Malmous and all that



Good god!

I know I'm probably going over old ground here, but its my 1st experiance of the place.

The leveling treadmill gets very painfull once you are there.

Don't get me wrong there ARE one or 2 good aspects of the place. Like being forced to meet realm mates that you are soon going to rely on when it comes level 50 RvR (or at least i would hope so) However after spending a long time looking for alternative venus, Spind, Raum and DF mainly I have come to the conclusion that Malmous is pretty much the only fast place to level.

Its strange because in 1 way its revitalised my interest in the game, but only in so much as its made me realise that lvl 50 is achievable. It is nice to see the exp bar move again, but i wonder if we should be put to so much hassle just to find a leveling place.

I heard Mythic intend to make the time to level 40 to 45 less in the future. Would it be to much to ask for them to spread a few more lvl 50 odd mobs about the realm?

Prydwen is not a particularly high populated server. Can you imagine waiting hours and hours on a 3000 user server??

Oh 1 final thing.....I apologise to all the groups I've been in so far for my sub standard peeling. I'm not used to it, having not really grouped much before now (yes some of us like to solo but thats another argument). Anyway I'll practice really hard, and hopefully improve soon! ;-)

Your Humble Servant

Henry-Vee lvl 48 Skald [White Rose] Prydwen


Hey Henry-Vee, no worries about the peeling. Last night's group in Malmo had a strange feel to it in my opinion.

That is no reflection on the people there, as actually nothing nasty or even negative was said that I noticed, but I guess that quite a few of us were just plain tired...

So no worries. I personally find that the Malmo xp-treadmil is mind-boggingly BORING. Some kind of necessary evil, really.

It is so incredibly repetitive... but as you say, good practice for fast group-activity.


This may sound n00bly, but what exactly is peeling? :p


Originally posted by Dannyn
This may sound n00bly, but what exactly is peeling? :p

Taking aggro from mezzers/healers.

In other words the nice ppl that keep ewul ewul drakulvs off me down in malmö. :)

Too bad peeling dont work on them britons and highlander mobs :(


Its fun when MA is peeler too. I was it once. All i can say i typed /release after i lost about 2 bulbs of xp on lvl 49. And went straight to spindel and dinged.


Originally posted by Freia
Taking aggro from mezzers/healers.

In other words the nice ppl that keep ewul ewul drakulvs off me down in malmö. :)

Too bad peeling dont work on them britons and highlander mobs :(
Ah in other words not me - I was usually the mezzer. Though a lot of the time I could handle a mob hitting me anyway, go instastun :D


funny, Jexa asked the exact same question when I told her that's my usual job at malmo

Guess these albs have cc coming out of their ears

And malmo is fantacstic if you know how it works.... I was getting 2-3 bubs a day at lvl 48 and 49.... made 50 look easy.

Its fun when MA is peeler too. I was it once. All i can say i typed /release after i lost about 2 bulbs of xp on lvl 49. And went straight to spindel and dinged.

LoL, sometimes I had to save our healers ass..... running across the field with 2 execs hanging after me to use taunt on a 3rd exec, with a 2H axe is hardly the way to go for a long life

Still, with some superb healing from people such as Damon and Numia and Duncan, things never usually got that bad.

Is nice if a bored G2 healer/shammy keeps an eye on the MA now and then ;)

If you can get in a well oiled machine, Malmo becomes much more bearable. When I done my last trek, 49.68 to 50, I was there for about 10 hours solid. In that time, 7 people were there more or less the whole time. Having super healers there, as well as people who know their Job, really makes the difference between good and bad. Peelers are important too, Milkshake being the best I ever had. Damn that guy was a block machine... didn't need pbt for most of those fights :)

Best thing in malmo is easily some of the people you meet. I didn't know a great deal of people when I first went to malmohus, but when I left, I can /wave to most people on the pad going to emain.

The most invaluable lesson for tanks in malmo: get to know the healers, casters and stealthers. They can bring you RP's in RvR ;)


Originally posted by Dannyn

Ah in other words not me - I was usually the mezzer. Though a lot of the time I could handle a mob hitting me anyway, go instastun :D

Yeah. Every 10 minutes. :rolleyes:

Instastun/mez has saved me a couple of times, mind you.
Aswell as instaheal has gotten me killed more times than it has saved me :p Ohwell i guess its only fair i save a tank every once in a while seing how easy it is for healers to get into a malmö group :) :)

Btw, why does instastun seem to stick so much more often than mez?


Dunno, my instastun timer is 10 seconds so if it fails I just stand there for a bit then have another go. ;)


Originally posted by Dannyn
Dunno, my instastun timer is 10 seconds so if it fails I just stand there for a bit then have another go. ;)



Well my first experience of Malmo was very mixed.

There must have been a shortage of healers, because I was called fairly quickly (after mising the first call as I was making a cuppa). 2 pulls in, and we got a mega BAF. Everyone died... nice introduction to Malmo.

Next group (Lair), went pretty well, apart from someone called Dimon calling everyone 'Fucking Newbs' because we weren't pulling Execs (we had no high level CC at that point). Thankfully that didn't last long, as he soon dinged 50 and buggered off :)

Exp was pretty good, though I'm not sure I could take standing there for another 9 levels.

old.Trine Aquavit

Originally posted by SilverHood
Is nice if a bored G2 healer/shammy keeps an eye on the MA now and then ;)

Healing in group 2 can be fun if you don't just consider it your job to look after your group. I tend to work as an emergency healer, focussing on keeping the group one healers (1st priority) and peelers (2nd priority) alive. I'm generally as busy as anyone if the pull goes pear-shaped, in any way.

The trouble with back-up healing the MA is that, unless it's a huge troll, the MA is a bugger to target as, by definition, there's always a hoard of other characters (and often, in such situations, more than one mob) around. Healers/CCers/Peelers are usually more easily targetted. If I can help keep them alive it's easier for them to keep the MA alive.

old.Trine Aquavit

Originally posted by Cadire
Next group (Lair), went pretty well, apart from someone called Dimon calling everyone 'Fucking Newbs'

Hehe, I went through a period where I developed an unfortunate habit of failing to keep this guy alive. It wasn't deliberate: once through bad luck (half our group going to help another group on a bad pull just as we pulled ourselves), once by my failure to get a heal out in time (admittedly, my error, but nobody's perfect) and once by my LD'ing during a pull. I generally feel pretty bad when this sort of thing happens, but this guy's reaction was generally so offensive that I was quite happy to live with myself ;)


>someone called xxxx calling everyone 'Fucking Newbs'

wee sounds like a really fun gaming experience, and the group did not kick him out of the group?


My experiences on Malmøhus:

I once went there on a regular evening night as level 40. After waiting 2-3+hours (while playing an alt), I finally got a group. The group pulled for half an hour, then got a major baf and died. Then G1 more or less left, leaving only a few back in the place, so eventually everyone plain left the area.

That day, I thought I would never go to Malmøhus again, ever.

However, I played around, grouped in Darkness Falls, solo'ed, and finally got to 41.6.

So one sunday morning, I woke up extremely early, quickly logged on and joined the very first Malmøhus group to go to the lair. Whee!

I sticked in the group for 13 straight hours, near constant pulling (except at Dragon Time). And finally, late sunday even, I dinged level 43! Woo! Playing from 09:00 in the morning to around 22:00 in the evening is a long time, it was fun though, some great people and some jerks.

Now, that made me realize I have to use Malmøhus to get the big five-o. However, its a crappy mentality there is at the spot. I see lists of 20+ people waiting for either the Yar or Lair groups, even with healers on it, yet noone gets those peeps together and starts new groups, ... why?

That sunday, I even saw a warriors stand online, waiting from around 10:00 to 21:00 ... waiting, waiting and waiting. God, how boring that must be!

And, a little reminder.... Don't bother go to Malmøhus until you are level 42. It is NOT worth it! You will not recieve group bonus while level 41- ... so, on top of having to wait for a group for endless hours until actually getting to XP, you also get extremely crappy XP once you join.

Instead, group with those peeps in Darkness Falls or Spindelhalla. Better, faster, safer, funnier, cooler and much more l33t exp there. (Damn Im hip today!). ... until you ding 42.... :)

And finally: Hey Cadire, Nickelilltroll and Henry Vee! :)



<waves at maronan>

I fully agree, the lair group was excellent this Sunday. G1 was full of nice people that knew their business and the fact we didnt have a death in the groups for 4 hours was, well, unexpected. And G2 was also working well, though the shadowblades were hurt time and again when using cs styles and no healer in the group. Cami springs to mind as constantly down on his last 10% <smile>

As a crafter I was less happy with G1 members destroying the loot they didnt have space for in their backpacks but with the excellent pulling pace Snus kept there were really no downtime for transferring loot anyway.

One of the positive things about Malmo is that you will see some really nice people reach their 50 and the next time you see them, they wear their epic proudly. Fills my heart with joy and I realise it is really an attainable goal. Somthing I have wondered about many times.

And being the listmanger for one of the groups is an experience not to be missed.


Ahh, Malmo! Always brings back so many nice memories, so you just have to return over and over again. This is my third character I'm there with, and this time I'm enjoying it a bit more.

My Spiritmaster is a superb rooter/mezzer/nuker and I have my very own spirit peeler (who'm I'd wish peeled alot better). Think I died 15 times this sunday, but I never really cared much about deaths... it only makes my connection to the spirit world much stronger! :)

Many things have changed during the months I've been there. In the beginning there was always the hazzle to get into lair, you needed 2 groups atleast and could always count on a few deaths. Now it's 50/50 chance that you don't aggro something on your way solo.

Another thing, long time ago a group didn't start unless there was a high level healer for mezzes. No one ever considered the fact that Shamans, Runies and Spiritmaster actually had the ability to root. Now there are more groups with only rooters and hardly any mezz to go around.

Well, it's nice to be back... :)

Quemine ~ Caeron ~ Cui


Originally posted by Quemine
Think I died 15 times this sunday, but I never really cared much about deaths... it only makes my connection to the spirit world much stronger! :)
Quemine ~ Caeron ~ Cui

LOL I like this guy

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