Malmö waiting-list...



Guest crazier than ever! What kind of "rules" is it nowdays? I've been waiting since 1 pm and it's 9pm atm so I feel the urge to put my anger in a post! Here I go:

In my opinion the "rules" for the waitinglist should be; 3 lists, seers, casters and tanks. When a spot opens up (g1 or g2) you take the top name from the list according to what class the group need. A high lvl tank might end up in g2 to begin with but as soon a spot opens up in g1 the tank move up to g1. (I've been told I'm "3rd meleer to g1" (47,5 Savage) and to my surprise I've seen other ppl joining g2 before me, I don't care if I join g1 or g2, I will end up in g1 sooner or later, just gimme some freaking exp - ok, exp in g2 might not be the best at 46+ but it sure is a helluva lot better than sitting on safehill for 8 hours). Maybe this is the way it's supposed to work but today it sure as hell isn't working like this... And yes, I understand that there are circumstances when you have to bypass the list (high-lvl healer needed for safe mezzing, high-lvl tank needed for MA etc etc)

Another thing, I was told at 1pm I was no 9 on list, killed some time and when I asked again about 5.30pm(Eiis listholder at this time) I got the answer 3rd melee. After some time they changed listholder to Biggilus and when I asked him all of a sudden I was 4th meleer... imagine I got abit upset... I went from 3rd to 4th and during this time my RL friend went from no 11 to no 6, how strange is that? Must be alot of ppl getting tired of waiting and taking their name of the list for that to happen OR listholder inviting random names to g1 & g2 (ie not me anyways...)

No, I haven't been listholder yet but I still propose this:
player using daox should be listholder, during dragon-time, he (or she) updates a post on Barrys world called "Malmo waitinglist Saturday" for example. That way everybody can follow the development on the list and maybe can plan their day according to it. How hard can it be? Dragon-time will be plenty of time to take care of that and ppl waiting for spot can check post instead of bothering the listholder all the time.

Feel free to flame away, I don't care, I'm just stating the facts from Malmö today.


sorry for being ignorant and include all melee-damage dealers in the category "tanks". Did that since stealthers (atleast the ones I've seen) play as regular dam-dealers in Malmö (ie not using stealth) - happy now...? ;)

Brannor McThife

I think your classes need to change a little.

1) Crowd Control (Could be Rooting/Mezzing)
2) Defensive people (Shield spec'd, for guarding (3) and PBT Runies)
3) Damage dealers (Mages)
4) Seers
5) Taunters (SBs, Hunters, skalds, etc. classes to take aggro)

As for the posting of info on BW, I don't think that's a good idea. When I held the list, people pm'd me for a list spot. If their spot came up, and they were not ingame and had not given me an alt's name, they simply shifted down a slot and the next in line got called.




No, I haven't been listholder yet but I still propose this:
player using daox should be listholder, during dragon-time, he (or she) updates a post on Barrys world called "Malmo waitinglist Saturday" for example. That way everybody can follow the development on the list and maybe can plan their day according to it. How hard can it be? Dragon-time will be plenty of time to take care of that and ppl waiting for spot can check post instead of bothering the listholder all the time.

Feel free to flame away, I don't care, I'm just stating the facts from Malmö today. [/B]

OK u have 40 people on the list and these 40 people seem to think the more they PM you the faster people leave the group and let you in...

Time passes alot faster when you XP or when you sit there waiting for your group. For the love of god dont PM the list holder asking where you are.....40 people doing this is nealry 1 PM every minute and to be honest its fucking soul destroying, you cant play the game, its like working in a call center for the mentaly retarded scandinavian idiot hotline. When the list get passed on Mistakes always happen, People miss PMs, Alts names, People leave their name on the list then just go AFK for hours or just log out. Malmo dosnt wait for 1 person its an XP machine and its the worst part of Midgard Daoc XP cycle. People dont go to malmo for Fun PvE chatting they go for cold hard XP. :) and they change into viscious, loot grabbing snarling dogs.

lol i said enough :p

accept it -its shit but its the way it is, if i dont get in at the start of a group i usually say oh well no malmo for me today! suicide out.


Yip that's all I did, list got handed to me (Biggilus yay me!), wrote it down, what else could I do? afaik that was everyone who was on list, then i got a fair bit of agro from peeps who said theyve been waiting hours but i never heard of em

joy ^^

and klen, not once did i promote other melee peeps ahead of u, or slide u down the list at all, you were 4th on my list since handover and 4th u went in as, not my fault people didnt wanna leave.

spose whining burns off time tho :>

you could have always given me an alts name and played one of them, instead of just waiting for 8 hours :/

and yea if someone did go ld in the queue or log an unknown alt to me, id stick them down a notch instead of erasing them completely

klen, least you didnt pm me every 15 mins asking what number you were.. that pissed me off more than e4's cat down the chess club

Roo Stercogburn

Malmo threads. The bread and butter of Midgard forums :D

As Roo, I quite loudly bailed on a group heading into Malmo on principle because of the attitude. Found it hadn't changed when went there with Biggus (and hence hardly levelled there, and still had no trouble getting him to 50 - I remember being a G2 seer trying to get a pox from G1 healer who refused to buff despite the fact I was also keeping an eye on G1 tanks and healing them too. Go figure).

I don't expect a problem with Jink either. I'll look in on the old place just to make sure its just as stupid as ever, but am unlikely to be there much except with guild groups.

Soloing blue to orange con mobs for 8 hours is more productive than screaming at a monitor in frustration because I'm stuck on a list.


Some list holders stick to it, some do wtf they want tbh. Malmo brings out the worst but thats still no excuse for the fact that some people think ahhh I'll just slip my 10 billion friends in on the list np.

A wanker is a wanker whether in malmo or Jordheim.



- am i wrong or is daox forbidden... :confused:

- malm is malm, some like it, some use it and some even worship it.... -> nevertheless one thing is for sure.... you go there and be ready to accept that all the nice pretty rules we are so used to while being in Midgard vanish at the entrance. At h-stones when passing the valley it is like if you enter the gate of Mordor...
... from there do not expect ANYTHING just accept your fate.

-->> I personally levelled 3 chars there and had lots of fun, met nice people and enjoyed it. But then you can call me lucky...
-->> I always tried to hold lists even if it was a nuisance but then at least I could try to moderate the groups a bit and be fair to the attendees. But again, do not EXPECT this when you on list waiting for your turn.
-->> As Roo said, you now can play at least 7 alts while waiting for your turn. So one little tip: PLAY THEM and do not sit there waiting for the others to leave !!!
-->> last remark: when you are on the list think of this: If the groups are ok noone wants to leave so waiting can go long, if the groups are badly set up, people whining and a lot of deaths then your chances rise... but also think what the grps will be like when it is your turn...

... also check the malm threads in BW there is a lot to be learned from them...

:clap: :clap: :clap:


Klen benstomme you are stupid if you think its possible to invite just the next person on the list. First priority is to keep the exp flowing. Silly to invite a tank if the healer is going etc. And most ppl go up at 8 in the morning and stay till 24:00 in the night. Ive been in groups there more then one time when only 1 or 2 ppl have left the group during the whole day so its very possible if you get up that late you wont get a spot. Be there first to make sure you get a spot. Or wait as the rest


Having done malmo five times now, for the most part I've always enjoyed it, whenever the odd bad day came along and the mood was no longer 'fun' I'd leave it for that day.

Unfortunately malmo has developed over time such that it clearly does frustrate many beyond belief. But remember there are many choices available to all that do wait. My respect to those few people that struggle to arrange alternative groups, and those that have asked me as the listholder to contact them when/if the list has appropriate people for another group.

One point that the orignal poster made, about potential G1 members on the list rather getting some xp in G2 as opposed to waiting. This I agree with and the many times I've managed the 'list' I have as much as possible offered the next space (be it melee, CC, etc.) to the next appropriate person on the list. But I would say that it is a very small minority that accept G2 spaces when they could/should be in G1. This is another unfortunate 'bias' that has developed. Many feel zero xp is better than some, and many beleive the lair is always better than yar.

The most important thing to remember: If you decide your willing to go on a list managed by someone you dont know, it was your choice right then and there to trust that person. Unfortuately there have been and Im sure are some less than fair list holders. But YOU asked to be on the list. If your not going to trust them then dont join the list in the first place. Be proactive, /send people make your own group and xp anywhere. The hardest aspect of being listholder, is the never ending /sends you receive and oocasinally the abuse you get. This is not fun obviously.

The minority of people ingame that do take on this duty of trying to help other ingame is underappreciated by many. Be it the listholders in malmo, guild GM's, alliance raid planners. All these people are taking on more work which often reduces the 'fun' of their personal gaming expereince (except of course when it does all go well, and then its an extra buzz for them) Always try to think about this when your abusing another person ingame, or spamming them with /sends for information, moreso if the person is not directly related to you ingame, ie they are another guild officers say on a raid. Dont message them for info about whats going on or stats on loot, be patient or ask your own officer.

Well before I go off at too much of a tangent I'll stop.

Enjoy the game, if your not, stop think and or do something different. The choices are yours.


Whenever im listholder, i invite all the seer's. nukers and pbaoe sm's into my group, and stick sb's and afk people in the other.

So dont make me listholder anymore m'kay? :p
Yes, it was a joke.

I dont lvl in malmo anymore anyway :)

50 Critblade R4L4
50 Warrior R4L2
42 Shadowzerker R1L1


Cushy, yes I said it was ok to flame away but I'd appreciate if you read my entire post first. I know a tank can't fill the shoes of a healer and viceversa. I even wrote so in my post:

"When a spot opens up (g1 or g2) you take the top name from the list according to what class the group need."


I've gone trough malmo 4 times now, and i've often been list holder, i got a few simple rules of thumb to keep everything running smooth.

1. xp has to flow, and preferably be good for everyone
2. g2 doesnt have to be full, as long as its working
3. g1 is level 45+ (45 included, and exceptions for pbt, & healers)
4. g2 is level 40-45 (45 included) (max than 2 nukers in g2)

5. if someone cant be reached when its their turn (and they havent told me anything), i give them a minus and pick next on the list, next time i take them off the list (this primarily happens in the late hours of the night)

6. if someone in the groups have to log for less than 1 hour, then he is put first on the list.
7. if someone goes afk without telling the group, and is away for more than 15 minutes, then he is out, and off the list.
(i'd rather have people be honest and working together, than someone leeching, then someone else leeching, then someone else, etc)

1 thing that REALLY ANNOYS me, is people messaging me every 30 minutes or every hour, asking what number they are on the list, with 30+ people on the list, that becomes VERY annoying.


Gotta agree with most of this. And I know how annoying it is with the /sends all the time. But I think that is something you have to accept as a list holder. I´ve been one and worked as peeler too but it came to the point when I had to put priority on something. The list became that priority and I sat down to deal with all the /sends.

And I, as you put it, "spam" the listholder now when leveling my 2nd char to 50. Not a /send every 10 min but rather one every 2nd hour. And I agree with Klen that the lists today are the worst joke ever told. This weekend I´ve gotten up from bed in the morning and arranged a queue spot only to discover that after having climbed to 1 seer for G2 in the queue I somehow ALWAYS gets forgotten and therefor missing my spots (only to be put last in queue when doing my /send). Guess if this is frustrating. And it´s not even uncommon. I do the sends to avoid this. Todays list holders just doesn´t see the importance and weight in the list

The listholders today are imo the most incompetent list holders ever been in malmo.


its cos malmo list holders today have all been "powerlisted" and have lvl 50 "Listkeeping" bots. Its destroying the realm and...................................................



none with unexhaustable spawn of 4x baffing high red/purple mobs


But what about Si, I'm sure i've ssen some nice high level mobs is large numbers out there.....
Think we should do some exploring.

Madonion Slicer

Well this Saturday was the first time i have ever held the list and i will never do it again, untrue how many rude people are in this game, The list i took over from DHO was so incomplete i was getting PM's every couple of minutes from people saying they been on the list for hours yet i had no record.

You can take your malmo list and your whineing and shove it. Try holding the list on Saturday afternoon, you have no idea.


From what I can see Blood, people ask their position so they dont get into the situation that the original poster got into - ie getting shifted down the list (obviously not on purpose - but via transfer of list).

If the list holder is decent then you dont have to ask - but if he is just looking after himself (or his guild or his mates) then thats when the problems arrive. Trust is a thing earned and it can be thrown away very easily in that hot bed of selfishness.


Sorry for the mess Eiis.
I guess some peeps on the list finally logged on later or maby got lost in list transferes..
List keeping saturdays is worst kind of administration I can imagine.

Why not try to stay at lairhill and try to make your own exp party if the list is huge?
Sometimes it works sometimes not.. but never give it up. Sooner or later you'll have your exp team.

My receipe:
Start Yelling (that you are making a group) at DT and do some asking in your guild or alliance chat. Invite peeps that logges in to your small group. do that for some time and if you are lucky you can go to H-stones for some exp. If some one gets in Lair group, escort him to lair and so on..


Well, as i always have said, peoples true colors appear in Malmo. 90% of people in there are idiots.

Never will i go there again. 2 times is more then enough. I rather kill green-cons from 45-50 then go to face all the idiots in that hellhole again.


I have said it before... this is the solution...

Get both Lair and Yar listholders to invite everyone to the lair, and chain-pull exec's, as long as the group ballance is not too one-sided, the exp will rock, maybe not the exp for each kill, but the pull rate more than makes up for that..

yes, its called US style... and it work's... its just that in midgard the dreaded malmo lists have become so "traditional" that people dont dare to try something different...


Bring back us style!

Wasnt that bad really, i dinged from 41-50 at us style in one week :)

50 Critblade R4L4
50 Warrior R4L2
42 Shadowzerker R1L1


In an ideal world US style would be better, but to many times in reality it turned into leach fests. Due to it being hard to regulate ungrouped people would start leaching and getting themselves xp, while other grouped people would go afk as they didnt think it would be noticed.


Well AFK's get booted, and leechers get noted, you cant just dismiss a greta way to exp because of a few leechers and lamers...

But up to you, I have no intention of going to Malmo again.. SWG will see to that :)

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