Manamatts raid today what a joke


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 4, 2005
refuse'ing to givf people credit due to previous arguments, therefore ruining someones day nice one hope your happy mana!!!


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 18, 2006
U seems a bit thick, but maybe u didnt know that there is a 10 min timer on granting credit and when 100+ ppl is perma spamming u about credit its easy to miss someone, its nothing u need to bring to a public forum and whine about... and why call ppl cock etc ingame ? its just childish


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 31, 2005
Battleboobs said:
U seems a bit thick, but maybe u didnt know that there is a 10 min timer on granting credit and when 100+ ppl is perma spamming u about credit its easy to miss someone, its nothing u need to bring to a public forum and whine about... and why call ppl cock etc ingame ? its just childish

Added to that a lot of players in bgs don't wait around for the BG leader to grant credit, they just fook off and do other things, or run to the next step. That doesen't help the raid leader means you need a high % to stay together with the riad leader to grant the credit.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 4, 2005
thats just it i was with the raid the hole time i asked mutiple times to grant me credit, but did he no! and when i asked who else didnt have credit to have a go at the step after, everyone had the step... figure that everyone but myself had the step that would piss any one off


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Bugz said:
learn how hard a raid is to run or stfu.

Have to agree, that raid was really big, i don't think anyone expected 100+ for the whole thing.

It's frustrating to not get granted credit, but you have to consider the amount of pm's etc the raid leader gets and how short a time he has to grant and it's laggy at the same time which doesn't help.

Couple with this that half the BG running off meant half the time he couldn't grant even if he wanted too.

The raid went well considering, reading posts like this makes my blood boil.

For OP, your lack of gratitude for someone running a raid for your benefit is disgusting. Many people miss steps but most are gracious, ask for a grant, if it doesn't happen they just come on the next raid rather than throwing a hissy-fit tantrum on a forum.


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
I once had to gain 700% mlexpo on my Blademaster after doing an ml rush because the leader was like 5 seconds too late granting ml2.10 credit ....

Did i come here and whine ... no :m00:

That being said running a raid isnt easy and must be taken into account :D


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 7, 2006
TiLto said:
refuse'ing to givf people credit due to previous arguments, therefore ruining someones day nice one hope your happy mana!!!
omfg grow up and stop whining! i was there too and i had the same problem.. missed 1 step.. but shit happens... was a big raid!

sounds like you´re a perfect guy and would Never miss to grant credit when its around 130ppl in the bg and 70ppl running around after each step^^

so why not do a raid yourself then?


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 12, 2004
LOLZ because everyone is flaming the thread started I think its safe to come in and flame too and get my +1 . He gets the point , 100 people in the raid , now stop bandwagoning :flame:

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