Malmo List Advice



Since I am currently enjoying the pleasures of rapid xping in Malmo yet again, I thought I would post a couple of hints and tips to try and help the valiant few people that do take on the responsibility of holding lists. These are requests aimed at those people who are on the list in an attempt to reduce the 'workload' of listholding.

1. And in my opinion most importantly. Please refrain from asking what number in the list you are, this information is of no relevance since no-one knows when people will be leaving.

2. When initially /sending the listholder just provide your name, class, level and name of an alt if you are going to play elsewhere during the wait.

3. Consider there are peak times, such as when people log on after work or say when another malmo group has just collapsed when the listholder may be receiving many /sends as well as trying to play in group. Please be patient when awaiting a reply.

4. Preferrably dont use /anon as it makes life easier to check you are still online

5. If you decide to do something else, a guild raid to Tuscan Glacier some rvr in Odins or you have joined another group in malmo, letting the listholder know would be appreciated and save them time later trying to track you down.

Well I think thats the main points. This is in no way a whine about being listholder, done it so many times now it doesnt bother me too much but theres nothing wrong with trying to help make life easier for both myself and those others that take on the job. Take it easy all :)


I always appreciate 10 minutes notice when people are leaving group so that I can arrange a replacement.

old.Ayam Ganbatte

Corrupt listholders added a fourth dimension to the soul-shattering of Malmohus when I was trying to make it there. Anything to make the experience easier, fair and less annoying than it is is welcome advice.


Well better add that the list holder should be looking for replacements BEFORE peopel leave.. and do not look at the list once and say " sorry no XXXX " on the list.. Get rdy to msg every online char of the type and lvl range you need , its not the peopel asking what nr they are that makes the group have to sit and wait for xp.. its the list holder not doing his job ;) Ofcourse it can be a little stressfull if the same dude asks you every 10 min what number he is , but then just tell him to stop it..dont have to be the sec you get the send , wait till your waiting for the next pull..that said pullers and cc's NEVER should be list just ends up with loads of dead peopel . just my 2 cents..

Madonion Slicer

At lvl44 on both my Berserk and Shaman, i have yet to join a malmo group but now it seems it is a must if i want to lvl.

What advise can you give to someone looking to get a group.

How do you find the list holder?

What can i be prepared to wait to get a groups?

How many groups can run at any one time?

Does a map exsist which pin points where the xp spots are?

I have a map of malmo and i have been to the H Stones but that is, i have no idea where these list groups xp.



ANytime you want mate - ill show you how to get to the Lair and Yar (the 2 main xp slots in malmo). Just give me a shout in as and ill make some time to help you out.

To find the list holder - i usually ask on /gu - ask on /as then do a /who malmo and message someone. Most people in malmo will know who the list holders are. to the bad news....I found that the only way to get a decent group was to get up for 3 days at 8am gmt - and even that may be a bit late with many people on + 1hr CET. Of course, Ive logged in after work at 6pm and gone straight into a group - and thats the frustrating thing.

Dont expect an easy ride - there is much waiting around unless you are levelling an alt. There is also a chance that *certain* guilds will come and muscle in on pull spots - this has only ever happened twice to me but its really bad when it happens. There is also a chance of getting leechers who will just leach if they dont get a spot in a group - this can lead to tantrums and group break up.

All in all - try your best to keep a happy face on and be patient with the list holder:)


I'd advice you to exp in DF or SI instead. Maybe it isnt at fast, but you tend to not go as ballistic.


XPing in Malmo is like going somewhere on a motorway, You get there faster but miss some of the sights on the way. Try and get a few groups in DF, and you wont be looking at the xp bar because you will hopefully be having fun and a few RP on the way

Madonion Slicer

Cheers Fink i will take you up on that offer as it will be very good for me to atleast know where these spots are.

Been lvling in DF since around lvl20, i am now at the point where my guild think i live there, no one needs to ask where i am any more they already know. Otro and Eiis can duo Drinkers and Cambions but since i hit 44 on them both the xp has grind to a halt.

At most i get 3-4 hours of play if i am lucky a night, more like 2 hours normally so i assume my chances of listing are slim.

Yet to get a xp group in SI so i guess i will have to look into that.


Damn Madonian, you are just a bit high for me atm.

My personal duo is only in the low 30s at the moment and I am already dreading the forthcoming malmo list hell.

As we seem to have the same schedule, it would have been good to have an already-formed group on a regular basis.

Damn damn damn !

Madonion Slicer

Yes i am damn lucky that i have more than 1 pc and account as a Berserker and Shaman can pretty much pull down the same xp as 1fg can. Not joined many groups as it will be diffcult to operate the pair succesfully in a group, so they will probably have to lvl apart from each from this point on.

Maybe we should start a new guild called <Working 9 to 5> full of players that have to work for aliving and xp outside those hours :)

Oh well i guess if i can do atleast a bubble or 2bubbles a night and keep on that trend it will only take a couple of weeks to ding 50.

No like i am in a rush been playing since Feb2002 and still no lvl50 :(


Well my SM and Healer would nicely complement your pair, my friend...

Maybe I'll try working harder and catching up with you a little, see if it may work after all.


when putting yourself on the list its also VERY handy for the list holder to know when people are logging or afk, coz having ppl not replying or ppl not being online is annoying. especially when they come back winging that they should be up. Also sometimes it is handy to know where u are in the list so u can do other things.


Getting to the exp spot is the problem for me, never managed it solo yet :-(

but lucky enough I finish work at 6am, so you'll normally find me there in malmo first.

I was wondering if someone could take a malmo map and draw the route on it.... could be good for alot of us navigationally retarded people (I'm the king of this)


What do you mean!

Malmo is great, its even better when people lose it and argue.

The best one I remember was Decline crying because he was not in G1 because he had a high sheild skill, it went on for sooooo long that some one actually left G1 for him. :rolleyes:


Kain - Pm me your email addy and ill send you a piece of truly awe inspiring artwork - actually its a malmo map with a pretty red lines on it. :)


Heh I did a malmo route for Ix and Jas, I'll get Jas to upload it.



Madonion Slicer

Cool thanks for the map, damn that is a long ass trip thank god for end regain and longwind.



Heh won't bother posting mine then, res is much lower ;)


Just occurred to me on looking at that map, how about 60/70% of Malmo I've not yet seen....been there for 40-50 with me Thane and my healer is now logged permanently at Yar.

But there appear to be buildings and other stuff on the map. Can someone tell me what they are ? Is there other spots in Malmo you can xp ?

What with ? FG of 40+ ?

Thanks in advance.




Those buildings etc. might be "just other ww spawns" to some, but there are higher chances of getting different drops at the different spots eg GA axes at the lake etc. Can't remember them all cuz it's been a while since I farmed Malmo, but it works :D


Seems easier to get rings/bracers/neckies at lake.


Lake is cool, can be done with just a fg lvl 40-45, nice spawn rate, nice drops, not camped.... usually anyway

4 main XP places in malmohus:


it *is* possible to xp elsehwere, but it isn't safe :)


Thanks, due to the maps I managed to get.... almost to yar :)

I got nailed by a drak on the last stretch, but I shall try again Monday!!


I've found its easier to run the last stretch after 20.00. And its thoose two trees down at the valley floor that are the hard part. Normally 3 drakulvs patrolling close to it. Just give yourself time and have alot of end :) and sprint last bit. Btw dont run from H-stones after between 10-14 or Gjalp might get you. Dt is first at 12 but you dont reach safe spot intime.

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