Marishas's Gloves

[TB] Benedictine

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
There was an earlier thread about the respawn of this arti. Since then I've been checking regularly and not seen it.

Before I committ myself to camping for it, can anyone confirm they have done the ecounter this week (and so prove it isn't bugged)? On TOA scrolls they reckon respawn time is 3-9 hours, though E&E said here that it could be days.

btw I can't physically camp for days and Im not sure what Mythic are trying to achieve by having respawns like this on a popular item. Shouldn't all players have the opportunity to get what they want - we all pay the same...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
[TB] Benedictine said:
Shouldn't all players have the opportunity to get what they want - we all pay the same...
Nope. Wouldn’t be fun if it were too easy to get the uber stuff.
One of the core elements in this game is improving your toon. Another is ofc getting better to play your toon.

[TB] Benedictine

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I deliberately wrote the word opportunity, not difficulty - aside from the fact there's nothing difficult about sitting in front of a monitor doing nothing for 168 hours, the opportunity would not seem available to all in the truest sense for people who cannot do that (IRL, relationship, kids etc)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Tbh, the whole arti-thing is stupid...

You first have to get the item, depending on popularity, spawn rate, drop rate, this could be weeks... (Cloudsong anyone?)

Then you have to get the scrolls needed to activate the item, drop rates of less then 1% on high reds up to high purples isnt uncommon (Love Story / Mad Tales)... Several hours / days farming, and often cant even be farmed alone...

Then, after you've spend hours getting the artifact, hours getting the scrolls... You need HOURS to level the damned item to 10... Some on spots which have horible pop rate, which adds extra leveling time to the whole thing...

Ohwell, it keeps you busy I guess...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
[TB] Benedictine said:
Before I committ myself to camping for it, can anyone confirm they have done the ecounter this week (and so prove it isn't bugged)? On TOA scrolls they reckon respawn time is 3-9 hours, though E&E said here that it could be days.

Respawn times such as 3-9 hours are meaningless. There's no such thing as an upper limit on how much time it could take to respawn, it just becomes increasingly unlikely such a long respawn time will occur.
Similarly the 3 hour minimum doesn't exist either, at least not as such.

For most artifacts it boils down to there being a chance for it to spawn every set interval. For artifacts this interval is probably like half an hour or an hour, with a low spawn chance.
Say if there's a 5% chance for the encounter to spawn every hour, that means there is a 70.2% chance it'll be up in 24 hours, a 91.5% chance it'll be up in 48 hours, etc.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
[TB] Benedictine said:
I deliberately wrote the word opportunity, not difficulty - aside from the fact there's nothing difficult about sitting in front of a monitor doing nothing for 168 hours, the opportunity would not seem available to all in the truest sense for people who cannot do that (IRL, relationship, kids etc)
If you don't have time to make your toon uber then don't.
afaik there is a 10% chance of it poping every hour, so you still got the opportunity to go check it once in a while when you have time.
Its not camped 24/7 so you might get lucky. If not then play without the gloves.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Have camped it ever since 1.69 arrived, not seen it during that time.

Have camped it for 6 hours straight now as we speak - it hasn't popped yet. ( and no, nobody else have taken it during that time ).

Most US sources claim 3-9 hours as common spawntime. ( Another source claimed 8 hours maximum ). This means people have atleast seen it more than once. One could atleast ask for people on mid/exc to get to see it just once ;)

( And yes, I know about the "percentage to spawn, could go on forever etc" - To that I just say that Goa should check that they have the correct spawn percentage... )


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 16, 2004
Kathal said:
If you don't have time to make your toon uber then don't.
afaik there is a 10% chance of it poping every hour, so you still got the opportunity to go check it once in a while when you have time.
Its not camped 24/7 so you might get lucky. If not then play without the gloves.

Spot the unemployed...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Klonk said:
Spot the unemployed...
Working in an engineer firm and I’m on my last year on a 5½ year "Computer science" education (or whatever its called).


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Guy in my guild has camped it some too, and not seen it, he rightnowed it, and was told spawn was random.....not popped yet since patch, go figure.


One of Freddy's beloved
Mar 26, 2004
it has popped since patch, but havent seen it the last 10 days or so

[TB] Benedictine

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I know E&E already replied on the previous thread, but are Mythic looking at spawn times on artis such as this, or is it generally accepted amongst the team that time sinks are something we all enjoy?


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 29, 2003
I got my gloves a couple of days after 1.69 went live. Have been checking the arti on a regular basis because i promised Brevis i would do so, but i have never seen it since then.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
14 hours, straight - not "logging in once every hour".

Still no pop, nearing twice the suggested usual "maximum" spawn time. So that makes 3 weeks every now and then, and 14 hours straight. Not even seen the chest, not seen anyone run off with it and suggestively few have reported getting the gloves after the latest patch. ( not saying the patch messed it up, but suggesting it somehow have gotten bugged during one attempt at doing the encounter )

Gonna RightNow it tomorrow, and keep RightNow'ing it until they can prove it's working as intended. ( nameless logs of when it popped and when it was picked up would be nice ).

Also heard rumours that using gateway's mess up the encounter, so it you find it up, please don't do it that way :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Gave up after 16 hours, passed on the torch to [TB] Benedictine, hoping he had better luck than me :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Whisperess said:
Gonna RightNow it tomorrow, and keep RightNow'ing it until they can prove it's working as intended.
Hmm, you want to bother RightNow with a 10% an hour pop that haven’t poped after 14 hours?? Plain stupid.
And how do you want them to prove that a "% chance to pop" mob is working as intended? You know there is a VERY small chance that the mob will NEVER pop right?

[TB] Benedictine

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
If there's a small chance it will never pop - then how do you know it isn't broken? :fluffle:

By the way nothing seen.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
[TB] Benedictine said:
If there's a small chance it will never pop - then how do you know it isn't broken? :fluffle:
Well that’s my point. You can't get prove its bugged or not (As in it won't pop).
Anyways the statement that ppl HAVE seen it after the patch should be enough for you.
Just to put your 14 hours into perspective, I have waited 36 hours for one pop. Nope I didn’t sit at my PC watching the screen for 36 hours straight. I had a few ppl over for a LAN party so we placed a BB there. Sound was ON so we could hear if ppl killed the mob.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 16, 2004
Kathal said:
Working in an engineer firm and I’m on my last year on a 5½ year "Computer science" education (or whatever its called).

About the same as me then (but economy, not engineering), with the exception that I value my spare time a bit higher, seemingly :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Having comprehension problems, eh Kathal?

If it indeed is 10% chance to pop, then after 16 hours it is ~ 18.5% chance that it hadn't popped during that time. But that's beside the point. The 16 hours camp was to make the point of "it's just 30 secs to finish, someone must've logged in during your camp time and snatched it" invalid.

The point we were trying to get across, which you seem to have either ignored or not understood, is that we're looking for someone that have seen it during the latest week.

The chance for it not popping in a week is roughly 0,000002% given that the percentage for each hour is indeed 10%.
The given suggested spawntime of 3-9 hours in that case lies within the area of 25% - 62% chance to spawn during that time. It is quite acceptable to suggest that something is wrong when that, to the best of our knowledge, hasn't been met for weeks on end.

I've seen Shades of Mist pop since patch, but that does not mean it didn't get bugged 2 days ago, does it?

Fact is, lots of encounters, be it artifacts or MLs have been bugged recently, thus it's a valid concern from the player base when a spawn time seem out of place.

I have camped lots of artifacts, and yes - for much longer time than 16 hours, but that's beside the point. If you can't see that, then I'm afraid I can't help you.

Valid proof would be to state how many times this week it has spawned and been picked up.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Whisperess said:
Having comprehension problems, eh Kathal?

If it indeed is 10% chance to pop, then after 16 hours it is ~ 18.5% chance that it hadn't popped . . .
. . . longer time than 16 hours, but that's beside the point. If you can't see that, then I'm afraid I can't help you.

Valid proof would be to state how many times this week it has spawned and been picked up.
Well there are a LOT of ppl playing DAoC and there are a LOT of mobs with "a small chance to pop"/time. That makes it VERY likely that some of the players will experience VERY long pop rate on a mob.
It seems you are one of those players.
Things that are not very likely to happen, happens all the time if there are enough ppl involved. We see it all the time when it comes to crafting. 250+ on a MP when there is 1/52 (afaik) chance of getting a MP have been seen.
That’s why you get a standard "Working as intended" reply.

Trust me when I say I was wondering after 36 hours of camping, but it WAS working as intended.
If it has been picked up 0 times this week it still wouldn’t be valid proof.
2 got the artifact after the patch and I’m sure that's just the top of the iceberg.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 16, 2004
Kathal said:
What do you build that on ??

You give the impression that you don't mind camping for artifacts, which is a thing most ppl with a job cba. When I come home from work, the last thing I want is to spend the evening checking for an arti spawn. But then again I hate the way Mythic has made the artifact system in general ;p

Btw 1/50 should be the MP chance.

[TB] Benedictine

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
As Whisperess said, the point of the post was to check if anyone had seen it this week (or in the future)

I realise not everyone reads FH but it looks like the only way we (and Mythic, looking at Kathal's post) can check whether it is indeed bugged is to maintain a watch 24 hours for weeks and/or get people who have got it recently to post here. Thats the point.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
So, it's possible that the chest was up right after patch, then someone took the arti, and it hasn't popped since? Can this be confirmed in some way, that ONE person has gotten it after patch? If so, looks bugged imo.


Dec 22, 2003
I had some PMs about this too and checked with Requiel on tuesday(mabey wednesday) he looked at some stuff and said that it had been up within the last week. I'm not sure if that means you've all just been unlucky, or if there really is a problem with it. It could just be that it spawns at say 3am or something and someone who happens to pass by sees it and does the encounter, then when you log on and start camping at 9am or so, it dosnt spawn because its been done recently.


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