xxManiacxx said:well there are more albs so logicly most ppl have more alb kills
that has nothing to do with it tho (first of you'll see which realm has most butchered users not which realm is easymode or hardmode). a person can zerg 24/7 and get fast bane of shizzle and it still doesnt say anything. or a grp can fight the same grp over and over for (i.e. 3 hib set grps, 5 mid set grps, 2 alb set grps running in aggra 3 days a week) also, it mixes info from 3 realms together so its useless...atos said:QQ then I misspelled.
Anyways, I was trying to determine what realm wa sthe most easymode of all in a numebr of kills perspective. Or something.
Vonwar said:I have most alb kills.
Conclusion: Either there are more albs than hibs to kill, or hibs are harder to kill and lesser in numbers.