Malice axe - crushing version


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 9, 2004

I asked about this by using rightnow, here is a response I got:

"Malice axe (crushing version)

Discussion Thread
Response (CM) 06/21/2004 10:14 AM
Hi There,
Thanks for your question. The crush version of Malice Ax will be available with patch 1.69 which is currently in translation and testing. Keep an eye of the official site on updates concerning the release of the patch.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Community Manager

Customer (xxx) 06/21/2004 08:29 AM

Is the crushing version of malice axe yet available in european version of DAOC?

If not, when it'll be available?"

So as conclusion, if you want to get the crushing version of malice axe, then do NOT activate it yet. Wait for a patch of 1.69.

Boring to wait tbh.. :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 30, 2003
Im sure they will give you the option to change it to Crush version when the patch comes in, even if already activated, as they will with Battler...just means any Xp gained on it will be lost, afaik.
Like when SoK will be 'fixed' you get the option to see an Npc and get the unactivated arti back with the scroll book.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
Ixnay said:
Im sure they will give you the option to change it to Crush version when the patch comes in, even if already activated, as they will with Battler...just means any Xp gained on it will be lost, afaik.
Like when SoK will be 'fixed' you get the option to see an Npc and get the unactivated arti back with the scroll book.

i dont think they do, mythic posted some stuff on a grab bag saying that you cant change an arti if you have already activated it :( i think the question related to battler, but assuming its the case with other artis


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 30, 2003
Dark Age of Camelot

Version 1.69 Release Notes

April 14, 2004

Malice's Axe (Midgard)

Warriors, Thanes, Skalds, Savages, and Berserkers can speak to Loremistresses Hetha or Marga to exchange their old Malice's Axe for one of the hammer versions. Please note any experience or levels Malice's Axe has gained will be lost when it is exchanged for the hammer version.

Unless anything has changed since then.

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