Crown of Zahur
8. Egg of Youth
9. Flamedancer's Boots (Will be done properly this time not rushed)
10. Foppish Sleeves (Need a few people to kill Gorgon including skald with sos1)
11. Guard of Valor (if up on excal or pryd)
12. Jacina's Sash
13. Malice's Axe
14. Golden Spear
15. Phoebus' Harp
16. Shades of Mist (if up on excal or pryd)
17. Shield of Khaos
18. Staff of the God (unlike last time the staff carrier had to log so we didn't goto lemon tree this time we will)