Malmö xp



What time do xp in malmohus start, 10:48 CET now and only got a H-stone group goin. Remember when i was here with Fafnir then there where almost 2 fg's goin at 08.00 CET


The need to go malmo to xp has become smaller ?
Lots of places to xp for all the people that hate malmo and then stand up early for it NO THX

Zap (si sis )


Depends, 9:30am GMT one day at Yar, full groups at 7am the next day. Unfotunately Jasilla aint there anymore to be uber list holder extraodinaire due to her hitting 50 (big gratz ;)) So we're gonna need to start levelling her healer to 40 pretty quick :D


Out of curiosity, what does it take to be an "uber list holder"? I mean seriously, how much effort does it take?

I consider myself (even though it's been a while since I tried it) a good list holder, even though I sometimes turned mental on people asking for their position on the list for the 40th time, or some seer class - #18 on the list - keep pointing out we need more seers in G2 for a few hours straight..



Aye being able to cope with that 5 days in a row helps, being couteous and swift in all responses, and making sure the groups are working and still be fair and stick to the list as much as possible is the clincher. Also she wasn't the most hated person in midgard, which is normally the listholder's primary job;)

old.Trine Aquavit

Originally posted by Gallak
So we're gonna need to start levelling her healer to 40 pretty quick :D

I wouldn't put out much hope for her being Healer and list holder, to be honest. Get her to teach some other SB to take a list and leave her to the healing :)


Aye - I held the list a few times. The list can be really good if you get a good bunch of people and try to keep things light hearted. Of course the mood can always change if you get some dick trying to leach and spoil it for everyone....not mentioning any names...


When I did the list I replayed with what number hunter sb healer ect they where on the list, should be easy to understand that a sb cant replace a healer even sb is number 1 and healer number 60 on the list.



Would say that the most importent things is to get peopel to tell you in advance when they leave , and then pronto start to look for replacement , even if it means msg'ing healers/RM's/tank's , not even on the list to keep the group running . I have been know'n to random msg'ing even healers RvR'ing in Uppland and what not to keep the group running.. whats the worst that can happen ?? Peopel say No sorry doing other stuff... well so then you msg the next.. just do a /who healer and try until you find one :) . Beside that doing a fair job and being informativ just makes your own life as a list holder easier , stops peopel from msg'ing you every 5 min for no reason.


yep, when was whit Ibin usually asked who had list, mostly person who i knowed allready.
when get name, sended to him this kind messagte.
listholder? 47 rm whit 10 sec pbt.

simply, short and all info what needed.
when logged to play alt, usually sended message and tell where i was.
sometimes didnt tell :( if get place on lair, and was still on yar list.
this is good remember too.
allways tryed give hint 1/2 hour before was logging off.
if lair? tryed be in group so long it was dt, simply downtime when peeps relog, so have time invite new members, go thru all MA´s, peelers and cc.

sometimes i enjoyed be there, sometimes not.
now 2 chars in 24, soon 3rd, looking what start lvl up to malmo or some other xp spot.


Well think some people are just plain stupid. Ok you ask to get on list while running into malmo, thats fine by me, but asking list holder to kept you informed about your spot so you can xp elsewhere while waiting is little to much, since we got otherthings to do. And tuesday i was list holder, had about 30 people on it 2 seers 1 high, 1 low 40's on list max. Many of the people was put on list at about 10-12 am. At 6 pm i start to do a /who XXXX and checking alt's that people said they where gonna play alot of people where not found. So i move people online up futher on list.

And i'm keeping a lvl 46-49 and 40-45 list easier and goes faster to keep the groups xp'n. But one thing that really bugs me is when i try to contact someone thru a tell, they are NOT online. So i go to next person. And about 2-3 hours later i get a tell from this NOT online person who what spot he is on. And i simply tell them they have been dropped from list and the get pissed as hell.

My personal view if you say your goin afk offline for a period ok, but if you just log. Tough luck your misstake. And some people think we can wait while they run get horse from Svadus to Hugin to Gna and then run on normal speed to malmo. Perhaps but most people want to keep on pulling with normal pace and if MA logs we need a new MA and not another SB. I've got a lot of flames because i didt take in the first person on list because he could not subsitute the one logging. And then people in groups sending tells trying to get their friends in dont work either, yes they are on list but there are another one who is higher on list, that can substitute the one logging.

Most Seers i've meet in Malmo this past week are damned unselfish, if someone better at CC comes to group they happily steps down to g2. And some people who think CC is not required. Go back killing yellow/orange cons. Purp mobs that come in 3-4 need proper CC to keep the flow goin.

Hmmm try read and understand dont think i would :)

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