Mana Chanter or Mana Eldy?



Can someone kindly explain the difference between a mana chanter and mana eldy?

As far as I can see, the eldy does not get a pet, but are it's DD/PBAOE more powerful to compensate?

Of the two, which is better for PvE and RvR?

TIA ;)


The difference between these two are following:

- Eldys' PBAE has a casting time on 3.0s, whilst Chanter has 2.5s
- The AoE-DD/debuff is not used very frequently :) Though, you do get a single snare/DD which is great for supporting your tanks/support classes with
- As a Eldy, you get a aoe str/con-debuff, which is very good combined with PBAE. Due to its insta-cast, you tap it 0,5 before you PBAE goes off and you will see a better result.
- As a chanter u get pet, very handy i must say. But in mana, you get the overpowered heatdebuff which is overpowered due to your heat-based baseline-DD. With 20 + 17 in light myself, i kill any kind of class within 4nukes IF my heatdebuff is not resisted. And as you understand, its also an overpowered issue to nuke constantly for 500-570 + crits with a baseline nuke, whereas you've put 20pts into that spell-line.

In short text, the Mana Eld is more a supportive class than the Enchanter - If both are specced into Mana that is.

That is in a RvR-perspective, in PvE its not very different - Atleast not when grouping. Your role as a manaspecced eld/chanter is PBAE. As manaeld you have the advantage of using your aoe str/con-debuff just before the PBAE goes off. What effect does con-debuff have on mobs? Well, you've all seen a fully buffed compatriot tanking lvl70+ mobs easily with focus-shield. The difference between players and pets buffed with conbuff, are that the conbuff raises the pet's ability to absorb damage - it raises the pet's armor absorb%, not its hit-points. And here's the explaination to why pets can tank mobs so much better than regular tanks.

By using this str/con-debuff before PBAE, your damage will get higher by 15-20% on each mob the debuff werent resisted on. And in RvR, your enemies' hitpoints will decrease if using this. So, its very valueable in both scenarios.

I hope ive got most of the important things included, had a coffee while browsing the boards and couldnt resist taking a few minutes off to answer this :) Both classes are great choices btw, if you feel like being a more of a supportive player - then go for the mana eldritch. If you want heavy deathspam outside the PBAE'ing, then the mana-chanter is the choice. Though, i must warn you - the heatdebuff + baseline DD is a very powerful combination. None would be suprised if the heatdebuff would be moved into the Enchantment-line. If this change is made, it'll be in 1.62 or 1.6x - And when that patch arrives to EU-servers, it'll probably be during or after summer - Just so you know!


If you want to be alittle different, go mana to level 40 and then respec to light. It might be hard to get groups and solo exp isnt as quick and easy as mana, but youll be different from the rest. Both Enchanter and Eldritch has intresting light specc and as usuall, the "eldie" is alittle more verstile (nearsight, AE mezz, dex/qui debuff, DD) while the "chanter" is more direct (DD, some different kinds of attackspeed debuff).

Why light? Well, the specline light DD is more efficent than the baseline, it draws less mana and has less damage variance. Its really up to personal choise what you prefer. I myself isnt the type of character who likes to run up to a bunch of hardhitting tanks while im dressed in toilet-tissue paper. I prefer a good 1500 units between me and the people i roast. :)

And as Sofragile said, theres quite a huge chance that the very good debuff+nuke / pbaoe get "killed" in a future patch.

Im not trying to get you to change, just saing that theres more to the hibernian mages than PBAoE. (and then we havent even begun discussing the very cool Mentalist class)



I wouldn't mind the chanter heat debuff being in Mana spec if the bloody pets didn't heat-snare-dd...


Great replies so far - thanks :)

Aside from crack - what does a Mentalist offer?


Evil AoE-dot, the RP-leechers dream :cool: Go where the lvl50 zerg goes at ~lvl30 and start throwing it around... Just mind the mezzes ;) My cabby's been successfully sticking her lvl29 AoE-dot on lvl50's with maybe a bit over 10% resist-rate :p Not a lot of RP from it, but still it's fun to get kill messages as a deep gray :)


Originally posted by belth
Evil AoE-dot, the RP-leechers dream :cool: Go where the lvl50 zerg goes at ~lvl30 and start throwing it around... Just mind the mezzes ;) My cabby's been successfully sticking her lvl29 AoE-dot on lvl50's with maybe a bit over 10% resist-rate :p Not a lot of RP from it, but still it's fun to get kill messages as a deep gray :)

What is the best spec template for a Mentalist then in your opinion?

Happy to read others views here also ;)


The mentalist is usually described as the "Swizz armyknife mage". They can do alot of fun and usefull things. The keyword is "over Time"... HoT, PoT, DoT (Health-, Power-, Damage- over time). They can mezz (single target), heal, cure mezz, aoe dd, charm...

The way to specc a mentalist is very much up to your playstyle, with the other two (three, including Animist) mageclasses there is ususally two-three cookie-templates... "the best spec". Mentalists has the advantage that there is no "best" specc, there are many good, and some not-so-good.

The most used spec is very high mana and quite high mentalism. This gives you the last PoT (also known as manacrack), the last HoT, a very good aoe DoT, a very good single target DoT, Cure mezz (not untill 1.60 i beleave), 44 sec mezz, a good heal and with the rest of the points in light gives you the first charm (just to play around with).

Other way to specc is high Mentalism (for a long duration mezz and a very good heal).

So far i cant tell if ive ever seen a light specced Mentalist. cant be to bad tho... speccline DD (same as for chanters), aoe dd, charm.

Oh. if you decide to try out the mentalist, be prepeard to tell alot of people that you can do more than just PoT, and the effect when the mob is grasping its head in pain is your doing :)


Ments get cure mezz in this patch. You need 28 in mentalism. A (near) full mana spec and the rest in mentalism ( target 46 mana 28 ment and 4 light ) is a good target if you want to actually heal. Your nukes will be pretty low damage (not useless but not uber damage anyway ) though and use alot of power, but you get best crack, best AEDOT, 2nd best single target dot, reasonable healing ( and a mage's power pool) and cure mezz. Anyway, if you end up in a focus pulling group you are pretty useful, your mana regen will be the best possible ( a bard with full nurture will need to be 6 levels higher than you to match it ) and you can heal the pet. You dont get buffs though ... exping from 44-50 ( you will have mana 5 ) is easy as fins groups will love you.

Other way to specc is high Mentalism (for a long duration mezz and a very good heal).

Almost nobody takes mentalism high, its generally considered not worth the points. However, a ment mentalist would have the best single target heal in the game, combined with large power pool ( boosted by int buffs )

So far i cant tell if ive ever seen a light specced Mentalist. cant be to bad tho... speccline DD (same as for chanters), aoe dd, charm

If you want to go light spec, ments are probably one of the best. Certainly the utility in eld light spec doesnt really make up for the benefits of mana regen that a ment gets. The 3 main templates for a mentalist are high mana ( rest in light or ment ), high light ( rest in mana for mana crack ) and mana and light around the same ( 35/36 ) and rest in ment (18). The last one is losing favour due to the to-hit modifiers and a level 35 spell will resist alot more.


Just a sidenote, PBAE wont get nerfed - If it is, it'll be an indirect nerf ;) Mana-ment is a very good supportclass, appreciated in both RvR and PvE


Ive played a light specced ment and if you like having a level 54 pet charmed with ease and high power nukes and aoe nukes i'd go for this. but you might struggle to get groups as ments are mostly known for their mana crack. If you have crack then a bard doesnt have to play mana song.


Originally posted by lakih
So far i cant tell if ive ever seen a light specced Mentalist. cant be to bad tho... speccline DD (same as for chanters), aoe dd, charm.



thought I was fame-ass :mad:


Belive you forgot the Baselinie run speed on chanters.

Imo Mentalist sounds like a really nice class ... have only played one to 32 so I don't know much about them in rvr, but I reckon I would spec high mana (the dot is Ewul and I know midgaard is low on energy resist buffs) and spec seckon in light ... if you use a chanter as MA he can heat debuff for you and you will nuke like hell with your railgun, there those seem to be enough chanters in hib :D so should not be that hard to find one


Originally posted by Omniscieous


thought I was fame-ass :mad:


I wasnt totaly sure, so i didnt want to make a fool of myself. :eek:


'spose I have a word to have said here on lightments.

Until november last year I played a lightment from 1-50 (wow, I know!).

Being 45light(last dd, last ae dd, and last charm)
24mana(3rd manacrack, 3rd HoT (or something)
17ment(36sec mez or so, and an ok heal)

I fared quite well, of course this was before all the "elitegrouping" for rvr etc where enchanters cover almost all aspects of casters.

Later on, the mentalist was respecced to 45light, 29mana, 6ment as the mez / heals in the mentalism line was very rarely used, and a tick higher AE dot was found more useful for fending off defenders / attackers from keeps. And he did even better in all aspects of rvr.

I haven't played him with SC in, so haven't had my feel of the high resists these days. I might soon though.

Lightmentalists are highly viable, and more fun than just ticking one button for PBAE ;) (pun intended)

Qte Eth

light ments were pretty owned by fact that their dd &stun are both heat and its one of the first resist to get capped and also 24 heat buffs are quite popular on mids &albs,so u end up with 200 dd per nuke which is not fun at all when mana speced chanter can do 5xx every time with not spec nuke and get aswell spec pbae
so atm i c only way to make ment is mana coz as dd ench beats both ment &eld ,but light speced eld gets at least some useful things like ae mes ,65% ns and hes spec nuke is cold
also ment&eld ra cant be any close to what ench gets
so atm hibs seem to have 1 mage with 1 spec that can do everything better then other classes.only problem of ench-he has no cc at all ..


As a manachanter or especially manaeldritch, you press way more buttons than a mentalist do though. If you think manaspecced elds/chanters only do PBAE, then you are totally wrong.

Qte Eth

mana chanter pressing more keys then ment?O-o
prolly we are playing different games;)


Light Spec mentalists are also very good
you get a high level Energy nuke(people tend to have lower energy resist than heat and cold...not meny Enhance clerics that RvR)
They also have the abilty to cast a nice pet charm spell for orange con pets
A few mentalists i know go 45 light The rest split between Mana and Mentalisiam- you can grab a not bad crack spell and a not bad single target mez


Mentalist (and chanter for that matter) light nukes, both spec and base line are heat not energy.


ah sorry for the miss info :)
i was sure it was energy

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