The DS has far more quality titles than any other platform at the moment.
Meteos, Castlevania DS, Advance Wars, Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan (best game on DS), Kirby, Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney to name but a few.
MK coming, super princess peach too, new super mario bros.... there's a huge list and it's looking great.
MK remember is only 4 players online, and restricted tracks, but it'll still be great 8 player local wireless from 1 cart too, bonzer. I like the idea of designing your own logo too
Has anyone actually played this yet? I picked it up on friday and have been playing it on an off all weekend. This really is the definitive version of MK. The online mode is really quite good. Takes a bit of time to find players but when you get started there is muchos fun to be had.
Battle Mode is great. The maps are lacking in originality and quantity but it is tonnes of fun.
This is basically the handheld version of MK (or any platform) that you have been waiting for.
I've been playing so much my hands have permanently curved into Zoidberg-esque claws. I've unlocked everything now, played a fair bit of online (and local wireless) and am TT'ing away like a demon. If you care to compare TT times let me know.
Well, my DS and MK pack arrived last Friday. I'm enjoying the challenges on single player and have played a couple of online games, and one local wireless against my dad. Emmensly enjoyable
Also borrowed Another Code : Two Memories, not a bad little adventure game. Only got stuck twice so far and on Chapter 4.
Castlevania and the game where you play as a surgeon should hopefully be at waiting for me at home when I get out of work. Yay!
Well, finished Another Code : Two Memories last night. Really good little adventure game with some novel uses of the actual DS hardware thrown in. Ending was a bit long winded though, lots of dialouge and nothing to do. Still, apparently there are alternate endings if you run through it again, something I may do this afternoon.
Trama Surgeon : Under the Knife is fucking fantastic. It's the old Life and Death game, only a gazzlion times better I've so far saved 2 people from bowel cancer and pulled a glass shard the size of the Eiffel Tower out of some poor saps heart. Great fun, like a funky, japanese version of operation.
Haven't played Castlevania yet, was a little to engrossed in the other two
Castlevania is great if you're a fan of the metroid style castlevanias. It's still great if you aren't tbh, forging new weapons is cool.
Do yourself a favour and get a Japanese copy of Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan. Next to mario kart it's the best game on ds yet. has it for about £24 delivered last time I checked.
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