OK, OK - its only been out a week and already the dreaded question regarding map rotation is rearing its ugly head!!!
Now nothing is going to happen immediately, because the general feeling is to allow all maps a fair shout, but I'm already being asked to change maps when Berlin comes up, and a couple of others suffer some form of exodus.
The following 2 are possibles on my hit-list:
1) Berlin is particularly bad because it suffers from mass grenade spamming and often the Ruskies never get a chance to break out. Ive seen several plays of this where no russian ever makes it out of their first spawn.
2) Gazala - I personally hate this map. The mobility on foot is appauling and even with vehicles the gullies make it almost impossible to move across from spawn to spawn. I basically expect to spent my entire time running from spawn to spawn only to die almost immediately when I arrive at the next one as artillery shells it.
On a second thought would people object to dropping the number of times each map is play from 3 to 2. Again some people feel that on the longer maps, it can take a while to move onto something new.
In the mean time, please bear with me while I learn a new rcon and list of map names - if people really want maps changed and I'm around (and I can work the bloody thing out) it can usually be done.
These are only suggestions - I'd appreciate comments from the community please.
Now nothing is going to happen immediately, because the general feeling is to allow all maps a fair shout, but I'm already being asked to change maps when Berlin comes up, and a couple of others suffer some form of exodus.
The following 2 are possibles on my hit-list:
1) Berlin is particularly bad because it suffers from mass grenade spamming and often the Ruskies never get a chance to break out. Ive seen several plays of this where no russian ever makes it out of their first spawn.
2) Gazala - I personally hate this map. The mobility on foot is appauling and even with vehicles the gullies make it almost impossible to move across from spawn to spawn. I basically expect to spent my entire time running from spawn to spawn only to die almost immediately when I arrive at the next one as artillery shells it.
On a second thought would people object to dropping the number of times each map is play from 3 to 2. Again some people feel that on the longer maps, it can take a while to move onto something new.
In the mean time, please bear with me while I learn a new rcon and list of map names - if people really want maps changed and I'm around (and I can work the bloody thing out) it can usually be done.
These are only suggestions - I'd appreciate comments from the community please.