Making a elementist (advice needed for noob)



Ok firstly I am making an elementist I am sure on that. So I need to know exactly what spec points to put in when I make the char plzzz.

Now if I chose wizard what should I spec in and what would I be good for doing. I was thinking fire wiz cause it seems to be most common ? Best?

Theurgist I was wondering what to be cause I dont know the difference in the pets, which does most dmg etc etc Air Theurg ?

I dont knowwwwww anyway I not made my char yet so I need to know what points to put into my atributes.



well the avatar keeps me amused. :wub:




I know I know but its gone now I messed it up I need to know what to do people keep giving me options and I mess them up :(

Plz tell me what to put into char at start.


Didn't see the other post, so ill offer my two pennies here.

Fire wiz - best at single targets
Ice wiz - best at a group of targets
Earth wiz - good bolts, GTAOE, AOE root and AOE dott, an ok alrounder

Air Theurg - amazing DD, short AOE mezz and stun pets
Ice Theurg - AOE root, and pets that do DD
Earth theurg - PBT and melee pets

Most theurgs will go earth 26 and the rest in air, to give PBT and acceptable DD with the air line.

As for starting points, pop some into Int/Dex - personaly i'd go for a britton to get that extra STR/CON base of 60

But at the end of the day - its your money and character so spec how you want to play.


common specs for Wizards and Theurgists are :

Wizard.. Briton or Avalonian. +10 con,+10 int,+10 dex

50 Fire/20 Ice gets you the best bolts and also basic PBAoE nukes which are good for both keep takes and defense.

50 Fire/20 Earth Again best bolts and also GTAoE. again usefull for keep takes/defense

Theurgist again briton because of the higher base con. +10 con/int/dex

26 Earth for 10 second pulsing bladeturn
45 Air for top air dd
14 Ice For basic AE root

Sarum TheBlack

Fire wiz gets a better ranged AoE than ice.. but AE doesn't mean you're good against groups (ask any sorc! as a general rule, AE'ing a group if you have any form of CC is "A Bad Thing (tm)") Fire wizards get the best bolt (994 cap..mmmm, jumps to over 1000 with a couple of RA's) and the best single target DD.. but that's about all we get.

Ice and Earth wizards have more "utility" spells, (GTAoE, AoE+snare, DoT and AoE root in the case of the earth wizard, and PBAoE, DD+debuff and DD+Snare in the case of the ice wizard.) Whilst doing less outright damage than the fire wizard in general, they are very powerful in certain circumstances. (oh, and the Earth DoT is single target, not AoE)

Can't really say a right lot about Theurgs, but PBT is nice :p

As for starting spec's.. If you choose an Avalonian for the higher int, 10con/int/dex is a good choice, if you choose the Brit for that little extra str/con, you might want to think about putting a little more into int, although the 10con/int/dex is still a good choice. As a wizard you'll want to keep your chosen spec line maxed (which means if you choose fire, you can't spend anything until level 5). Most people only start adding to their secondary line with the extra points from the post lvl 40 mini-dings.


Earth wizzies get single target dot dont they? not ae..


From my experience of lvling my wiz at full earth all the way i would suggest putting all into fire for first 20 lvls (lots more damage from the bolts and direct damage) helps kill mobs quicker with less power usage.

hen you get to lvl 20 you may have a better understanding of how a wizard plays and may wish to respec or start putting points into another line.

Basic specs are full on one spec line and 20 on one other.

7 points into ice give you a pbaoe for discovering stealthers about to kill you in one hit, I have it but in my experience it is of no use (yes you destealth them but they kill you anyway, either way your group hopefully sees them and kills them) This leads me onto the fact that Wizards die ALOT, tho in groups we are often the last ones standing for some odd reason in xp'ing groups!

18 earth gets you a gtaoe that is nice for RvR but not so usefull in normal xp'ing situations

Reasons for specing in a line:-

Fire - big damage dealer, BIG :) lots of them about tho.

Ice - good for lvling in a pbaoe group and good in keep lord attacks / sticky situations (not played ice so i might be off the mark here) not many about and seem to be in demand.

Earth - jack of all trades master of none (good buffs tho, and a superb aoe root, single target dot is nice as well. earth bolt is superior to fire bolt at higher lvls due to low matter resists i think(1 bolt takes 2/3 off a blue and 1/2 of a yellow)) make a decent alternative to a sorceror for CC (better than a minstrel at higher lvls imo)

hope this helps you and good luck :)


avalonian wiz, 15 int, 10 dex

pure specced fire

Solo all yellows comfortably, some oranges too... reds if they are vunerable to fire

easy leveling, massive damage

Then respec to whatever you like at 20

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