Seems to have disappeared from rp rankings...?
Originally posted by K0nah
Seems to have disappeared from rp rankings...?
he asks a question and you call him lame, rofl uke:Originally posted by Subbiz
lame post to make btw.
Originally posted by Sharp Thing
he asks a question and you call him lame, rofl uke:
Originally posted by Treniel-
either subbiz was born stupid or got dropped on his head shortly after....
konah is a merc? wears plate? me thinks not
Madelenine cheats. Recongnised by alot of albs/hibs AND Mids...if she left her guild i would say that the guild is in a much better position.
Originally posted by Subbiz
He has been reported today by me but I wont mention any names... its just very very clear when playing with him.
as said earlier, u just whine coz u get owned.
1) wel duh, i use it reguraly and escaped some ppl this wayOriginally posted by Subbiz
sharp thing, coz she is paying more attention than most, and uses panorama camera (yea for all u n00bs whining like hell that she spots u when u are behind her, u can actually CHANGE CAM ANGLE! HOW ABOUT THAT! )
Ive spend many hrs following her around... it isnt like she is some robot runnig the same bloody routes 24/7, shes a skald for christs sake, she got speed 5, u can actually cover a big area totally by paying attention and moving around.
You reported her for cheat, several ppl did, and she is still around and still active, so stop whining like little babies who got owned one time too many. Thats my job
treniel, so fucking what if I donno what class he is... if u remember wrong about some mid dude u must also be a big retard?! all albs are tincans in one way or the other.
Originally posted by old.Akirai
Been stealthed quite a bit and saw few mids heading for me and even follow my route wherever i go
dunno if it was that cheat program or what, but didnt wanna flame about it, theyll get caught eventually if they do use it.
Originally posted by old.XanateA
50th Scout
Sharpend Steel - scout - 41
see hidden
nuff said
so you simply go AFK in an area where noone checks because there is purp mobs all over? thats pretty impressive, got some deathwish? and while you are afk, you notice madeleine cheat because she kills you... shit, u got some nice skills man.Originally posted by Treniel-
Madeline 2 of those times u found me i was NO WHERE NEAR any RvR grps or anything far away from RvR routes...one time i was hiding behind Levians behind a tree....and u walk up and kill me while i was afk....nobody checks there cus theres aggro everywhere yet u ran right up to me...
another time i was regenning in trees well covered from any dir...fg of mids wonders past very close to me..don't turn i see you coming you change dir slighty head straight for the tree god dam impossible...
Originally posted by Novamir
but of course report her with all the great evidence you have, if she doesn't get banned i guess she doesn't cheat
and 'I can tell she cheats' is not a reason, or evidence, or anything other than jealousy
Originally posted by Treniel-
Madeline 2 of those times u found me i was NO WHERE NEAR any RvR grps or anything far away from RvR routes...one time i was hiding behind Levians behind a tree....and u walk up and kill me while i was afk....nobody checks there cus theres aggro everywhere yet u ran right up to me...another time i was regenning in trees well covered from any dir...fg of mids wonders past very close to me..don't turn i see you coming you change dir slighty head straight for the tree god dam impossible...
i think your cheat as do others..shrug just my opnion and theres but i think its way to dodgy