Main deleted and no emailed subscription details




I just wanted to ask for a little advice really more than anything. A good real life friend of mine Caestar Nightblade over about 4 weeks ago had his Nightshade somehow deleted. Making matters even more curious this problem occurred around the time that guy was doing all the emain stuff, sadly Caestar was on holiday by then in Portugal and returned to find his login password had been sent but not his subscription password.

At the moment Caestar as well as other Daoc gamers have yet to receive their subscription passwords, and of course because they can't use rightnow they are struggling to make GOA aware of their problems.

What would be the best course of action to be taken? Will Caestar be able to get his character back? The longer this is being left the more upset and depressed he is getting. Could his subscription details be sent to his registered home address?

Has anyone else witnessed similar problems, and if so what can the daoc community suggest?


a m8 on excal mid some how had all his cash nicked an left with 40gold but left all vault items and armour luckily

an no GOA said its his fault. and yes this also was around the time of that suspicious emain hacker


Same thing happend to my Friar

Lost all my crafted armour, my MP staff and about 2p in cash

GOA say they cant help :(


I know GOA have a "We don't replace gold or items" policy, it’s a shame because those wanting to play daoc have to really invest hard to bring themselves up to par with their enemies (spellcrafting/armour/weapons etc). All the items you need to buy, the costs soon mount up sadly.

Even if Caestar does get his nightshade main back, there is a very good chance he may have been completely stripped of equipment and cash :( after all those months playing and saving up to lose your equipment to a hacker must me horrible.


Originally posted by old.Nikolas
A good real life friend of mine Caestar Nightblade

I say that when you have a Nightshade as an imaginary real life friend, the rest of your problems ain't that important. He's not real Nikolas...he's not real.


Caestar is real ;)

I'll back Nik up on this one ;) I've spoken to Caestar on the phone b4 now, when i walked the lands of hibbie on Prydwen


A good m8 gave my BD a nice TG staff, that too went missing during the fracus :(


I have had Caestar in my house :D I can assure you he is real :confused:


The Real Redi

Why do i get the feeling that that confession on here a few weeks back was from the one guy who got a consience at the last minute, from the 20/30 of his mates that also were told about the hack?

He says he was "approached" with the details by the perp (heh! cuff 'im, lads!), but who's to say that he didn't "approach" a few more, as the impression i get is that he was seeking attention - for whatever means, it was basically a "hey, look at me! look what i can do!!" moment.

See, after a certain notorious troll was posessed several months ago, taken into an enemies home lands and ganked some greys, then was carefuly parked back where it was found, this place exploded with questions of security. To this end I, and i would imagine a fair few of you, started slapping rightnow with queires about how tight their security really was, and what are the chances and who'd take liability if it happened to me.

Now, i don't have it here, i would imagine it's sat in my rightnow thing, but from what i remember, GoA's reply basically said "We're water tight this end, so unless you've given someone your password, it's impossible for someone to get your account details or access your account from us. No way, uh uh, not in a million years - if it happens there's no way it can be GoA's fault, cos we're pressed in fucking gold, and know eeeevery single back door and registry key on our machines."

me: "So, what are you trying to tell me then?"
<moments silence>
GoA: "If your account is arse-torn overnight, from your pc - that one with one software/one hardware firewall, dedicated constant virus tracker, and not even a sniff of a password stored on it - that would be your fault"
me: "Ok, but what if it DID happen? what if a hacker bust into your system, deleted all of my characters and emptied my rl bank account?"
GoA: "Can't happen..."
me: "What do you mean, can't happen? i'm asking what if it does?"
GoA: "Can't happen... we have god himself watching over our servers."
me: "Is this because im English?"
GoA: "yup"
me: " 'k"

well, maybe not exactly that, but you get the idea. They said that it just wasn't worthy of addressing the question as it couldn't happen

Did GoA sail out of portsmouth too, under the colours of the Red Star? :rolleyes:


me: "Ok, but what if it DID happen? what if a hacker bust into your system, deleted all of my characters and emptied my rl bank account?"

Cant happen :) GOA do not contain your real-life bank account details. But science they changed all subscription passwords it must mean that the hacker somehow got hes hands on those :)

The Real Redi

Originally posted by living
Cant happen :) GOA do not contain your real-life bank account details. But science they changed all subscription passwords it must mean that the hacker somehow got hes hands on those :)

nah, this happened looong before all that malarky - this was a troll we all love, wasn't it Brannor... :)

put simply, before all this happened, Brannor had his big fella hijacked and walked into Albion. The sod then proceeded to kill a few people around Pryd, then went and parked him exactly where he had found him - the only noticeable change was the drop in the weapons durability.

Lots of people asked security questions of GoA at that time, then someone was caught, we were told it just couldnt happen cos GoA was so watertight that they didnt need to even deem the question worthy of consideration... then it did with our now famous Emain-spawning friend. He did exactly what they said couldnt happen. If all that was in that confessional was true, then he did indeed have access to the game AND subs passwords, which would've meant that he had ample chance to jot down a few Credit card numbers.

He may have been showing off and stretched the truth a little, i dunno, but if it IS true, then GoA will be feelin a little f'in sheepinsh after the events of late, i'll bet...


Originally posted by gengi
I have had Caestar in my house :D I can assure you he is real :confused:


Then his parents had one funky lastname :p

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