Map Rotations



OK, OK - its only been out a week and already the dreaded question regarding map rotation is rearing its ugly head!!!

Now nothing is going to happen immediately, because the general feeling is to allow all maps a fair shout, but I'm already being asked to change maps when Berlin comes up, and a couple of others suffer some form of exodus.

The following 2 are possibles on my hit-list:
1) Berlin is particularly bad because it suffers from mass grenade spamming and often the Ruskies never get a chance to break out. Ive seen several plays of this where no russian ever makes it out of their first spawn.

2) Gazala - I personally hate this map. The mobility on foot is appauling and even with vehicles the gullies make it almost impossible to move across from spawn to spawn. I basically expect to spent my entire time running from spawn to spawn only to die almost immediately when I arrive at the next one as artillery shells it.

On a second thought would people object to dropping the number of times each map is play from 3 to 2. Again some people feel that on the longer maps, it can take a while to move onto something new.

In the mean time, please bear with me while I learn a new rcon and list of map names - if people really want maps changed and I'm around (and I can work the bloody thing out) it can usually be done.

These are only suggestions - I'd appreciate comments from the community please.



Wake Island can suck my thermos.

I'm suffering from over-exposure to that map.


I agree about giving all the maps time to settle in, but Berlin would be top of my list of places not to visit.

Wake also has been played to death by us at least, but what about the new peeps who haven't played the demo?

Are there any new peeps? Scoobs hasn't touched a fresh winky in days.

Scooba Da Bass

I'd agree with the dropping of Gazala, if only because it lags like a total bitch.

Oh and leave Wake, it's a sexy map


Don't turn the number of games down the point of three games is to see which team wins. I don't really mind any of the maps some are better than others but none of them are really bad. Sorry :)


a dream in the distance
a scream
entranced taking only a chance.
In and out my mind goes

In and out it goes to show me its cruel

My trust in you - Berlin is drowning me.
In and out my mind goes

I like Berlin :)


Gazala is horrible, you can spend a few minutes manuvering a tank up and down tracks to get to a spawn, (boring).

Berlin for Allied is just naff for 12v12 and above, this is definetly an 8v8 map.

El Alemien is also far to big and it turns into a tank/plane fest.

Apart from those above the rest are great.

Wake Island is very tactical and a fun map to play.


Well i've only played Berlin once, and i disagree with you there, because when i played it it was the other way round, three quick rounds but the russians just over ran all three german spawn points and ended the game quite quickly, so i guess it depends on the teams....but i do think its a bit small for 32 players...16 is about right

Gazala i personally love, mainly cause i love the big maps, yes its a chore driving through all the gullies but once you learn the routes, you can get from one flag to another quite quickly, and theres the other routes if you want to go the long way round to come up behind the enemy...and its very difficult to drive the jeep at full speed and get there in one peice without over turning you vehicle hehe but with practice it can be driven at full speed through all the gullies.

but i have prolly played gazala the most hence why i have grown to like i disagree with your point on it but i do think it shouldn't be in the larger servers map rotations

maps i don't like are iwo jima very difficult to destroy the prince of wales for the japs, they only got planes and the americans seem to over run the airbase quite easily..what coastal batteries there are are destroyed by the ship quickly enough, and so turns into an easy game for the Americans cause what areas they don't hold they just shell with the huge batteries on the POW battleship.


Yeah ive only played Berlin once (as Russian) and had a great game on it,was only 24 players though. I actually prefer 24 players for nearly all maps tbh, lags less for me too.


Originally posted by lojik
Yeah ive only played Berlin once (as Russian) and had a great game on it,was only 24 players though. I actually prefer 24 players for nearly all maps tbh, lags less for me too.

Is there a consensus for a couple of 24 man servers, instead of all 32 man servers emerging? I do hope so :D


I'd quite like to see a drop to 2 rounds rather than 3, i can see the point in 3 if say each team wins a round but to be honest it is a real pain when you are on the team who has the sucky end of the map. Battle of the Bulge is one such example, because the teams are not changed around it can be a real drag trying to play as Allies for 3 rounds in a row.


Originally posted by Gumb0
Is there a consensus for a couple of 24 man servers, instead of all 32 man servers emerging? I do hope so :D

I'd vote for that... having just subscribed to BW for some BF1942 action (after having played quite a bit of it at a lan last weekend) :)


Well, 24 man is probably better for the snipers amongst us, more space to work in.

I'm much of a muchness about the server sizes, 32 is fine, 24 is fine.


A couple of each would be fine :)

1 32 player FF on, one FF off, same for the 24 player servers... sorted innit ;)


Korn, why haven't I had a chance to snipe you yet? Have you been hiding?

And take a look at the OFP thread in the game servers forum if you haven't, we have been given a hint of good news.;)


Last night was the first time the servers spilled over 32 and 10 so we're getting more people interested.

Perhaps converting it to 24/24 might spread the players out.

I'd certainly be interested in seeing a 24/24 even if it is just for a trial.



Itcheh I only bought it yesterday & subscribed to BW today... gonna be around tonight... I'll be the lost looking dude wandering around aimlessly... If anyone wants some easy kills, tonight's the night ;) Saw the OFP thread too - very nice :)


I like Gazala a lot and Berlin can be good, Does Berlin play better with less people or under a different game type like CTF?


Actually Korn, if you were any good with the sniper rifles in ofp, you'll be right at home in BF1942.;)


I've started a 24 man server thread in the right forum for it here.

Please go along and add your support for an experimental 24 man server, or alternatively go along and say it's a stinker of an idea, and if they implement it you'll go to BW HQ and kick their punk asses.

The choice is yours, but I thought the debate should go into the correct forum where it's most likely to be noticed :D


Keep all the maps on.

Particular maps are only bad in certain peoples opinions.

Contrary to popular belief, i dont think any of the maps are "biased" in the sense of who can win.

I think it rests heavily on the teams abilities.


Bulge is heavily biased in favour of the Axis, they start out with something like 4 tanks to the Allies 2 and whilst you can to some extent hold them off at bridges it is a losing battle. That is not to say that it cannot be fun trying, but having it 3 times in a row is a real pain in the bum.


I personally don't like El Alemien or whatever it's called... everything slows to a crawl, lots of warping, and... well... it's just too damn big... one time I played it I spawned, got in a jeep, drove to a flag, captured it, moved on to the next one and did the same over and over, before heading back to start the cycle again when the enemy started taking the flags back... only occasionally seeing an enemy tank that wasn't really there due to the warping...

Get rid o' it ! :)


The only 2 maps im not too keen on are Gazala and Stalingrad, all the others are just fine :)

With regards the number of players on the servers......I played on a 46 player server earlier and it was the dogs nadgers. Maybe BW could make 1 of the servers a 46 player server, that would be good.

Scooba Da Bass

If FUK and G got all our players onto a server at once we could, YAY FOR US!


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