
  • Thread starter Ninth Dimension
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Ninth Dimension

Just a quick question regarding macros, so far as I know you are not allowed to use any applications that ether read the programs memory or use the real-time log reader? that's according to the TOS of the game.

Well, what about say a hardware device that pressed a button on the keyboard every say 20 seconds, or maybe an application on the computer designed to send a signal that a button has been pressed?

neither of these are reading the memory or anything like that, they are just pressing a button every 20 seconds until you tell it to stop.

is that illegal in the game?


Is it illegal to pay a pygmy to craft for you?

You: "So you press this button everytime this bell goes ding right?"

Pygmy: Ding!!

You: " Not yet! Argh..ok..when i say go..and the bell goes ding you press the button...get it?"

Pygmy nods.

You: "Ok. Go."

Pygmy waits.

Pygmy waits more.


Pygmy still waits.

You: " didn't quite get me did you?"

Pygmy shakes head.

You: "Ok. Let's take it simple. Ding?"

Pygmy presses button: "DING!!"

You: "Ack!! Not that button! You press 1!!"

Pygmy nods: "Ding!"

You: "No ding now! You wait until the clock goes ding and then you press this(you point to 1) button! Get it?!?"

Pygmy thinks.

Pygmy nods.

You: "Ok, i'm going to the shop now. You sure you get it now? Ding, press 1. Right?"

Pygmy: "Ding one!"

You: "Right..."

15 minutes later

Pygmy: "Ding! Ding! Ding!"

Telephone rings.

Pygmy: "Ding! Ding! Ding!"

You draw out a 12g Shotgun.

Telephone rings.

Pygmy: "Ding! Ding! D(BOOM!)"



Pygmy: "Ding!"


lol :D

Don't think it's illegal, it's just very very LAME. So don't do it. Skill up the real way, or don't do it.


Macroing with Applications or Hardware devices is against the CoC, was in one of the grab-bags a few weeks ago (again?).

never used a macro myself, but I can understand that people feel tempted to use one with this crafting system.

NERF hinging !


your taking the game WAYYYYYYY to seriously if you would really go out, buy/build a robotic arm, program it and then use it in DAOC. is DAOC really worth another £100+ and all the hassle? if you dont wanna craft then fuck off and dont do it.


You could build it out of Lego or Mechano tbh, £100 pffff....
Anyway, of course it isn't illegal. Or at least its legality is irrelevant, who's going to know if it's you sitting watching a movie and pressing the button every few minutes or a robot doing it with a regular frequency?
Seems to take all the achievement out of crafting, but then where's the achievement in sitting on your arse for weeks of /played pressing a button over and over?


Using 'thumpers' as I believe they are called to simulate a key press after a certain number of seconds is, as far as I remember from reading both the grab bag on the Camelot Herald and on various posts here, both illegal and against the EULA.

It's not really that hard to press a key every 20 seconds, read a bloody book while you're doing it or talk to your friends in the guild channel or you could just become a lame ass moron that macros their way through crafting.

Like someone else said, if you can't be bothered to put the time and effort into skilling up properly, don't be a crafter and disparage the effort put in by all of those LGMs who did do it the right way.


yes its against the CoC adn yes you will get banned for it. eg in the first few days of spell crafting Zargar was around the alchemy table talking to people, ie seeing if they were AFK :D


Originally posted by Tilda
yes its against the CoC adn yes you will get banned for it. eg in the first few days of spell crafting Zargar was around the alchemy table talking to people, ie seeing if they were AFK :D

I wish that'd happen on Excal too. Just about every crafter in Haggel is permenantly AFK (I know myself and another poster here have had countless nightmares trying to get any responses from them when we need leather pieces to make our chain... it's all but impossible).

As boring as it may seem, do it the real way. A macro'd crafter achieves nothing and is still a cheater at the end of the day.

Ninth Dimension

LOL you guys take this game far too seriously, all I was doing was asking a simple question and i get like a million bullshit answers.

jezzs guys, chill out man.


so, getting your little brother to tap a button is ok, but making a lego arm to do it is wrong?

if you go through all that to craft faster you suck, just because u take it too seriuosly, but you aint cheating imo.

/runs off to mass produce "crafters little helper" to sell to "cheating" crafters. Legofortewin11!

Ninth Dimension

Originally posted by Arnor2
/runs off to mass produce "crafters little helper" to sell to "cheating" crafters. Legofortewin11!
I'll take 3


i used a drilling machine to do the 1400 clicks i needed to buy materials for 30 tries (pre-1.60)

yes i feel guilty


when i was SC'ing pre. patch 1.60, i sometimes paid level 1-10 people 15g to buy me 1500 of a material i needed


Originally posted by n3wbie
your taking the game WAYYYYYYY to seriously if you would really go out, buy/build a robotic arm, program it and then use it in DAOC. is DAOC really worth another £100+ and all the hassle? if you dont wanna craft then fuck off and dont do it.

you don't have to.. i found a program myself that will click a certain button every <insert timelength>
Of course, i don't use it and of course, i'm not going to tell you where to get it from.... BTW it's free


Originally posted by **Aligro**
you don't have to.. i found a program myself that will click a certain button every <insert timelength>
Of course, i don't use it and of course, i'm not going to tell you where to get it from.... BTW it's free

aaannnnd you missed the point by about a mile :great:


i was merely stating that you don't have to go out and spent £100 on an external mechanism to click a button every so often



Actually the Nostromo N50 and Microsoft Commander are both valid input devices according to Mythic and not against the CoC(last I looked anyway), and both are capable of recording keystrokes with spaces. (Ever wondered why some stealthers can pull off chain moves, weapon switches and re-envenons so well?) (and no I haven't got one although I did look at them)



Recorded keystrokes...... nerf lazy bastards.

Whats the point of killing someone if its all been automated. i could get my 5 year old daughter to do it for me (she's already helped me kill an infil in BG for me pressing keypad as i called out keys, i was drinking a cup of tea and had only 1 hand free. I wont post his name, poor soul).

I mean come on. I know this game hasnt got the immersive elements of RPG but is there really any point whatsoever in continuing to play if your relying on robotic arms to press keys and recorded mouse buttons................

sad, sad, sad, sad, sad.

Ninth Dimension

I've got the Nostromo N50 SpeedPad and I think it's great, for all my gaming needs.

Aerran Darktyde

Originally posted by old.Tbird
Actually the Nostromo N50 and Microsoft Commander are both valid input devices according to Mythic and not against the CoC(last I looked anyway), and both are capable of recording keystrokes with spaces. (Ever wondered why some stealthers can pull off chain moves, weapon switches and re-envenons so well?) (and no I haven't got one although I did look at them)


both are legal devices but not if used for macroing.. as stated by sanya.. I believe

whether using the N50 to record weapon swaps/chains etc etc is a grey area.. is it macroing or not.. Only Mythic and GOA can decide...


Homer used something like that to press the Y key for him :)


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