Malmo lists officialy banned



Well they should be.....

On Saturday I joined 4 groups chain pulling at the Lair spot in Malmo, the groups were a bit messy, some had levels ranging from 41 to 49... they werent "carefully" structured classic Malmo groups... they were just groups.. and the exp absolutely rocked.. from 1.2 mil to 35 mil, very varied.. but it was very very fast.

Why dont people do this more often.. later in the day, people drifted off until there were too few to pull at the lair anymore, so I went to ask the Yar groups if they would join us.. they wouldnt, they prefered to stay at Yar.. which is their decision. So I joined the Yar list and sat on the hill watching.. I witnessed more downtime in 10 minutes than I had seen all day at the uber Lair pulls and more deaths.. they had a major wipe-out...

Now I am not "having a go" at the Yar grp.. they made a decision to stay.. why?, I have no idea...

So read this post well, and beleive me when I tell you that chain pulling execs with 3+ groups at the lair is the fastest and best exp I have EVER had in the game (and that includes being power leveled by guild m8's)... it works.. so all those list holding hitlers should wake up and remember what I have said here.

By by Malmo lists.. they are not required unless there are less than enough people to form 3 or 4 full grps.

To all those that were with us.. muchos gratz, coz most of you dinged or mini-dinged, cant remeber how many times I typed "gratz"

and BTW.. DING!!!!

Brannor McThife

So you judged the Yar XP on a 10 minute observation?

Same could be said of the Lair.

The reason for doing the different areas is simply down to your CC levels. 4 from Yar are easier to handle that 4 deep purples at the lair. Not only that, if the 2 groups at Yar are done right, XP is great for everyone.



I can see your exitement nobrot and yeah the exp probably rocked and yeah lists suck but the fact of the matter is as long as there is a spot at yar and a spot at the lair there will always be lists Unless darkdrias is the grp leader :p now i know this sucks but people just arent keen about trying new things in malmo its like world peace we aint got it but maby if we tried it for a day people would see the benefits? now i know world peace and grps in malmohus are very wide spread :p but it was only example i could think of. But i will say this instead of just denying everything why not try it? If it sucks you go back to original plan if it works then great :D


Ban the list!

US style gives everyone a chance :)


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
So you judged the Yar XP on a 10 minute observation?


DOH!!, gime some credit m8.. I judge the exp on the 8 levels I have done in Malmo at both Yar and Lair, mostly Yar... and chain pulling exec's with loads of groups is the best exp I have ever had in the game... anywhere; sure the actual exp per pull is lower but the rate is insane.. F8-Stick-Hit-Repeat... no MA, and best of all everyone that turned up, jumped right in and the exp didnt suffer and they didnt have to beg some list hitler for a spot and then go level an alt or sit on their arses til a spot came up.

I quized a few people about their experience of the US style chain pull and most said it rocked, one or two said that it wasnt for them and they felt that it gave maybe the same as a Yar group; I suspect if those people gave it another go and guaged exp/hr they would realise that it is prbably faster than classic Malmo groups.

I was in G5 and then G4.. the exp was great in those groups, I hear from other players that G1 exp was totaly insane.. so there will be whiners that say other groups are getting all the exp, but if they quit whining and look at their exp bar they will see it moving (yes see it move even at lvl 48). The most effective groups had 2 or 3 nukers that just AE nuked the hell out of everything... and most groups I beleive had nukers at some point..

I have to laugh, I tried to get it started at the Lair on Sunday, but surprise surprise, nobody dared give it a go.. it was too new, to different...

Got nothing to say about this anymore.. I no longer have to sit on lists in Malmo, got enough exp to ding with epics... but for those heading towards lvl 42, heed what I say.... try US style pulling at the Lair... and you will reduce the time you need to spend in malmo and it is a lot more fun than just normall cc pulling.

Unless of course I was on some kind of acid or extasy flashback.. and it never realy happened... perhaps I had been spending soo much time at Yar that my brain turned to jelly and I imagined the whole thing... gaaaaaaa


i say ban the dragon and we'll have more places to camp.


Oooh. gotta try that one out then, when i get 40+ :)
Thx mate for the tip, i hate the list lining stuff, so this brings new joy to my xping life :p Since im quite new to Midgard land still.


3+ groups and lair is da hit of all times ... that and killing them Horsie thingies and trees in rauma just so sad they run out to fast.

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