


Do you "Love or Hate" the stuff??

On that topic. I was wondering if any one could fill out this survey I have put on the internet. It's for my GCSE coursework.

The previous survey I had done has just deleted all my results. So I have to quickly get as many people to fill this out as I can.
If you hate Marmite then you can tell me you do on the form! I really apprececiate anyone who takes the time to fill this out. I'm in real trouble as I have to hand it in soon.

Hmmm, apparently I can't post URL's until I'm further on. I'm not spamming, this is a real beg for help.....

http:/ /freeonlinesurveys. com/ rendersurvey.asp?id=38888

So If you delete the space between the / / and before the com and after the third /

Please help!!!

Thank you in advance!!!

(All information is kept anonymous
I am in no way associated with Marmite, or any parent companies thereof
I do not get any money from you filling the form in


I won't fill the form in.

But I hate marmite more than I hate you, which is a lot.


Make the results up. It's what I used to do.


"But I hate marmite more than I hate you, which is a lot."

That's a bit rude. So I've decided to ignore the rightfully called "Forum Plebb"

I am going to make the results up. It's just a problem when you haven't got anything to base those results on. Which is why I need some people to fill it in.


In what way is it flawed? How should I improve/change it?


Originally posted by KamiKase
"But I hate marmite more than I hate you, which is a lot."

That's a bit rude. So I've decided to ignore the rightfully called "Forum Plebb"

I am going to make the results up. It's just a problem when you haven't got anything to base those results on. Which is why I need some people to fill it in.


In what way is it flawed? How should I improve/change it?

He reads my title, quotes it and still spells it wrong. You, my sir are a genius. Not only for taking my comment seriously.


its flawed because, for example - i have not tasted marmite thus i cannot say whether i LOVE it or HATE it.

clearly there should be a dont know / middle stage


"He reads my title, quotes it and still spells it wrong. You, my sir are a genius. Not only for taking my comment seriously."

Fine then. I shall call you plebeian. Which is the word that you were searching for in the first place, besides. I'm sure that a typo isn't worthy of such sarcasm. Everyone makes mistakes. You however are being a pain in my side, and I don't know why.

Plus seeing as I don't see a smiley face or mark to show that I'm not supposed to take your comment seriously, I don't see why you think I made such a mistake.

All I want is for some people to help me out, I thought this would be a friendly place. Any how. I really can't be bothered to continue this.

Thanks to those who have filled it in already!!

Ermmm, about the question. I have had lots of requests about that; but the promotion for the product is. "100 years of Love and Hate". I'm not sure whether I like it or not, but the question is purely for the sake of justifying the slogan. I will sure to take note of your complaint; thankyou.


Wazz is an ignorant twat, always was and always will be. He may be a nicer person in real life

Ill fill in your form and good luck.


Originally posted by KamiKase
the promotion for the product is. "100 years of Love and Hate".

"Wazz is an ignorant twat, always was and always will be. He may be a nicer person in real life

Ill fill in your form and good luck."

I wasn't gonna be the first to say it, (being a new user. Didn't want to get kicked off). Thanx for filling my form.


You need to be thick skinned in here, its one of those places were some people just say things to piss people off but not really mean it at the same time. best not to take it too seriously. I hope this doesnt put you off the place. Drop in again sometime.

By the way your link to the questionnaire is dead.


you smell of poo GDW

actually, maybe its just your eye patch


look boss, another thread ruined with petty squabbling!


Theres nothing to see here move along please



Hey GDW, thnx for the tip. Did you remove the 3 spaces that are in the URL??

Must..try and save...the topic.....


sorry kami

but what is this eyepatch / pirate fad ?


It's just the phrasing of the questions is quite weird, and some options don't allow for you to refuse any response (you must have filled in each question for the form to complete).

I'd be more detailed but I'm watching telly :)

I filled it in anyway, for what its worth.

Teh Krypt

Damini, you really need to master the art of watching TV while browsing the forums...

Use Kennys pc if yours aint near a TV :p


Personally I think the love / hate thing is a myth. (Or perhaps an advertising slogan...)

I will never go out of my way to have marmite. I never fancy it, and I practically never eat it, but if I should (for example if my ex made some toast and didn't want one piece and offered it to me) then I love every lip-smacking minutre of it. Thinking of eating marmite right now is not pleasant, yet once I get a whiff of it I can't stop!

Weird eh?


the important thing about investigations (in maths) is not the data you collect but how you interpret it, so just go ahead and make it up!
you must be in a pretty stupid group though to be having a yes/no question as the basis of your gcse work..


It's all a wee test you see.

Most new users that come and ask for this shit don't actually care about it, they are just plain pimping. And then there are the rest, that are idiots that when slightly pushed jump into comments of "fuck u cnt!12" and the likes.

Ol' Kami here has done himself well.

We just need to see whether or not he can stomach the andy-wij-me combo:sex:


Guest not the combo!!!

Even worse, I've got to reply to all these comments....
"It's just the phrasing of the questions is quite weird, and some options don't allow for you to refuse any response (you must have filled in each question for the form to complete)."

I only gave the option to do it on questions which weren't essential. I used it sparingly though. Because all the questions tie into a specific part of my project.

Thanx for doing it though!!

"Personally I think the love / hate thing is a myth. (Or perhaps an advertising slogan...)

I will never go out of my way to have marmite. I never fancy it, and I practically never eat it, but if I should (for example if my ex made some toast and didn't want one piece and offered it to me) then I love every lip-smacking minutre of it. Thinking of eating marmite right now is not pleasant, yet once I get a whiff of it I can't stop!"

Yeah, it's a slogan, but I am exactly like you (bar the ex bit. I usually make it meself).

"the important thing about investigations (in maths) is not the data you collect but how you interpret it, so just go ahead and make it up!
you must be in a pretty stupid group though to be having a yes/no question as the basis of your gcse work.."

Yeah, but it's not maths. I have my opinion, but I've always been known as odd; so I may be the opposite of everyone else. Besides, I'm gonna make most of them up.

"Most new users that come and ask for this shit don't actually care about it, they are just plain pimping. And then there are the rest, that are idiots that when slightly pushed jump into comments of "fuck u cnt!12" and the likes.

Ol' Kami here has done himself well.

We just need to see whether or not he can stomach the andy-wij-me combo"

Oh no, I'm a complete a good way. I do care about it, I wanna get a good grade. So, I never have to do BS again (both Business Studies and Bull ****).

YEY! I've done well!!! What do I get?? A shiny trophy???

Thanks guys!! All of ya! (Argh, too many exlamation marks!!)

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