Manow :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Please, get that Power leak, and stick it in your :kissit: (that's personal)
You won that fight because the mids who added ruined all our group did in form of CC, attacking randomly targets who where mezzed / rooted.
And teach your n00b bard that insta mezz sooks, maybe he will buy MoC and learn to mezz right. Only mezz he was able to land on our group, for every meet we had this morning, was the insta one. Bet he felt nice grappled and nuked to bits, we did love it all :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Yes where nice fights :)
Tbh didnt expect to kill some of u, bein that:
1st) you are hibs, Group Purge & Personal Purges allow you to win mezz fights 2 times out of 3
2nd) you where prolly GG, all ML6+, rr4-8
We where mixed group, started playing together this morning, nobody with high ML (except savage with grapple).
And our pac healer was played by my bf, who all his life played skald or warrior in NP so he lacks experience in playing healer, but we need ML xp on him for FoP :p
But still not being wiped in 30 secs and making some of you using MLs / RAs to win, even killing some of you, made us come back time after time, even if we knew we will get wiped again :)
Giv more of this kind of fights, and send zergs in toa to do MLs instead of ruining fun in emain :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Since didnt added in my signature yet, me was playing the liddul kobbeh bd, the target everybody loved to kick cuteh butt :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Evina|Andy said:
Yes where nice fights :)
Tbh didnt expect to kill some of u, bein that: 1st) you are hibs, Group Purge & Personal Purges allow you to win mezz fights 2 times out of 3 2nd) you where prolly GG, all ML6+, rr4-8 We where mixed group, started playing together this morning, nobody with high ML (except savage with grapple). And our pac healer was played by my bf, who all his life played skald or warrior in NP so he lacks experience in playing healer, but we need ML xp on him for FoP :p But still not being wiped in 30 secs and making some of you using MLs / RAs to win, even killing some of you, made us come back time after time, even if we knew we will get wiped again Giv more of this kind of fights, and send zergs in toa to do MLs instead of ruining fun in emain :p

...and this one time, at Band Camp...;)

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