Many people for me to grp with from 1-20?


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 27, 2004
Been playing on pry server, but so underpopulated thought i might try lvling hear.

Are there many lowbies about, or is it dominated by /auto lvl 20 peeps, so there will be no1 for little old me to grp with?


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 15, 2004
I just made lvl22 and had great fun doing it the 'old way'. Even classic-camelot wasn't all that empty, not as busy as when we started there...way back :clap: but I kept meeting other lvl5 and lvl10's on the way. More than enough to make groups in VendoCaverns and CursedTomb.

A big boost are the KillTasks in Aegir's.

Have fun :cheers:

[TB] Benedictine

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Why group? Made 47 solo in very little time indeed - seems much easier to level these days


Dec 24, 2003
hint if u have some RL friends, take out a firemans axe and threaten them with it. And make a permanent exp grp from lvl20 and up.

actually pretty fun to do it the oldfashioned way also.

I suggest u get a warr, sham, healer + anyclass grp and bash some nicely highpurp nasties.

at 20 and up vendo or muspelheim rules.
Think u can level 20-30 at a good flow in muspelheim on soot spiders then skellies. there are some OTD´s in muspelheim also like a hauberk, cloak and stuff i highly reccomend.

levelled my first char that way to 36, after which i did melee lair grps pre end regen.

if u are going solo u could manage soot spiders to lvl24 pretty easy and get some 89%+ qua armour drops from em also.
After which vendo caves would be best u could solo but i suggest a trow grp deep down chain pulling dem nasties. some nice yellow/orange @lvl30+ish vendo´s down there also.

30-40 u could do varulvhamn afte which i recommand u get some grps in for example DF.

[TB] Benedictine

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
- English - said:
solo shaman? xD

41 cave :clap:

You would be surprised how many pms I get for groups...

Random sends.....<Hi m8 need a group?>
You reply......<41 Cave>

Silence.... :m00:

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