Malmo - not that bad



I'd just like to thank everyone that made this weekend at Yar so bearable. I'm afraid names are not my forte, but the Big G, Cerbie, Xany, Gnejs, Nana and about 30 others all deserve a pat on the back for making my second session in Malmo so completely unlike my first session.

No whinging (OK, there was a little bit from me when I died twice at the start of Sunday afternoon, but you all bore it well), G2 was getting XP every bit as good as G1 (I swapped for a while on Saturday, and barely noticed any difference), the Sunday XP was pretty darned fine, no-one squabbled over drops (probably because we all have at least one Golden Alloy Spear, and they were dropping regular as clockwork), and the team worked. there was a bit more troll-licking than a shy kobold like me is comfortable with, but I promised I wouldn't name names.

I look forward to doing it again. The only downside is that Glautrong won't be there to shield-slam all the mobs, as it looks like the big lump is about to Ding 50. So he'll be out slamming Hibs and Albs full-time real soon :D


Must be nice to level in Malmo.
I log on at 9pm and log off at 2-3am what chance do I have of getting in the group?
NIL....thats what.
Looks like im doing 40 to 50 in darkness falls :(

39 Healer


I havent found that logging on at 9 was too much of a problem, due to work I have to log on this late as well. Every night so far I have managed to get into a group by about 10-11pm as this is when a few people begin to log for the night. Healers are often in short supply so I doubt you will find too much of a problem.


The low level might also be a problem. Malmo needs healers fr crowd control as well as healing, and at 39th the mezzes are much less likely to stick :/

Levelling to 42-ish is entirely possible and bearable in Spindy and Varul, and you're still getting level-appropriate drops there. Manslayers and the like can occupy small parties past 42.

The downside of Malmo is tat it's just a levelling factory. Standing in the same spot for hours, pulling the same mobs. Which turns normal people into their evil twins in pretty short order. When you have a good crowd, it's still not a huge amount of fun, but it is at least tolerable.

I wouldn't be in any hurry to go there, but it does seem to be the only place where you can actually see the blue bar move at the higher levels.

During the week though I think I'll carry on levelling my main alt (contradiction in terms?) in Spindy. Been there with one character or another since May, and I still get lost on the way to the scav room one time in three.


in my personal experience NOONE belongs in public lair/yar groups till 42.

Hell the game code even implies this.

ONLY at level 42 do you get Group Bonus from the mobs at lair.
I was at lair at 41, no gorup bonus, same for many guildies I spoke with, suicided, levelled to 42 in spindle, came back, tada, group bonus now. Group bonus accounts for 20% of the xp in malmo, its not to be taken lightly.

Also I hasten to add how can anyone find pulling the same sequence of 4 Drakulvs again and again for hours on end, accumulating GA spears and DE Coifs enjoyable?

Hells its borderline bearable for me in 2 hours stints. I hated levelling my first char there bad enuff, I despise levelling my 2nd.

Its more of a necessary evil than a "fun time". A good bunch of peeps can alleviate this evil, and make it slightly more bearable, but in no way can it become fun to the point I "enjoy" it :D

2nd trip, not surprised ur all siles, xp is great, good coinage, nice new experience :D

Get to you 50th hour (oh yes you will clock up over 100 ohours in malmo exping in total :D) and you will be begging for someone to end it :D

Brannor McThife

Viscount? Who are you? Hmm...died twice... Pip? Only recall Pip and Insane that were kobolds early on, and since Pip was constantly gnawing at a Drak ankle, I'm going to take a guess at it being you... ?

Saturday was a bit of a mare, with a lot of swapping to try even out XP. Sunday we seemed to get it right, and my condolences to those that handle the lists henceforth. I figured I'd do it on my last session, and it does get quite strennuous...trying to find people who are /anon, logged out, alts, etc. when you need to line up a replacement. That, and having to do my headless-chicken routine of peeling for two CC's +- 10 meters apart...gets interesting. Was damn fun though, and yes, way different to some of the hunts I've been on there.

And yes, Ashea has left lick marks on me. ;) Nana, I hope your bow isn't broken. You must have fired a few thousand arrows with that one now.

As for slamming, heh...I love my slam. Nothing like peeling 3 of them, then slamming 2 and laughing at the 3rd. ;) One of the amusing parts was Ashea asking if I'd put my guard back on her yet, and seconds later I double blocked a double whamy from a disciple on her. /flex

Who knows, I may yet drag some of my guild in there and do it again sometime. We had a great group there, sorry to those that never got in as a lot of us left around 21H30 - When Ashea got her 49.5.

Also, on the time thing, well, it takes patience, and some timing. Diensdal sat on that hillside for a good 4+ hours, waiting for a spot in the Lair group. My best advice, is to log your character in, and sit on the hillside, watch a movie or read a book, and watch your chat screen. I did that on Saturday - watched a DVD while watching my screen for PM's. During the week, yes, it's going to be hard, as most people play till 00H00 starting around 18H00. So coming on at 21H00 is gonna be tough. However, at one point, I had enough people on my list to start 2 more full groups that could hunt somewhere in Malm...perhaps look at that...ask the list holders for the names of certain classes and maybe start your own group.

Also, for list holders...when you send the list holder that you want on the list...send your name, alt you'll be playing, class and level of your character. If you get into another group or leave Malm, please tell them that too. Listholders, keep 3/4 lists. Meat shields, melee, CC and healing. Someone PMing for their spot # can get a clear indication of where they actually are. Since a RM that is the only one, but the 30th person to PM, will actually get in if your RM leaves.

You basically need 2 healer-types, 1 for each group. 2 rooters/mezzers who are 45+. The mezzer/rooter can also be a healer-types. After that, RM's with PBT (note, if applying for a list, say if you haven't got PBT). Then you'll need a peeler, someone who can live through 2/3 hits, so really, a shield-warrior is best for this. As for the MA (MAIN ATTACKER, not MAIN AGGRO), a falicy (sp?) here is that the MA must be an uber fighter, bullsh*t. Sorry, but the MA is merely someone who designates the Mob to be ganked. It can be a L1 for all I care. It's simply someone that says "That one dies first, then that one, etc." Worst thing you can do is when you've got 1 warrior, is make him the MA and leave peeling to skalds with 2-H weapons. Sure, skalds can DD, snare, etc. But a double hit against a skald from a disciple will leave him worse off, with aggro from the mob, than the person he was peeling from. I know I'm treading on a lot of toes, but a L46+ warrior with slam and good shield+ will last way longer. I blocked/parried LOTS of double hits in there, sometimes some got through from deep purples and they did 480+ against me. That's 960 in a double hit, leaves a skald on deaths door.

I must say, that our group worked damn well. Ej, you da man. You got hit by two, leaving you with no visible life, yet still chose to heal others before yourself. /salute. Luktar, you psycho Shammy, I pity the Albs. ;) Seph and Ashea, I swear if there was collision detection you'd be banging heads out there. :p

To those that were there, and not named, /bow.

My thanks for the compliments and for aiding me on my journing.


a.k.a. Big G / Glauthrong.


I had my first ever experience of malmo on Saturday morning, I think I was at Yar, but tbh I have no idea.

Thankyou to all for letting a L41 shammie into your group, but I guessed you were desperate for healers when I got msg'd in Varulv :)

This board has been great for getting info about malmo etiquette and how groups work there.

Gnejs: sorry for not telling you when I logged on Saturday afternoon - will make sure I do next time.


Roo Stercogburn

If you're logging on late and want a Malmo hunt take a group to the H Stones - xp is still good (obviously not quite as good). When I was levelling we went there a lot because 2 hours there was better than 1 hour waiting and 1 hour in group at lair. Lots of nice drops cuz there are some named close by and there are maras (night time spawn) which drop a cloak which gives +54 hp.

Don't forget the Greater Fenrir and Cyclops in Raumarik too. They need some lovin' from time to time ;)

old.Trine Aquavit

Yep, it turned into a good group. Pity I had to leave when things were going well (ain't that always the way).

I was on the list for about 5 hours total on Saturday/Sunday, though (out of a total of about 10 hours overall). Unless you're a PBT runie you can count on a long wait at busy times if you're under 45. As it was I used the time to build two huge, great, flat-packed bookcases/cupboards so my time was well used :). Had I not been doing that I'd have probably gone back to Spind or tried to get a Raum group going, cos the overall XP rate (including list-time) wasn't great - only about 0.6 bubs/hour :(.

On other Malmo-related topics...

I reckon the list (and the cg lead) should really be kept by one of the (low-)damage dealers in G2 if possible. Pullers/Mezzers/Peelers/Healers should really be left to do their jobs without having to deal with a hundred-zillion tells. And a G2 low-damage dealer won't be missed if they have to deal with list business during a fight. I know that yesterday the list went from Cerbie (Healer) to Glauthrong (Peeler). You did a good job, guys, but in retrospect a damage dealer from G2 should have been handling the list (volunteer G2ers!).

On the subject of peelers: while a shield warrior is better at taking hits from more than one mob at a time, a skald is better at getting that aggro quickly (2 DD's plus weapon). They can also peel from a longer distance (not having to run within melee range). A good Skald peeler can get aggro on a mez resisted mob before it ever gets to the mezzer with one, well placed, shout (an intercept rather than a peel). This can make it much easier to re-mez. They can also get aggro with weapon sheathed which reduces mez breakage from accidental extra swings.

I'm not too bothered about who is the nominal MA as long as the person getting most aggro can also take the damage pretty well. In practice it would make most sense to give the MA job to someone who can release the mobs from root (i.e. ranged damage). A high level Thane would probably be ideal.


Malmo is a Pure Melee and CC classes dream I imagine, G seems well chuffed at the blocking and tanking skills :D

Think I would be too, can just imagine a Kobold Warrior with capped Dex

tink, tink, tink, tink, tink..........tink


It seems that when posting from this PC, I'm using a slightly different account to my usual one, and it doesn't show my sig listing my 4 characters.

I am Chisel Carvingtool, the lowbie runie with the 10 second bubble. Best 26 levels of skill points I ever spent, that. Completely knackered my soloing ability throught my 30s, it's allowed me to worm my way into Spindy and now Malmo groups :)

And thanks to my spending some serious cash last week, I've got my Runecarving back up to parity with my level, at last. I'm still missing the biggest nukes, but it seems I can two-shot red-con casters who show themselves during keep-takes if last night's Malmo-relieving RvR is proof :D

Surely you remember Chisel - the bloody useless CG leader that had to be reminded three times every time someone relogged :)

Solid is probably right - another 50 hours or so and I'll be ready for the funny farm. But level 40, 41 and 42 crawled by (I think something like 2 months real time) whereas I got to 43 and 44 in a weekend in Malmo. Hopefully in a level or so's time, I'll have a root that sticks instead of just drawing aggro too. I'm not looking forward to my first time with the list, though. Maybe next weekend. I feel I ought to do my bit - as I'm not really capable of rooting ATM, just mashing the MA & nuke buttons should leave plenty of time to handle the PMs.

I love you all :)

Brannor McThife

Ah yes...forgot about you...just sitting at the back... Ashea and I discussed whether you were actually there or AFK the whole time...but then I pointed out that occasionally your power bubble went from bright to a slightly darker colour... ;)

Well, whoever Pip is, you're a good kid, tend to draw too much aggro though, and really, REALLY, should never be given a Malmo list, group leader, or cg leader role... :D We still love you Pip. :)

And trine...heh...2 DD's eh? <coughs> Ashea, hon, mind posting how many times your DD's were resisted? :p

Maybe I'm lucky with the some good moving training while playing a minstrel in Alb...mezz-on-the-move...

Oh, one other thing for Peelers, once you draw aggro, try not to fight with your back to one that you aggro'd. Rotate them into your 120 degree zone in front of you. And also, if you're using RM/Shaman rooting, everyone stay out of range of the rooted ones, otherwise it's quite useless.



Hmmm, i'm still amazed at the misconceptions of some people though.

"We aren't dealing enough damage, lets move that 44 tank up to group1 then group 2 can have that 42 sm" is one of the funniest.

In my opinion tanks arent even there to kill, they are there to build up aggro fast (with a taunt) and then to *take* damage, which is done best if only ma taunts (peelers excepted of course :p ) What most people fail to see is that casters outdamage equal level tanks by 2 to 1 ? and if an sm use his EVIL debuffs and a shammie his acuity then by even more.

Bear in mind that my runie is full supp, so that any other variant of runie or sm will probably outdamage me :p

And i also find the *accepted method of cc* a bit funny in malm. Why risk the healer, who is there to keep you alive when any runie/sm can root. Let the healer's primary task be to keep the ma alive (and pox everyone :p).

A better method would be to let runie/sm/shammie root and then healer/skald/sm mezz any mob close enough to hit anyone.
Another benefit of this is that if you cast a cc spell on the same mob as a mezzer by accident, what happens? Well, if mezz sticks and ur spell fails, the mob is loose. If you root a rooted, well, root time might be halved, and so what, remember which mob and reroot it in 30 secs.

old.Trine Aquavit

And trine...heh...2 DD's eh? <coughs> Ashea, hon, mind posting how many times your DD's were resisted?

And do you want to tell us how many times you missed on a swing, or swung for an already mezzed add? I though Ejrik was very patient with you ;)

I'm not arguing that warriors don't make good peelers - you're right that when more than one mob needs to be peeled a warrior can take the flak better than anyone. And I do like folks who can take damage - it covers up nicely for when I'm not paying enough attention. But you can't deny that Skalds do get three chances to hit instead of just the one :)

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by old.Trine Aquavit
And do you want to tell us how many times you missed on a swing, or swung for an already mezzed add? I though Ejrik was very patient with you ;)
For the record. I watched (with /effects all) which ones resisted and hit those ONCE. Anything that was standing in front of the CC'er, I'd wait for the CC'er to move, hence the creature would move too if not CC'd, or watch for it to swing before I did. Patient with insult me. :eek:

The whole time we were there, I missed less than 10 times on my first swing to peel. Count that against the number of times I did it sucesfully first time...and the % is miniscule.

As for swinging at a mezzed one. I would keep hitting one because I knew I could tank a red easy there, while constantly looking to see if any others (besides the one being hit by everyone) were hitting people, which I would then break off and peel. Hell, I'd break off and peel even if I had aggro from the main target if I saw one break mezz/root by itself. you've gon' 'n ruined tha friendship. :( Insulting me over the one thing I thought I was good at.



Originally posted by old.Trine Aquavit
I'm not arguing that warriors don't make good peelers - you're right that when more than one mob needs to be peeled a warrior can take the flak better than anyone. And I do like folks who can take damage - it covers up nicely for when I'm not paying enough attention.

Hey Brannor - don't get too upset!

I peel for Lunar at the trees.... paper armour vs purple con! Our cleric loves when she gets resists, I can tell ya :p


Anyone up for some AE pulling like mad and having fun for 2 hours and getting some nive exp without thinking about drops and every body is welcome and there is no groups order other then then ther group contenating the pullars </em taking a deep breath> ?


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Leave me the hell alone. - Bloodied of Warders.

I don't get it...

p.s. Skalds = ideal peelers... 2 insta DDs is perfect for taking quick aggro off healers/casters... also the skald can instamez the mob which is far better than any "meat shield" having it hitting away at him


Originally posted by diamonds
Hmmm, i'm still amazed at the misconceptions of some people though.

"We aren't dealing enough damage, lets move that 44 tank up to group1 then group 2 can have that 42 sm" is one of the funniest.

In my opinion tanks arent even there to kill, they are there to build up aggro fast (with a taunt) and then to *take* damage, which is done best if only ma taunts (peelers excepted of course :p ) What most people fail to see is that casters outdamage equal level tanks by 2 to 1 ? and if an sm use his EVIL debuffs and a shammie his acuity then by even more.

Bear in mind that my runie is full supp, so that any other variant of runie or sm will probably outdamage me :p

And i also find the *accepted method of cc* a bit funny in malm. Why risk the healer, who is there to keep you alive when any runie/sm can root. Let the healer's primary task be to keep the ma alive (and pox everyone :p).

A better method would be to let runie/sm/shammie root and then healer/skald/sm mezz any mob close enough to hit anyone.
Another benefit of this is that if you cast a cc spell on the same mob as a mezzer by accident, what happens? Well, if mezz sticks and ur spell fails, the mob is loose. If you root a rooted, well, root time might be halved, and so what, remember which mob and reroot it in 30 secs.

Runie/SM roots only start to stick reliably at 47+. Any lower and you're going down very shortly.

Not forgetting the paper armour. 2 hits = death. BT doesn't always work, especially on the Purps.

I only ever got 95%+ succes rate with my roots at lvl 49 and even then the odd resist nearly cost me my exp many times.


Originally posted by Dook_Pug

Runie/SM roots only start to stick reliably at 47+. Any lower and you're going down very shortly.

Not forgetting the paper armour. 2 hits = death. BT doesn't always work, especially on the Purps.

I only ever got 95%+ succes rate with my roots at lvl 49 and even then the odd resist nearly cost me my exp many times.

To be honest i see just as many skald/healer mezzes being resisted tho. But you CANT backup mezz on a mob, if the first one sticks and someone fails the second, end result is fail. On roots the end result is the opposite. That was my point ;o)

P.S. Root being in supp baseline, it ofc might be influenced by how much you have specced there. Mine fail too :eek:( Sometimes runies die from cc, just as healers/shammies sometimes do.

old.Trine Aquavit

Soz Brannor - I was just teasing. I should make my ;) ;) ;)'s more obvious. I know you were doing a good job on the peeling, I was just pulling yer leg. It wasn't intended as an insult, I assure you.

Trust me, the last thing I want to do is upset a tank :). But I did think you trolls had thicker skin ;)


I would tend to agree with Diamonds for the most part, although if you have two lvl 45 + healers then let them CC they are easily the best at CC out there, but if you only have one healer then I think the healer would stuggle, better to let the Shammys/Runies Root (Healers/skalds should try and Mezz any ones that reach the group).

The worst combination is one healer and one Rooter trying to share the CC, I have lost count of the number of times that I have broken Mezz when trying to get this too work (even if one trys to root left/right etc)

Oh, and one last thing, just wanted to thank the Malmo group I was in last night, great group and lots of fun (I love it when people ding 50 there)

old.Trine Aquavit

Of course, Healers get root too (targetted, not AE). If sharing CC with a RM/Shammy it would probably be good for all to start with root and for the Healer to mez resists (insta mez & insta stun help with that part too).

I rarely see a Healer tring to root though (aside from in a root pull). Am I missing something? Duration will be a bit shorter, I guess, but not by enough to make too big a difference (you can always mez a rooted mob with little risk for extra duration anyway).


well, dunno how many times i was peeling there, but it was lott!
berserker have studded armour, and double hit take over 1000htp away if you are in bad day :) .

bad truely was looking when healer/shammy was standing close mob, what was rooted, and didnt moved away, didnt see if root was stick? most time i just for safe once taunt hit and take agro to me, trusting group, after killed mob, MA choose mob what are hitting me, or healer mezz mob.
only 1 day i was dead 5 time in row when noticed MA run after new and new mob, ignoring peeled mob.

but instas (skald) you get fast agro to you, but truely!! peeled need stand up atleast 1-2 hit, and this means who ever is peeling, skald, thane, hunter etc etc, helping take time.

best way to be sure caster dont get killed is have 2 peeler, yar and lair, both side of group.
if need run other side group, you dont see other side and if there is mob doing some dirty works, huoh.

usually when i was peeling, i was waiting and look how root/mezz stick, if all was fine, go after same mob what other, BUT same time rotating and keeping eye those 3 other mob, dont forget that lonely what come behind like clockwork :) suprise allways.
if root/mess failed and 2 mob was running both side of group, usually first peel main healer, 1 hit, and check if mob turn to me, immediatly other side to group, 1 hit to that mob, checking have agro, and after this MA and hitting mob, but little more carefully, dont want 3 mob hitting you :)
but same time when hitting mob keep on eye these 2 mobs, are they standing still nicely.

as Berserker i was mostly using taunt style, MA have agro ~2 hits and usually after this i was getting agro to me, and 2-3 more hits mob was dead, 1 hit bubble take away, and was parrying and evading nicely, thanks for RA:s.

i was working mostly this way, dunno how good comparing other? but i liked when warrior was MA, i was peeling and warrior had guard to me, work really nicely.
sadly one warrior had interception, died copple time before notice that and ask him change it.
never ever use inter when situation is like this :).


I'm sorry, I have to disagree with you "Skald is the best peeler" people.

A warrior, specced with Slam, is probably the best peeler in the game. One hit gets both aggro and stuns the mob for long enough that the group can move onto it, or it can be re-mezzed.

Warriors can also handle getting hit 3-4 times without being too close to chewing on the grass in Yar, which I've been told isn't all that fun... :D "

Even after that, Warriors can also guard the MA (which has saved a few people in the past), protect a healer...AND intercept an attack for that Darkness Spec Runey who is always taking the aggro.

But most of all, if the shit hits the fan, a well specced warrior can keep a mob busy all on his own for a good few minutes by engaging his target, and blocking as much as possible, parrying the odd one that gets through and taking the hits if they need to.

Overall, a warrior in Group 1 of a malmo should be as highly valued as a healer or PBT Runie...not so much for what damage he can do, but the damage he can prevent happening to others.


It's surprising how many misconceptions can remain with players all the way up to 50th. Lose the pet, they leech XP being my current favourite.

Warriors are HIGHLY valued by this little runie for their ability to stand there and take punishment. Lord knows how easy it is for the big purple Drakulv thingies to smack me into the dirt in one swing. But they're never going to out-damage an equal-level runie nuking for all he's worth. The main damage dealers are runies, Dark-spec SMs, berserkers, and some SBs.

Of course, if said runie is blowing bubbles, he may not get many nukes off if he's trying to keep the yellow bar above 50% (and once the bar goes below 50% it's hard to get it back up again without turning off the PBT). I guess I should have done more RvR to buy into serenity in a bigger way.

I'll have to do a bit more nuking to prove I'm alive next time (and the skill points earned last weekend, plus some items I bought with the gold, means I can hit a little harder). Just don't ask me to root, please. Against red con opponents, it sticks *most* of the time. Against purples, it just paints me with a big "twat me next" sign, and te best tank in the world has trouble saving my ass when I have 0HPs. :)


Originally posted by Milkshake
I'm sorry, I have to disagree with you "Skald is the best peeler" people.

A warrior, specced with Slam, is probably the best peeler in the game. One hit gets both aggro and stuns the mob for long enough that the group can move onto it, or it can be re-mezzed.

Warriors can also handle getting hit 3-4 times without being too close to chewing on the grass in Yar, which I've been told isn't all that fun... :D "

Even after that, Warriors can also guard the MA (which has saved a few people in the past), protect a healer...AND intercept an attack for that Darkness Spec Runey who is always taking the aggro.

But most of all, if the shit hits the fan, a well specced warrior can keep a mob busy all on his own for a good few minutes by engaging his target, and blocking as much as possible, parrying the odd one that gets through and taking the hits if they need to.

Overall, a warrior in Group 1 of a malmo should be as highly valued as a healer or PBT Runie...not so much for what damage he can do, but the damage he can prevent happening to others.

Well Slam has no bonus to hit, and considing most people in malmo are using 25% bonus equipment means a LOT of misses... so the healer/caster who the mob is on just gets battered.

If the Warrior is using 2h, a Skald and Warrior will prolly be able to take the same amount of hits as the small difference in hp isn't enough to make up for the large amount of dmg made by the mobs at lair. Armor is more of an issue tbh, but with pbt on it doesn't matter much.

And a Warrior can guard the MA without being peeler too.. ;)


Originally posted by ViscountC
It's surprising how many misconceptions can remain with players all the way up to 50th. Lose the pet, they leech XP being my current favourite.

Warriors are HIGHLY valued by this little runie for their ability to stand there and take punishment. Lord knows how easy it is for the big purple Drakulv thingies to smack me into the dirt in one swing. But they're never going to out-damage an equal-level runie nuking for all he's worth. The main damage dealers are runies, Dark-spec SMs, berserkers, and some SBs.

Of course, if said runie is blowing bubbles, he may not get many nukes off if he's trying to keep the yellow bar above 50% (and once the bar goes below 50% it's hard to get it back up again without turning off the PBT). I guess I should have done more RvR to buy into serenity in a bigger way.

I'll have to do a bit more nuking to prove I'm alive next time (and the skill points earned last weekend, plus some items I bought with the gold, means I can hit a little harder). Just don't ask me to root, please. Against red con opponents, it sticks *most* of the time. Against purples, it just paints me with a big "twat me next" sign, and te best tank in the world has trouble saving my ass when I have 0HPs. :)

agree, nukers do if they want usual most damage, but need be carefully, as y say, can stand only 2-3 hits if bubble works, and if nuker starts too early?! its pain get agro back.
MA need stand long, take many hits inn, warrior is good choise, peeler same situation, warrior is ok choise there too.
dont forget Bers, evade, nice out damage, sadly studded, allmost same or even same htp as warrior.
i rise nro 1 peeler Berserker :)
missing only instas, but if bers taunt, it come to us! ;)


Make a Runie. Try and root an Exec below lvl 47. /macro Malmo /c Rezz please.

And for the record. Ogmarin = best damn peeler EVER. Zerker or not, he rules.


Originally posted by Dook_Pug
Make a Runie. Try and root an Exec below lvl 47. /macro Malmo /c Rezz please.

And for the record. Ogmarin = best damn peeler EVER. Zerker or not, he rules.

I've been doing cc in malm since lvl43 or 44 so try again :p

Sure i've died sometimes, so do all players there though.

Edit: as i said that might be cause im fully supp specced tho \o/

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